Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | The Storm Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Harita: It was fun writing those scenes, and I also enjoyed having him give Ripper those treats. I thought it was something Tom would do, seeing how Ripper was doing what he told him to do, and got in trouble for it.
~Otts: Thank you again for all your help. I'm very thankful that you care enough about me and my story to take the time to help me. I'm glad you love Tom so much, he is the hero of the story after all. Oh! You are NOT a loser! You are everything a loser isn't, and you're my friend. Nobody is aloud to call my friends loser. 
K'Lari: Quote:
So then, werecats can have relationships with real cats?
I could have so much fun with that line, but I won't. Yes, is your answer. I'm so happy you love the post.
Egyption Blue: Hi, and welcome. I'm thrilled you're here and like my story. Don't worry, if I don't see you for awhile, I'll remind you. 
Greenie: Welcome son, I'm so happy you love my story. Don't worry about reading fast, I post a new chapter each Friday. I'm a, LOTR, fan also. I have to say though, they make me tired. Too much hardship and tragedy to endure all the way through it. Don't tell Stephie though, I'd be forever paying for saying that. And we can't talk of it here or it might be considered spam I think.
MollyW.:Stephie! Hi sweetheart, wow, you won't believe this, but I was just thinking I need to re-read, LOTR, again! But, like I was telling our friend Greenie up there, we can't talk of it, cause it might be spam, and not aloud by SS. Quote:
Okay, drum roll please, my first post on your story
Drum rolls give me a headache, but I'll allow you one sense you're special.Thanks for posting and I'm glad you love my story more than LOTR.
Call me!
Tina: I'm glad you dropped in to post. I realize you are very busy. I'm so glad you love my story, and you're comments are always enjoyed by me.
Veggie Potter: Welcome! I nearly missed you. I was fixing to post, and there you was! Thank you so much for your sweet words.
Na-Angel: I know you're out there reading my story. Thank you. You should become a SS member, and join this big family. Everyone here is very nice.
Thanks to each of you for being so loyal and posting comments. They are so helpful to me. Thanks to all my readers who don't post. I am just as thankful for you as people who comment. Everyone is welcome to post comments. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and the next one, "The Wedding of James and Lily, Not to Be Forgotten" will be up next Fri. And now; "The Storm"
The Storm
Tom continued looking at James a moment longer. He could feel the urgency in this boy and he couldn’t feel any boundries in James's capacity of love for her. James knew analyzing him was important, so he tried to be patient.
“Lily is in a bad way, but she’ll be alright shortly.” Tom said. “You saw how excited she was at King’s Cross today. I also saw because I was in the car waiting for her. My heart broke for her because she was under the delusion that all was well between her and Petunia. When she got in the car, she became overwhelmed with the truth and tears flooded her eyes. She somehow realized that instead of Petunia being there, I was there so that Petunia wouldn’t have to see her. Understand?”
“Yes, yes, please go on.”
Tom jumped down from Lily’s arms and turned into Jim. Although James knew about werecats, he had never seen the convertion before, and his mouth dropped open. Jim held out his hand.
“My name is Jim in this form.” They shook hands. "It’s a great honor and privilege to finally meet the great James Potter.” He smiled openly.
“Tom, er, sorry, Jim, what has happened to Lily? Why is she like this? Is she in shock?”
“She was about to collapse, burdened with unbearable pain within her heart. I put her in a controlled trance and slowed down her heart rate. She was able to come home and face what awaited her here. Petunia, and her husband,"
“husband, Petunia’s married? But Lily didn’t say,” James cut in,
“were waiting for her.” Jim continued, only slightly annoyed with the interruption. Jim checked Lily’s eyes before going on. Looking back at James and seeing him looking also, although James didn't know what he was looking for.
Jim smiled “She’s doing fine. Now, she’ll be coming out of this trance shortly so I need to finish without interruption.” James nodded his head eagerly awaiting the rest of the explanation.
“At this moment she is unaware that you are here. I’ve been controlling her sense she broke down in the car. The only thing she’ll remember is, she came home and gave Petunia her gift of love with instructions to care for it.”
Jim explained to James what happened when Lily came home. Petunia simply said, ”Thanks," and shoved the rose bush onto Vernon. "This is my husband, Vernon. We were married today. You don’t have that terrible boy Severus anymore?”
She looked around with her nose wrinkled. The thought of him made her rather squeamish.
“No” answered Lily, unable to cope with Petunia getting married without as much as telling her.
“So, it’s a love potion and a lazy lay about then? I don’t care. Here is the key’s to the house. I certainly don’t need them, so I changed the Deed over to your name.”
“I’m in love with James Potter and we’re going to get married as soon as,” but she didn’t get to finish her announcement because Petunia said, “I really don’t care to hear it. Come along Vernon lets go.” And with that, she took back her rose bush. Then only for a second, looked at Lily with a caring look, however, just as quickly as that expression came it left, and so did Petunia and Vernon.
It was all a show though, for I saw into Petunias heart and seen that she was filled with love, and very proud of Lily. Sadly though, the stonewall she has around her heart kept her from telling Lily. She nearly did just before she left but couldn’t bring herself to do it. Petunia walked out of her life letting Lily think she still hated her.
She went completely into the trance at this exact moment. Her mind from the time Petunia left, until now, is totally abstracted. She needed this time to mend. She will not remember anything starting at the time Petunia left. I need to change back to Tom now, for she doesn’t know about werecats. She just thinks that I’m an unusually large cat.”
“Well, that explains everything then.” comprehention dawning on James's face. “I was wondering why she never mentioned it before.”
“Yes, now you know, and make sure she never finds out. Quickly now, one more thing before she comes around. Lily told me about the plan to join Dumbledores’ Order of the Phoenix, take me along. Dumbledore, Hagrid, Remus, and McGonagall, will know what I am, and I can control them if I need to. We are quite rare you know. Honestly though, I’m curious how you knew.”
“Ah, yes,” he smiled a sly smile, “I’ll tell you next time we talk. Lily is,” and at that second Tom was once more purring loudly in Lily’s arms being her best friend.
James ran back to the bushes and just as she aroused, he was coming to the door to knock. Lily went to the door, a smile of nervous relief that he was here. He smiled sadly and opened his arms to her.
“James” she whispered in a short breath. She put Tom down gently then, swiftly put her arms around James’s shoulder saying his name again. Lily closed her eyes and sobbed softly hiccupping on his chest, her forehead snuggled in his neck under his chin.
James wrapped his arms around her slight frame, and laid his head over top of hers. Tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down onto Lily's head. He felt her pain, and thanks to Tom’s magic, didn’t need to make her tell him the heart wrenching agony she was going through. She could talk about it later if she ever wanted to.
Lily raised her face so she could see his eyes. Their lips were so close together anticipating, and inviting. Their breathing was irregular, hers, short and catching, his long and hot. Their eyes could see nothing but the path to each other’s heart. Their eyes closed, and their lips came together.
It was not a kiss of lust, and mad desire, but submission to unite the two hearts asunder into one. It was a commitment of love. As they unlocked their lips and opened their eyes, they were looking into each other’s hearts.
“James” she softly said in an asking tone. “Will you marry me sooner rather than later? Let’s not wait until fall. I don’t want to be away from this place ever. This is my favorite place in the whole world.”
“You want to live here after we get married?” he asked shocked. I thought you wanted to live,” She put her finger on his lips.
“My favorite place in the whole world is in your arms.” she smiled sweetly. Her eyelids fluttered softly. She laid her head under his chin. She could feel the pulse in his throat on her forehead. Hm, she exhaled and said barely audible, “Right here.”
She was desperately tired. What an abysmal storm she just lived through! James lifted her chin and kissed her on the bridge of her nose. “We can get married first thing in the morning.” He put his right arm under her knees and lifted her, cradling her in his arms.
He kissed her again, backed up to Harry’s big overstuffed rocking recliner chair, and sat down. She snuggled in comfortably and closed her eyes.
She thought of all the times her and Petunia had seen their daddy and momma sitting just like this in this very chair. She smiled at the memory. They had thought it was so cute, but she knew now that it was having peace and contentment. All was well with the world. “Accio afghan James said quietly, then covered them and gently rocked them into the stillness of the night. Tom watched them for a bit.
“Welcome to the family Little One.” he said to himself. He jumped up lightly on Lily’s cradled body, curled up and went to sleep.
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 04:46 PM.
Reason: to fix sloppy writing