Here's the first part
Chapter Thirty Five: Death Avenged: Part One
Groaning I dragged myself off the ground. I rolled my head around cracking my neck.
“ Wow that felt good.” I murmured to myself.
“ It should have, now do you want a back massage or what? Get up.” Courtney snapped.
“ A back mass- Oh never mind that was sarcasm.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Yea it was.. Now let's go before you knock yourself over again Ron.” Courtney laughed a little before taking my hand and leading back to the great hall just in time for us to hear Hermione announce that she and Draco Malfoy where engaged.
“ AWESOME!” If Hermione's happy with him she can be happy with him.. I on the other hand have gotten over her and like Courtney. Not that I'd tell anyone that. At least not yet. Then Ginny yelled out happily. I wandered aimlessly and found myself near Harry.
“ Hey mate.” I plopped myself down on the bench next to him.” You do know your sitting at the Slytherin table?”
“ Am I? Oh.. I am.. Sorry, wasn't paying attention.. Why is everyone clapping?” Harry looked up surprised.
“ Woah! You've got to be kidding me.. Hermione just said that she's engaged to Malfoy.” I noticed that Pansy Parkinson was glaring at us from the other end of the table.
“ WHAT!” Harry exploded.” No. Way!”
“ Yes way. Calm down idiot.” Ginny sat herself down in his lap then kissed him lightly.
“ Seriously you two, get a room.” I rolled my eyes.
“ All I did was-Hey Hermione, so how exactly did it happen?” Ginny grinned at Hermione who sat down next to me.
“ Well uh.. I was like.. Crying and uh.. Yeaa. Before that he wanted my advice on how to tell a girl he liked.. How was I supposed to know he intended me?!” Hermione chuckled.
“ That's a little fast..” Harry stared at her dumbfounded.
“ So? We both love each other. So- What's wrong Pansy?” Hermione did her best to have a fake alarmed look on her face.
“ You.. Your my problem.. What I want to know his how Draco Malfoy a blood purist fell in love with a muggleborn.” Pansy didn't sound snide or snobby, more... Curious?
“ Uh.. I'm asking myself the exact same thing.” Hermione was surprised at Pansy's tone. The two of them just stared at each other in silence. I never really noticed how strange girls could be till today, at least I never knew they could be this hard to understand.
“ Well.. Um.. Congratulations I guess, I hope it works out for you.” Pansy finally manged to say something then she walked off in the other direction.
“ That was strange.” Ginny commented airily.
“ Yea... Pansy Parkinson said that!? I must say, she's growing up.” I laughed.
“ Ron! You don't like her do you?” Harry turned to look at me, a horrified expression his face.
“ WOAH MATE! That's the scariest thing I've ever heard. I.. Like someone else.” I matched the horrified expression.
“ Thank you.. I was a little scared myself.” Hermione let out a sigh.
“ Your one to talk Mione, your engaged to Ferret.” Ginny pointed out.
“ Ahem.” Hermione coughed slightly and glared at Ginny.
“ Draco I mean.” Ginny corrected herself with a smirk.
“ And I'd like you to keep that in mind.. He's not Ferret.” Hermione's glare turned in to a faint smile...