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Mistress Vondella
ooc: Okay, it's 12:30 in the morning, so I'm going to head to bed. I'll continue class tomorrow (today?) around 6pm CST (GMT - 6)
ooc: I know I'm early.
this post explains why.
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Candy blinked and raised her hand. "Isn't it 107°C during the lunar day, and -153°C during the night, on an average? And the temperature just SHOOTS down to laiik -173°C when the moon's all away from the sunnystuff?" OOOH TWO TEMPERATURES!
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A sun burn? But...wait what? She herself had never gotten a sun burn before and she spent loads of time outside. In fact, she never tanned! And she never will because the Professor said she could get skin cancer. Whatever cancer was. It did not sound good though. No more being outside! Aaand she was totally going to ignore that comment about some hole appearing up north of Earth.
"The sun side would be around 110 degrees Celsius and the Earth side would be around -150 degrees celsius." Yes, she in fact, paid attention to her tutors over the summers, slightly, even though she pretended not too. Or at least she thought those temperatures right. Then again, it was Astronomy...not one of the subjects that held all of her attention.
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Kay sat quietly listen to the professor. She knew a little about all of this but what to make sure she got good notes. The other were talking about the sun side of the moon and the earth side. Everyone had come up with different answer. "Professor," Kay said with her hand up. "The Moon can range from +127 to -173 c, but to the moon's poles it can get as cold as -240c." Kay hopes it was a good answer.
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"On the side of the moon that the sun is shining on, the temperature reaches 212°Fahrenheit. On the dark side of the moon, it can be very cold, -247° Fahrenheit..to be precise," Allison had heard this on Muggle television, and she hoped to dear Merlin she remembered correctly.
Then again she did recall her brother discussing it with her mother...GAH she hadn't said it in Celsius. Did it matter? Darn muggle American schools, getting her use to answer in Fahrenheit. Allison proceeded to look embarrassed.
Allison began to do the math next to her notes and frustrated herself more than once. 100°C (212°F)...-155°C (-247°F). Oh whatevs.
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"I believe those temperatures would be about 130°C or 265°F on the sun side and about -110°C or -170°F on the Earth side." Um yeah, that was a big difference in temperatures but hopefully she was close.
Maidee nodded, "Yes, quite right. 3 points to each of you. And remember, the language of Science is metric and Celsius. Unless I specify Fahrenheit, assume it's in Celsius.
"The moon always has the same side, or "face" facing Earth because the amount of time it takes for the Moon to turn on its axis is the same amount of time it takes to orbit earth.
"More housepoints to those who can tell me how fast the Earth turns on it's axis."