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Old 01-12-2010, 01:59 PM   #49 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

That took longer then I expected

Chapter Fourteen

I awoke breathing heavily and gasping for air, not noticing someones hand on my shoulder.

“ What's wrong?” Orion surprised me so much I half shrieked.

“ Nothings wrong.” I glared at him.

“ So you normally scream in your sleep?” Orion asked sounding deadly serious.

“ I was..” I silently cursed under my breath.” Fine, I'll tell you if you take your hand off my shoulder.” Orion did remove his hand from my shoulder, but seated himself on my bed.

“ I was having a nightmare of when your grandfather and someone else murdered my brother in front of Carla and I.” I sat up as I finished, there was silence in the air for a few minutes.

“ I can teach you how to block out the memory.” Orion finally said, I looked up from my hands I was twiddling.

“ You can?” I forgot to be angry with him and sounded a little eager.

“ Yea. Come with me, you can research about what I'll teach you.” Orion stood up and held his hand towards me. I took it with out a moments hesitation, and only after leaving my room did I notice I was hold Orion Malfoy's hand. Quickly I withdrew mine, hoping that he didn't react.

At least he didn't say anything, last thing I need is... Er. What exactly is the last thing I need?Before I could decide Orion half shoved me on the couch.

“ Wha- Oh never mind.” I mentally slapped myself for zoning out. Soon enough he was explaining occlumency to me...

***The next morning

When I woke up the first thing I noticed is that my head was on Orion's shoulder.

“ What the! What happened?” I sat up obviously taking my head of his shoulder.

“ Good morning to you too.” Orion half smiled at me.” You fell asleep.”

“ I did not fall asleep!” I almost yelled at him.

“ Uh.... Yea you did.” Orion looked at me as if I was going crazy.

“ Fine. What happened-” I cut myself off as I looked around the room and noticed sitting on a chair opposite of the couch was a slightly amused looking Draco Malfoy.” Hi.” I said for lack of other words.

“ Hello..” Draco Malfoy looked like he was about to burst out laughing.

“ Hi dad?” Orion also seemed near laughter.

“ Your both crazy.” I glared at Orion.

“ Really... Am I?” Draco asked sounding slightly more serious.

“ Um.. Yea.” I half punched Orion as I walked by him towards my room, when I came back Draco and Orion were talking.

“ Yes.. Actually no, she's gotten less 'I'm going to kill you' over the past few weeks.” Orion sounded amused.

“ Could she kill you?” Draco asked.

“ Probably...” Orion answered.

“ I heard that.” I smirked at him before leaving the room and heading towards the great hall.” Sidney.. We need to talk now.”

Sidney looked up at me confused but stood up all the same and followed me.

“ How did last night go?” Sidney asked me.

“ Er.. What? Oh never mind.. It went horribly, we kinda like broke up.” I answered.

“ Oh. Sorry?” Sidney hesitated a little bit.

“ I kinda dumped him.. But that's not what I wanted to talk about, I have a problem.” I laughed a little.

“ What kind of problem?” Sidney seemed more interested.

“ I think I like Orion Malfoy.” If I had been talking to anyone other then Sidney they would have said- Oh that's nothing, everyone likes him. But fortunately, I'm not talking to everyone else. Sidney's mouth dropped in to the shape of a small o, then she quickly shut it.

“ That. Is. A. Problem.” Sidney finally spoke.” That's kind of creepy.”

“ Yea.” I smiled a tiny bit. Sidney matched my smile then we broke in to laughter...

Floating, in the distance.
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