Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart If only my charm worked more effectively on Adriana. All it did was make me look handsome, and though that was good, it didn’t help her being annoyed.
“What did I do, then? It can’t have possibly been this?”
“No, not this. What you did is fine, you just should’ve done it sooner.” Adriana said, flicking her hair over her shoulder and looking at me.
Wha? Sooner? “What do you mean? So you’re happy that I said I was taking you but it wasn’t fast enough?” I didn’t know. Girls.
“Yes. There’s not that much time until the ball. I haven’t got a dress yet.” Adriana was looking at me with a frown because she hadn’t got a dress yet? What did I have to do with that?
“Why didn’t you get a dress already?” Jeez, there was heaps of time until the ball. “You’re going to go whether it’s with me or not.” I pointed out.
She rolled her eyes. “Come on. You can’t seriously think—?” Adry stopped, shaking her head at me for some apparent reason. “I can’t just do that. I need to have the dress to match my date. I couldn't get a dress if I decided I wanted to go with someone other than you because it'd have to be the right dress.”
Girls really are nuts.
I started laughing. This was really ridiculous. I’d thought Adriana quite like me, now I realised there was an exception. James had turned to listen to our conversation and he joined in with my laughter.
“Are you kidding? Do girls actually do that?” We started laughing again.
“Are you going with someone else, then?” I asked after finally calming down my laughter.
“No. You’re still escorting me.” Adriana gave me a gorgeous, innocent smile, before walking back to her seat.
I grinned. She was crazy, but so pretty.
“Ugh, what do you see in her?” That was the last thing I expected to hear, watching Adry walk off. It was KylieKylers. I laughed.
“We’re not dating or anything, but what every guy sees in her. She’s attractive, popular and good company.” I smirked at the disgusted look on her face.
“That’s so superficial.”
That. That made me laugh. “You say that’s superficial? Kylie, you say that all you want, but you’re dating a rich, snobby, pureblood who cares more about himself then anything. Everyone dates him for looks and his titles alone.” I said, because it was true. “At least I’m more charming, chivalrous, hot, and I’m not a completely idiot.”
Kyla gave me a death glare. I laughed, smirking at her. “You’ve nothing to say ‘cause it’s true.” I said. That did it. Before I could say or do anything else, I felt her hand on my cheek, and no, it wasn’t a caress like I was used to. She slapped me.
I carried on grinning, unfazed. I’d been slapped before, not by Kyla, but it just meant that I’d annoyed her so much.
“The truth hurt, Kylie?” I asked.
I was surprised. She didn’t storm off or give me a cold look. She actually looked quite cheerful. “Remind me to do that more often.” She said, sounding very much like she was enjoying herself. “See you later, Black.” With a grin, she stood up, and walked over to the Ravenclaw table.
Kyla was never happy when talking to me. She didn’t even seem to bother with me calling her Kylie. All it took was her slapping me.
Shrugging, I turned back to James.
Last edited by Winter Dreams; 01-21-2010 at 08:54 AM.