Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Pigfarts
Posts: 577
Hogwarts RPG Name: Guenevere 'Gwen' Olivia White Graduated | ♫ Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts ♫ | That makes me your Mama. | I'm Team Dumbledore! ♥
Here is chapter 6. Please comment, if you read it! Enjoy!
__________________________________________________ _____________ Chapter 6: A Very Hairy Affair
Clementine, Albus, and Rose were walking toward the Quidditch pitch, where their flying lesson was to take place. They were sharing the pitch with Hufflepuff’s, and were wholeheartedly happy for that. They would be nervous-wrecks if the Slytherin’s were on the pitch with them. A kind looking woman was standing by the opening into the stadium. She had brown hair, and she wasn’t very tall.
“Gather around, students, gather around,” the woman said. As they came closer, they saw a very old looking cabinet next to her. It blended in with the color of the pitch, which is why it was hard to make out. Slowly, but surely, the entire class surrounded the area.
“Good morning everyone. I’m Professor Bell, and I’ll be teaching you how to fly,” she said.
“Good morning, Professor Bell,” the students said.
Albus and Rose looked stunned, and Clementine had to pinch them so that they would pay attention.
“Now, flying isn’t all that easy, especially for first years. There have been exceptions, of course, but we shouldn’t be in over our heads for the first part of the year. You’ll be learning the basic function of the most common broomsticks, and, of course, practical sessions in which you will learn how to move, steer, and land your broom. Now if you would, please, step forward, one at a time, and take a broomstick out of the cabinet to practice on, we can get started.”
The feeling around the students was an excited one. Everyone was eager to get on a broom already.
Fifty minutes later, the bell rang, and the students hesitantly put their brooms away. Clementine, Albus, and Rose made there way across the grounds, filling Clementine in on who Professor Bell was.
“So, she was on the Gryffindor Quidditch team while she was at Hogwarts? And she was almost killed by Scorpius’s dad? And she now teaches here,” asked Clementine, making sure she understood perfectly. Although her mother attended Hogwarts, she hardly heard stories of other students, except for the ones that were the most interesting. Her mother was quite a gossip.
“Yes,” replied Albus, with Rose in agreement.
“Well, hey,” said Clementine as they walked up the stone steps and into the Entrance Hall, “ Maybe we should find Viktorya. We have charms with the Ravenclaw’s in ten minutes.”
Albus pulled out the Marauders Map once more, and quickly located themselves. They needn’t have pulled it out, because they discovered three dots moving towards them. Viktorya, Gordon, and Dane rushed up to them, having just come from Transfiguration.
“Best get up to Charms then, eh, wouldn’t do well to be late on the first day,” said Gordon, skipping over the greetings.
They rushed off to find the classroom. They made it just in time; the bell rang just as they were taking a seat. Viktorya decided to sit with Clementine, Gordon with Dane, and Albus with Rose. They began to take out their books, parchment, quills, and ink.
“No need, today ladies and gents. Just need your wands and your brains,” said a woman from behind a curtain they had not noticed. She walked into view. She had very long, and very straight black hair, and yellowish eyes. She would have looked a bit frightening if it weren’t for her kind expression, and billowing midnight blue robes.
“Good Morning, I am Professor Indigo,” she addressed the room.
“Good Morning,” the students replied mechanically.
“Now, today we are going to practice different wand movements, but we will not be saying any incantations. I have padded the room,” and with a flick of her wand, pillows that were in a nearby cabinet flew out and latched themselves to the walls of the room, “so if someone does magic by accident, we can hope for nothing more than a very minor injury.”
The room tensed up. Every student looked frightened and anxious, as if torn between curiosity and alarm.
“The way you move your wand directly affects the spell you try to cast. For instance,” she looked around the room for a moment, and pointed at one of two blond haired boys near the front, “You, son, what is your name?”
The boy looked up, panicked, as if he had to do something he had never done before.
“I, uh,” the boy stammered. Finally mustering up the courage he hoarsely said, “My name is Lysander Scamander.”
Clementine gasped, and mouthed “Luna’s son” to Viktorya, who flicked the note to Albus and Rose, who shook there head in understanding. They presumed the boy Lysander was sitting next to was his twin brother, Lorcan.
“Well, Lysander,” said Professor Indigo, “I would like for you to demonstrate the lack of magic that comes from your wand without the proper movement. I see you come from my noble house of Ravenclaw, so this shouldn’t be too difficult for you. Now, point your wand at that pillow,” she pointed to the nearest one to them, “and say Wingardium Leviosa. Do not move your wand in any way just point it.”
Lysander moved toward the pillow, extended his wand arm, pointed it, and bellowed “Wingardium Leviosa” as if yelling it would make it work. Nothing happened.
“Thank you, Lysander, you may sit. Now, as Lysander just demonstrated, no use comes from a spell if you cannot move it in the proper way. Some spells do work by just pointing, but most do not. Today, we will practice the most common movements, and tomorrow will we study them in depth.”
What seemed like hours later, the class emerged for lunchtime. Many of the students left the room looking harassed, others with minor burns and cuts on various parts of their bodies. Viktorya, Gordon, Dane, Clementine, Albus, and Rose all exited the room rubbing their elbows, and wrists.
“Man, I never knew wand work was so complicated,” said Albus. “I always thought you just had to memorize a bunch of the insane Latin spells and say them. All of this twirling and flicking is going to be rough.”
The rest nodded in agreement. They arrived at the Great Hall for lunch. Viktorya, Gordon, and Dane separated themselves from the others and sat at the Ravenclaw table. Clementine, Albus, and Rose sat down at the end of the Gryffindor table.
“I hope Transfiguration isn’t half as difficult as Charms,” said Albus, rubbing his forearm.
“You mean changing one element of matter into another? Yeah, I can imagine it will be a lot easier,” said Rose, sarcastically.
They were all slightly disgruntled from the difficulties of today but altogether happy with being where they were. They shoveled food into there hungry mouths. Clementine glanced toward the Ravenclaw table. She saw Viktorya and Gordon; Dane was sitting closer to the two blond haired boys from Charms class.
“Hey, look,” Clementine pointed toward the Ravenclaw table, “Dane is talking to Lysander and Lorcan. We should introduce ourselves sometime. I can’t believe we haven’t met them yet!”
“Well, they travel a lot, don’t they,” said Rose.
While sipping on some pumpkin juice, loud flapping noises flooded the Great Hall. The first years looked up in awe. Owls were entering the room in flocks. Two owls swooped down and landed next to Albus and Rose. No owl had come for Clementine, or, from Clementine’s small investigation, for Viktorya either.
“Excellent,” said Albus, pulling off two rolls of parchment attached to the bird’s leg. “Look, here’s one for you Rose. They must have just wanted to use one owl.” He handed Rose her letter while she was placing the Knuts in a ministry’s bird pouch.
“You subscribed to the Daily Prophet?” asked Clementine.
“Oh yes, I felt it was the smart thing to do. I don’t want to find out from other people the stuff that’s going on outside of the school,” Rose said, but she set it aside and divulged in her letter from home.
“Good idea,” said Albus, reading his letter. “Dad says he’s been very busy at the ministry. Mum’s been treating Lily to all of the Quidditch games she has to review for the Prophet. I miss those days. But magical education is important,” he finished. Suddenly, he choked on his pumpkin juice. “Oh no!”
“What is it,” asked Rose, a look of concern crossed her face. “I didn’t read anything bad in my letter from mum.”
“It’s not bad, but it’s not good. Its about Rita Skeeter.”
“Rita Skeeter” screeched Rose. “But, what did she do?”
“Apparently she is publishing a book called ‘Harry Potter’s Lucky Life and the Evil Doer’s Who Tried to Thwart It’. This is not good. She is going to make him out as some kind of lunatic or… or… or… something!” said Albus, sadly. “Not to mention that I am absolutely positive that me and James are going to be sucked into it!”
“It’s mad that someone could be so foul for so long and not get weary of themselves,” replied Clementine.
Rose picked up the Daily Prophet and began to shuffle through it.
“Uh oh.”
“What now,” asked Albus, who looked as if he could not bear anymore bad news.
“Attacks,” Rose said, simply.
“But, what--- Explain!” said Clementine, with fear etched in her young face.
Rose read, “The ministry is saddened to inform the magical community that several attacks have taken place in recent days. ‘We aren’t authorized to comment at this time’ said one spokesperson for the MoM. Some of the attacks took place around the areas of Tinsworth and in mainstream London. Eyewitness reports say that werewolves were present, and that several Muggles and wizards were injured. No deaths have yet been reported. Ministry officials, however, have yet to confirm, but an attack of some sort has, indeed, taken place.”
Albus was silent, Clementine look horrified. Rose looked at Clementine as if expecting her to burst.
Clementine quickly changed her expression. “What,” she said defensively.
“You know what,” said Albus. “You don’t have to act like you aren’t scared around us!”
“What are you talking about, I’m not scare!” said Clementine angrily, and she got up abruptly without finishing her food, and stormed off to the Ravenclaw table. They saw her approach Viktorya and Gordon, whisper something into her sisters ear, and they both left the hall swiftly, leaving Gordon by himself.
“Why is she acting like that?” asked Albus.
“Well, if I was her, I wouldn’t want to hear from someone else that my hometown was attacked by werewolves where injuries have been reported,” said Rose, understandingly. She leaned in closer to her cousin so that no one else could hear. “She didn’t get a letter from home.”
Albus looked horror-stricken.
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Thank you for reading. I realize it is a lot to get through, so I sincerely appreciate it!  Comments also very much appreciated!
Last edited by veggie_potter; 01-16-2010 at 05:02 AM.