Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Gah took me long enough but here it is..
Chapter Thirty Four: Three Little Death-Eaters
The small group was heading back to the room of requirement talking about where the Hufflepuff cup would be.
“ So your my brothers girlfriend?” Courtney asked Hermione through all the chatter.
“ No, just friends.” I quickly intervened hating myself for doing so as I said it.
“ Oh, sorry. I just jumped to conclusions.” Courtney sounded a little less happy, but continued to watch Hermione and I.
“ Where to you suppose the Hufflepuff cup is?” Hermione said to me.
“ Um..” Hermione had wrenched me from my thoughts of when I kissed her at the Yule Ball.” I remember Bellatrix always talking about a great honor being bestowed on her and something about the Black Vault and gold cups.” I answered after a minute of thought.
“ If only we had a way of getting in there.” Hermione sighed.
“ I'm a Black by blood.” I stated. Hermione looked surprised at me then threw her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the mouth.” Woah. Hermione calm down.” I gasped for breath after we broke apart.
“ Has anyone called you a genius recently?” Hermione ignored what I said.
“ Not recently no, but um.. Could you take your arms off of me, people are staring.” I muttered, Hermione immediately went red and let go.
“ Just friends?” Courtney whispered to me. I did my best not to elbow her, I heard Hermione and Ginny arguing heatedly off in the distance. Suddenly I felt my left forearm burn up I grabbed it in pain, I watched Snape and Courtney do the exact same thing when I did.
“ What!” All three of our voices echoed together.
“ Your a death eater Court?” I gaped at her, no not all of my family!
“ Your a.. Yea duh, but you!” Courtney accused.
“ So are our mum and dad.” I snorted.
“ Kyle wasn't lying, I can't believe it, Kyle was telling the truth and I hated him for it.” Courtney started sobbing.
“ Who's Kyle?” Ron demanded, ookay this officially strange. I tried to not imagine what Ron could mean by that.” Kyle Reed, at least I think that's who she's talking about, he's a death eater.” I explained.
“ I take you knew him.” Courtney sighed as she slumped to the floor dissolving in tears.
“ That Slytherin scum!” Ron looked furious.
“ Watch you your calling scum, he was my best friend.” Courtney stopped angrily at Ron who immediately apologized. Wait a second is it just me or does Ron Weasley like my sister?!?
“ Don't you have to go to your death eater meeting?” Harry asked.
“ No. If we go we fight for Voldemort.” Courtney responded.
“ Oh.” By the look on Harry's face he decided it might be best if shut up.
“ So um.. Should we start to defend Hogwarts or what?” Ginny said in to the awkward silence, there were several agreements to defending Hogwarts and soon everyone was set off in different area's to go work on the defenses. Hermione and I where told to go work on the west wall.
“ Hermione, I need your advice.” A sudden brainstorm idea came upon me as we finished working on the wall.
“ Okay.. What for?” Hermione looked up as she ended her spell.
“ There's this girl I really like, but I don't think she likes me.. What do I do?” I failed to have a innocent look on my face.
“ Well, all you really can do is tell her and hope she likes you.” For some odd reason it looked like she was about to cry.” I've.. I forgot something.. I mean I got to go do something.” Hermione mumbled before dashing off. Quickly I followed her. And found her in a empty class room crying her heart out.
“ Hermione, what's wrong, what did I do?” I was definitely worried. Hermione started to cry harder.
“ Nothings wrong.” Hermione's tears then turned in to a deranged laugh.
“ Hermione.. What is wrong?” I repeated.
“ I said...” Hermione started crying again.
“ Okay, find.. I'm going to take your advice. Hermione I love you.” I held her face in my hands forcing her to look at me. This shocked her out of her crying.
“ But.. But..” Was all Hermione was able to say.
“ I know you probably hate me.” I mentally cursed myself for taking her advice. She hates me. I thought brutally.
“ I'm the one that's supposed to tell you that.. Draco I love you! I'm a mudblood you can't love me.”Hermione finally manged to speak. I didn't bother to tell her not to call herself a mudblood, I leaned in and pulled her in to a kiss.” I think we should get back to work.” Hermione mumbled after we broke apart.
“ We already finished silly, wait. Hermione if we make it alive out of this will you marry me?” I helped her off the floor as I said this but stayed in a kneeling position.
“ Draco, we don't even know if we will make it out alive.” Hermione looked a little downcast as she replied.
“ Just answer me please.” I needed to know this.
“ Yes.. Of course I will marry you.” Hermione let a smile on to her face. Happily I stepped up to her and slipped a ring on her finger.” Come on let's go to the Great Hall.”
“ Why?” I was definitely engaged to the strangest girl ever.
“ Can I tell everyone?” Hermione then asked.
“ I guess.” That confirmed it. Hermione grinned at me then ran up to where Dumbledore used to make his announcements.
“ Hi all.” Everyone (which was a lot) in the Great hall turned to face her.” I have something to announce.” This got all there attention.” Draco Malfoy and I are engaged.” There was silence that greeted this at first.
“ AWESOME!” Ron was the first to regain his voice and his outburst shocked me.
“ Yay! Finally.” Ginny joined, soon everyone was congratulating her and clapping.
“ Well that was a little strange.” Hermione whispered to me as we sat together at the Gryffindor table.
“ Your telling me.. Now I have something I need to do, can I go?” I laughed.
“ Sure, but stay safe.” Hermione kissed me lightly before heading over to Harry, Ginny, Ron and Courtney. She was happy, for now...