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Old 01-13-2010, 03:52 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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Posts: 577

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Guenevere 'Gwen' Olivia White
♫ Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts ♫ | That makes me your Mama. | I'm Team Dumbledore! ♥

Chapter 3! Enjoy!
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Chapter 3: Sorting Surprises

The students walked blindly to the front of the Great Hall, right in front of the teacher’s table, which stood a lone stool with a battered and blackened old hat.

“Of course,” whispered Rose into the other’s ears. “The sorting hat! We should have known when our parents told us about the heroics of Neville, when You-Know-Who lit it on fire!”

They all craned their necks a little higher to get a better look. It was amazing to think of all that hat had been through, and yet it still stood on that stool, every year, in order to fulfill its duty and sort the new students. Just as Clementine reached the perfect spot to see the old hat, a rip formed near its brim, and it spoke to the entire hall.

You may think I am just a hat,
But just you wait, without haste
I could be much much more.
Four houses, though there seems,
We are all much more keen,
And friends we’ll all become.
Whether you become a Gryffindor,
Where you’ll find true friends of
Bravery, Loyalty, and Chivalry, or
You become a Ravenclaw,
Where you can share your mind,
Who knows what kind of knowledge
You and your friends will find.
You could become a Hufflepuff,
Where everyone is best.
Fairness and hardworking traits
Are surely what you’ll test.
Or you may become a Slytherin,
Who will use their cunning ways
To get what they deserve.
Where Greatness and Ambition
Will always be preserved.
So try me on, and we will see
Where you may fit best,
But don’t worry, I’ll be quick
So that you can get some rest.

The Great Hall burst into applause. The first years were astonished; they have never witnessed such a thing!

McGonagall’s voice suddenly appeared, making the first years jump in surprise with their arrival back to reality.

“When I call your name, you will step forward, sit on the stool, place the sorting hat on top of your head, and you will be sorted into your houses.”

She paused, and looked at the petrified first years. Every first year looked at her, still as can be, wide eyed, and mouths open with disbelief. They couldn’t believe that they were going to be sorted so swiftly. Many had thought that the old hat had perished, and a new tough approach would be used to sort them. Others thought that the professors themselves hand picked the students.

Suddenly and loudly, McGonagall called the first name.

“Andron, Wilson.”

A small, round boy struggled his way through the crowd and stumbled slightly on the few steps to the stool. The hat was placed on his head, and the large rip reappeared, almost at the brim, and it shouted, “HUFFLEPUFF”.

A table to the right of where they were standing burst into applause, as the boy made his way to sit down. After a few other sorts, Gordon Brom was called. He held himself well as he walked up to the stool, but you could tell that he was a bit nervous. After several quiet moments, the slit opened wide and bellowed, “RAVENCLAW!” The table to the left of the new students burst into applause and welcomed their new member. A small smirk crossed the face of Gordon, and he winked at the others as they waited their turn.

Slowly, the crowd of first years dwindled down. Clementine was called before her sister. She bade them a weak smile, and made her way up to the hat. Shortly there after, the brim opened wide and shouted, “GRYFFINDOR!”

The table furthest to the right erupted in approval, and Clementine’s eyes twinkled with happiness as she made her way toward that table. Her hair magnificently changed back to the turquoise it was. She was no longer nervous, but buoyant. Viktorya was then called. She jumped as she heard her name. Slowly, she winded her way through the rest of the student’s. The hat was placed on her head. The hat seemed extremely eager to place her in Gryffindor.

“Very smart, yes, I can see, but also very courageous. Standing up to those who try and oppress you. Hmmmm, difficult. You have a thirst for knowledge, but thrive on acceptance,” whispered the hat into her ear. Her heart sank, as she knew the hat would place her in Gryffindor. After a few long minutes, the hat finally bellowed, “RAVENCLAW!”

Many whistles and claps came from the table to the left. Clementine caught Viktorya’s eye and gave her the thumbs up. Viktorya’s smile was very wide. She sat next to Brom. Silence fell once more over the hall. Scorpius Malfoy was immediately placed into Slytherin. He looked like the only Slytherin that was happy to be where they were. More students moved their way up to the stool, the hat shouting, “Slytherin”, “Hufflepuff”, “Gryffindor”, and “Ravenclaw” as they came and went.

“Potter, Albus”.

The hall broke out in little murmurs. Albus started looking around, and caught Clementine’s eye. She just shrugged and motioned him to go on. He sat on the stool, and before McGonagall placed the hat upon his head, she gave him a wide and beaming smile. Before the hat even fell all the way onto his head, the hat shouted, “GRYFFINDOR!”

With a great sigh of relief, Albus slipped off the stool, smiled at Rose, who was standing next to Dane, both still waiting to be sorted, and sat next to Clementine, who clapped him hard on the back. Even Professor McGonagall joined in the ovation. James, his older brother, gave him two thumbs up, as did Clementine’s older brother, Torr. Preceding the sorting of Albus, a few more were sorted. Dane Randall got into Ravenclaw, just as he wanted, and he joined Viktorya and Gordon. Then, Rose was called up. She was slightly more confident than was her cousin, but she had a slight manic expression on her face. She sat on the stool, and Professor McGonagall gave her a reassuring, and kind look. The hat slipped over her head, and her eyes disappeared underneath it. Finally, after an uneasy moment, the slit opened wide and screeched, “GRYFFINDOR!”

Three other students were sorted. Daniel Yanz became a Hufflepuff, Jana Zephyr became a Ravenclaw, and Erin Zabini became the final Slytherin. When McGonagall cleared away the stool and hat, she took a seat on the headmistress’ chair and said in a loud and clear voice, “Let the feast begin.”

At that moment golden plates came up through the tables, and giant platters of food and drinks plastered the middle of them. A lot of clatter and talking erupted in the Great Hall. There was so much excitement in the air. Already, there was talk of Quidditch (to which Albus took great anxiety in, for he wanted to be as good as his father and mother), of classes starting the following morning, and what they would do with any free time they would happen to have.

“I bet I’ll be on Quidditch team again this year! Of course, you can’t always count your chickens before they hatch,” said James.

“Don’t be silly, James. Of course you will. I mean, come on. You took on your father for crying out loud. And your mum played for the Holyhead Harpies. If anyone’ll be on the team, its you!” shouted Torr. “I wouldn’t mind playing beater though, I think I might try out this year!”

“I think I’ll just stick to watching this year,” said Albus.

“Well of course you will, what kind of chance do you have playing against all the older ones?” laughed James.

“Well, Harry Potter is my father too, you know!” retorted Albus. “But I think it would be more fun to watch during your first year, then to play.”

“I agree. I am actually quite excited to watch. Maybe I could be crafty like Luna was during her time here, and create a giant lion head that roars for the games!” said Clementine, excitedly.

Before anyone could say anything else, Clementine and Albus simultaneously dropped their forks with potatoes still on it, and left their mouths gapped.

Rose, James, and Torr looked at them astonishingly, and then turned around to see what was causing the distraction.

At the Ravenclaw table, Viktorya and Gordon were locked in a close embrace, and were absurdly kissing each other. Dane was looking the other way, as though he might catch a sickness by looking at them.

“Oh, you’ve got to be joking!” said Torr, with a blazing look on his face. “Since when has she done things like that?” Without waiting for a reply, Torr jumped up from the table and marched over to Ravenclaw’s.

Albus and Clementine were much too flabbergasted to say anything. James just laughed and continued eating his food. Rose, however, spoke.

“Perhaps she wanted dessert early?”

Albus and Clementine burst into laughter. It was a rare occasion that Rose made a funny joke, but when she did, it was well worth the laugh.

Torr finally made it over to the Ravenclaw table, after having to watch his step because people were sticking out their feet to make him trip. Luckily he still had his spoon of mashed potatoes with him, and was able to catapult it at anyone who dare tried.

“Oi, sis, you got something slimy on your face! Oh wait, its just this little git!” yelled Torr, pulling on the collar of Brom’s robe and yanking him away from Viktorya.

“Hey! He is not slimy and he is most definitely not a git,” rebutted Viktorya.

“Says you!” Torr shouted.

“Excuse me, but I happen to very much like your sister. She is kind, pretty, and not to mention smart. So I would like it if you wouldn’t resort to calling me names, thanks,” replied Gordon.

“And who are you? I don’t even know your name!” said Torr, with a menacing eye.

“My name is Gordon Brom. Your sister and I were acquainted on the boat ride.”

“Seems to me like you are more than acquainted now!” said Torr. “Why don’t you give it a few days instead of a few hours? And sis, since when have you ever taken an interest in boys? You just always had your nose in a book!”

“Well, no boy has really understood my passion for books. But Brom not only understands, but he has the same passion. That’s why I take interest in him,” replied Viktorya.

“Well, I don’t like it much!” replied Torr.

“Of course you don’t, you’re the older brother, you aren’t supposed to like your younger sisters dating. But it’s okay. I’m not stupid. I know what I’m doing,” said Viktorya, calmly.

“That’s beside the point. You’re smart, so why are you doing---“

Torr didn’t get to finish his sentence. McGonagall was on her feet, waiting for everyone to be quiet. With one last glaring eye at Viktorya and Brom, Torr hurried back to his seat at the Gryffindor table.

He went to open his mouth, but Clementine stepped on his foot and put a finger up to her lips in a shushing manner.

“After!” she hissed.

“What a delicious meal! I hope you all agree. I also hope you agree that it is time to get into those warm and comfy beds waiting for you in your dormitory. Chop, Chop!” said McGonagall. “First years, find your house prefects and they will show you the way there!”

Thanks for reading! Comments appreciated!

Last edited by veggie_potter; 02-24-2010 at 11:44 PM.
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