Here it is.. But it's short
Chapter Five
I saw them smiling at me, telling them they where proud of what I'd done then... Then he showed up he killed them.
“ MOM! DAD!” I awoke with a shriek and sobbing. Immediately my new mum ran in to the room shortly followed by my new dad.
“ What's wrong Callie?” My dad asked picking me up and carrying me downstairs to the couch.
“ I saw
him, I saw him kill my parents.” I cried harder in to his shoulder.
“ We'll find him Calypso.. One day we will find Lucius and make him pay, got that?” He said soothingly to me. I nodded my lightning blue eyes meeting his grey ones for a second.
“ Want some hot coco Callie?” My mom then asked. I nodded again and lay my head comfortably on Draco's shoulder. Hermione showed up shortly after that with hot chocolate.
“ Thanks.” I was still crying a little bit.” Can I go shopping with you tomorrow?”
“ Of course.. Unless you want to go to work with Draco.” Hermione smiled at me, sitting next to Draco and I on the couch.
“ I go there to much and his work is boring.” I rolled my eyes dramatically.
“ That's only because you like talking with James and Al when you meet them during shopping.” Draco teased.
“ Well.. Maybe.” I shrugged.” But Teddy is more fun to play with, yesterday he looked just like a miniature you it was funny.”
“ Oh no.. We have a bad influence on that kid.” Hermione laughed.
“ And then he changed his appearance to someone named Dumbledore.” I added after a moment of thought. Both Hermione and Draco cracked up at this.
“ What's so funny?” I wondered aloud.
“ Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts. He uh.. Well at least as long as I knew him he had a long beard.” Hermione managed to say through her laughter.
“ Yep.. That's what Teddy had.” I looked at them confused. This just made them laugh harder.” Want me to get the picture to see what he looked like?” Not waiting for a answer I jumped up and ran off to my room and grabbed my photo album then ran back downstairs.” Here it is!” I produced the picture of a 5 ½ year old with long grey hair and a beard. We where were all laughing for the rest of the night. Draco left for work somewhere around 6am. Hermione and I set off shopping at 8am sharp. Today was going to be fun at Diagon Alley...