Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Okay.. I'm putting up my next chapter.. (Courtney is definitely over powered and my favorite character I have to say) And for all those Snape fans he is BAAAACK!
Chapter Thirty Two: Transfiguration
“ So now I've got a cousin.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Actually, if anything brother.” Luna piped up.
“ WHAT!?!” I stared at her.” You are the craziest people I've ever seen in my whole life.”
“ So it would seem.” A man with long black hair and billowing black robes had just walked up...
“ So what would- Never mind. Who are you?” I demanded.
“ Your godfather.” The man eyed me coldly. I just stared at him dumbfounded. So did everyone else in the group.
“ Uh okaay... But that doesn't really answer my question.” I blinked a couple times.
“ Severus Snape headmaster of Hogwarts.” He answered.
“ Headmaster only because you murdered the headmaster.” Harry snapped angrily, his wand pointing at the Snape dude.
“ I did not murder Dumbledore.” He met Harry's gaze, Harry scoffed.” Dumbledore ordered me to do it, he was already dieing.” Harry and the rest of the group just stared at him.
“ He was NOT dieing, he was just a little sick.” Harry shouted.
“ His hand was infected by dark magic Potter. He was dieing.” Snape glared at Harry.
“ How can we trust you, after what you did.” Ron asked, he was slightly more calm then Harry.
“ TRUST HIM?! Ron are you out of your mind? He killed Dumbledore.” Harry yelled turning to face Ron.
“ I can show you the memories you need to see, I swear on Dumbledore's grave that I never tampered with them and that I tell the truth.” Snape's dark eyes pierced Harry's.
“ Wait.. You don't have to show us, I trust you.” I spoke up for the first time.
“ WHAT!” Harry stared at me.
“ I saved your skin Potter, don't you trust me?” I retorted.
“ Ooh. She even sounds like you Draco.” Hermione laughed. Draco punched her lightly.
“ Plus you where looking for Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem? That's easy. It's on her statue in the common room.” I ignored my brother and his girlfriend, at least I think she is.
“ How do you know that?” Snape, Draco, Hermione, Ron and Harry all asked me.
“ It's simple, the magic around it betrays it. Now let's go and get it because it seems so important.” I groaned, some people were so stupid.” Actually I know a easier way.” With a wave of my hand the diadem was in my other hand and another wave of my hand I transfigured it back to it's silver and gold splendor.” Here it is.” I handed it to him with out a second thought.
“ That was wand-less transfiguration!” The elder witch gasped, I almost forgot about her.
“ All my magic is with out wand, I've never learned it another way, wand-less and speechless.” I looked at her confused, didn't everyone else do it that way? I guess not. Oh great, now there back to staring.” Alright.. So uh, that's not normal. I'll just like, shut up.”
“ How do know we can trust Snape?” Harry then challenged.
“ Because I had a vision dream thing and it there was this really long riddle poem and one of the things said to trust my godfather, so shut it.” I glared at him.” Oh no.. That's not normal either is it?” I sighed.
“ No it's not.” Ron finally decided to not stare.
“ Is there anything else that you can do that's abnormal?” Draco asked weakly.
“ No.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Your just freaky looking like Draco, but I guess I'll have to get used to it.” Ron said, I glared at him, then I heard him mutter to my brother.” Hey Draco, you sure have one freaky sister, she can use wandless magic and she's a seer.” Hermione's PoV
Well, wasn't that amusing.. Draco has a little sister who's both a seer and a powerful witch. I'm jealous I wish I could use wandless magic.
As I watched Courtney she seemed to be concentrating hard on something next thing I knew she had long black hair and pointed black eyes, she looked like a miniature female Snape. It was so funny I started to laugh.
“ What?” Draco asked turning to me. I pointed to Courtney and saw the horror on his face.” Who's that?!” He choked.
“ Courtney, dumbhead, Ron said he didn't like me looking like you.” She said in a duh tone of voice. Immediately the rest of the group turned to look at her.
“ So you impersonated a female me?” There was hint of disbelief in Snape's tone. I noticed Ginny was close to dieing of silent laughter.