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Old 01-14-2010, 04:06 AM   #111 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Bad bad me for taking so long! (There's a new character )

Chapter Thirty One: Courtney

I took a handful of floo powder that Draco handed me, then threw it in to the flames as I shortly followed it saying, DA Headquarters. Unfortunately on the way there I inhaled some smoke, causing me to cough as I stepped out in to a dimly lit room filled with Hogwarts students. Ginny was already there waiting for me, Ron, Harry and Draco followed shortly after me. Immediately cries went up.

“ It's him, it's Harry Potter!” Colin Creevy yelled as soon as Harry came out of the fireplace.

“ Hey! That's Ron, isn't he dead?” Michael Corner cried.

“ HARRY POTTER!” Ernie MacMillian shouted.

“ What is that Slytherin scum doing with them?” Lavender Brown shrieked.

“ HARRY!” Neville looked like Christmas had just come with plenty of extra presents.

“ GINNY!” Luna ran over to hug her friend.

“ It's a Malfoy! Everyone attack him!” Lavender Brown was again ignored.

“ HERMIONE!” Parvarti smiled at me.

“ EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Blaise Zabini walked over, Lavender Brown began shrieking again and was immediately silenced by Blaise.

“ Thanks Blaise, what is going on here?” I asked still coughing.

“ Death Eaters have taken over the school, Draco's our spy.. I was wondering why Dolhov went for him, obviously he had to.. Uh.. Meet you guys.” Blaise finished awkwardly.

“ I need to find something that might belong to Rowena Ravenclaw or Helga Hufflepuff, can any of you help out?” Harry said after a few moments of silence.

“ There's Ravenclaws lost diadem, and there's Hufflepuffs famed missing cup.” Michael Corner piped up.

“ Yea but that's lost Corner.” Zacharias Smith sneered at him.

“ Shut up Smith, that helps a lot, anyone know where Harry can find a replica of either?” Ron glared at Zacharias.

“ Rowena's marble bust in the Ravenclaw common room.” Luna smiled.

“ Hufflepuffs statue in our common room.” Hannah Abbot added.

“ I'll go with you to the Ravenclaw room Harry, Hermione can go with Hannah to the Hufflepuff room.” Cho said brightly. Ginny coughed loudly.

“ Luna is going with Harry, Miss Chang.” Ginny said forcefully, Cho glared at her then slumped back in to her chair.

“ Alright, let's go, not a minute to waist Hannah.” I smiled at the Hufflepuff.

“ I'll go with you two.” Draco immediately said standing up.” For protection.” He finished a little lamely. Hannah looked at him suspiciously but nodded.

“ Thanks again Draco.” I kissed him on the cheek, going bright red as I did so, then the three of us headed out, though on my way out I saw the look on Ron's face but ignored it.

*** Ravenclaw Common Room

“ Thanks Luna, that's what I needed to see.” The young man with black hair hugged the blonde girl.” Now I just have to find it.” He muttered.

“ Find the diadem Harry, but it's been missing for century's.” The girl named Luna frowned slightly, I noticed a commotion on the other side of the room, a ugly old witch stepped out of the corner cackling then pressed some tattoo which looked quite a bit like the dark mark on her left forearm.

“ Prepare to die blondy.” She laughed.” Avada-” I quickly ran in to her and knocked her over, then knocked her out.

“ Careful, there are more like her around here.” I stepped up brushing myself off.

“ Who are you?” Black haired asked gaping at me.

“ Courtney, you?” I held my hand out to Luna first. Who immediately shook it.

“ Harry Potter.” He answered also shaking my hand.

“ Nice to meet you, but you both should-” I was cut off by someone yelling outside of the room.

“ OPEN UP YOU STUPID DOOR.” The person that was yelling was clearly male. There was more commotion, and a elderly female by the sound of it started talking with him then they came in.” It's Harry Potter!” He snarled pulling out his wand. I quickly slashed my hand through the air and he crumpled to the ground.

“ Come on, before they wake up. This place is dangerous.” I nodded at them to follow me, Harry was still gaping at me, this was kinda annoying. As I started walking down the hall, I looked behind me to make sure that they were following and I walked straight in to someone else.

“ Careful were your walking please, Harry we didn't find it.” The young blonde headed guy walked straight passed me, kinda like ignoring me. Much better then being gaped at.

“ Who are you?” A red headed girl only a little bit older then me asked.

“ I'm Courtney, pleasure to meet you.” I smiled at her. A boy that looked a lot like her just turned the corner and started gaping at me also. Seriously what is with people!?!

“ Did Draco turn in to a girl?” He was still staring at me.

“ Excuse me what?” Both me and the blonde guy said at the same time.

“ I'm still a male.” Blonde retorted coldly towards the red headed guy.

“ Who is everyone, I mean seriously your all confusing me.” I half shrieked.

“ That's Ron, this is Draco, she's Ginny and I'm Hermione.” The brunette that was with the man I was for some reason mistaken for said.

“ Why do you think I am him?” I asked the Ron guy.

“ Because you look a ton like him.” He finally answered.

“ Well.. I can assure I'm not him or related to him. I'm a Malfoy, how many people do you know named Malfoy?” I glared at Ron. Immediately everyone started coughing or staring at me.” What did I say?”

“ He's.. Uh. Draco Malfoy.” Ginny said.

“ I think I could have said that for myself.” Draco laughed.

“ So now I've got a cousin.” I rolled my eyes.

“ Actually, if anything brother.” Luna piped up.

“ WHAT!?!” I stared at her.” You are the craziest people I've ever seen in my whole life.”

“ So it would seem.” A man with long black hair and billowing black robes had just walked up...

Floating, in the distance.

Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 02-24-2010 at 02:15 AM.
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