Chapter 21
The Words
I never understood the fuss about Valentine’s Day, even when I had a short-term boyfriend when in Beauxbatons. I never much cared for it; after all, why should there be a specific day that you make special for your significant other? Why just one day? It’s pathetic they say this one day is the one day to go all-out for your boyfriend or girlfriend... or husband or wife, for that matter. Why not every day?
I still didn’t much care, even if I kind of had Harry. I don’t really know if I should consider him a boyfriend or a friend with benefits. I got him a nice new watch, since he lost his old watch during the holidays apparently and that watch was kind of rundown. He took me out to a secluded spot just far enough into the woods that we could see out, but you can’t see in, and we had a picnic lunch.
I looked up at Harry, breaking away from my thoughts.
“Firstly, I forgot to give you this...” he pulled a single red rose out from the pocket inside his jacket. I smiled and took it. “A rose for a Rose.”
I tried not to scowl at that. Yes, he used that phrase for a second time. It wore on me the first time I ever heard it. When I was 15.
“And...” he took my hands. “It hasn’t been that long, but I can’t just... keep this in any longer.”
My eyes widened slightly. I couldn’t believe what was coming next; I’d been leading him on for too long. Naturally, though, Harry took my expression for a different kind of shock. He smiled.
“We’ve only really known each other for 5 months, yet only the past 2 of them have been spent like this.” He squeezed my hands softly.
Do I have a talent for attracting guys I wasn’t interested in the way they were interested in me? I just thought it was coincidence in the past, but now...
“I love you, Rosa.”
I honestly didn’t know what to say. The only time I’ve ever heard the words ‘I love you’ spoken to me were from my French friends... and my mother. That’s not exactly the same as this. I never had to say it to a guy, I never had one say that to me, even when I was in relationships. After all, ‘je t’aime’ is a common thing that friends say to another, it’s ‘je t’adore’ I never heard.
So, for the sake of keeping up my charade of not being a real Slytherin in personality, like Harry believed still, I had no choice...
“I love you too.” I managed a warm smile.
Harry’s hands dropped from mine and I let him kiss me. It felt so wrong to me after what I just said. Why did it feel so wrong? As of late, kissing Harry seemed to feel so right. Why did I find it so difficult to accept the truth that he sees me as his girlfriend and he is, really, my boyfriend?
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:21 PM.
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