Thread: Harry Potter: Crystal Splinters - Sa13+
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:19 AM   #139 (permalink)
Winter Dreams
Formerly: Lily Lupin
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ava James
First Year
Default Longggggg. ^_^
Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart

“I can’t believe so many people from the team left last year.” James said.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find new people.” I said. Gryffindor had won the last three years that James had been apart of the team, but winning this year would mean everything to him. He was not only part of the team now, but the Captain.

“I still don’t understand why you’ll never try out. You’d be a great Chaser, Sirius.” James said, with a grin, though I knew he was perfectly serious, even a bit hopeful. He saw me play Quidditch with him at his house in the summers, and he always asked me this.

I shrugged. “I already get enough attention.” This was not completely true, not really. I did get enough attention, probably, but I didn’t really mind if I got more. It just wasn’t my thing, playing on the team.

A gaggle of giggling girls seemed to just appear, interrupting my thoughts. One of them stepped forward to James, she looked determined, a girl on a mission.

“Hello James,” she said, moving even closer to him. “I thought that maybe after the Quidditch trials, we could talk a walk by the lake.” She batted her eyelashes, clearly doing her best to be flirtatious with him.

James smiled. “I’m afraid I can’t, I have... Other places I need to be, Miss...” He said smoothly, and caught my gaze, winking mischievously. I laughed.

“With who?!” She demanded, put out by this. My laughter carried on, Peter mimicking me, but she paid us both no notice.

James grinned. “Sirius. I’m hanging out with Sirius.” That was mostly truthful. Because we would be together.

She gave me a contemptuous look that clearly showed that, if I had not been popular, she’d have something to say about me being chosen over her.

I smirked.

The next look she gave me was very disdainful. I wondered if I’d done something to annoy her prior to this. Probably.

After she had left with her friends, I glanced at James. He’d been popular enough already; his status of Captain increased that.

James grinned, looking cocky. But there seemed to be something underlying that, I couldn’t quite place it.

We’d got down to the stands and Moony and Wormtail had said goodbye and drifted off towards the stands. I was just about to follow them.

“It’ll be fine, Prongs.” I said. “You’ve still got Williams and Hayden, you’ll find some others.” A smirk came to my lips once more. “Besides, now even more girls will be chasing you.”

James laughed, entertained. “True, Padfoot.” He agreed. “See you later.” Prongs winked, a mischievous look in his eyes before we parted, him to the pitch and me to the stands.

I was almost walking up to the stands when I heard her laugh, and the two of them were walking my way. In an instant Kyla’s smile vanished replaced with a cold look that she was custom to giving me. With the look on her face it was hard to remember that only a moment ago she’d been laughing at something.

So we both hated each other, but Kyla’s look made me feel as if I’d done something wrong that made her angry with me. Which I hadn’t, and I’d be pleased if I had, anyway.

Beside her was her boyfriend. Sebastian Blackwood. I didn’t like him for many reasons, not just because he was Kyla’s boyfriend, though it was a very good reason. He just tried to get James and me in trouble whenever he could and he was just a snob. The kind of pureblood’s I really hated, though he was not as bad as a Slytherin.

“Kylie,” I said. I did not bother to greet Blackwood.

“What do you want?” Kyla asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “And it’s KYLA. K-Y-L-A.” She said crossly. I wondered if I’d interrupted them having a moment. I smirked, hoping that I had.

Blackwood did not seem pleased to see me, either, but he never was. He just didn’t like James and me, the way we didn’t like him.

“Nothing.” I said. “But while you’re here, I hope both of you are looking forward to James beating you, Blackwood. Because he will.” Before he could reply, I walked past the two, I caught a glance at Sebastian before I left, and he didn’t look pleased. He hated that Gryffindor continued to win. I got up to the stands where Remus and Peter sat. I sat down beside Moony, grinning.

“Hey, I miss anything?”

Last edited by Winter Dreams; 01-21-2010 at 09:16 AM.
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