Hello, everybody i am back with a oneshot again...
This particular one was an entry for A Very Wolfie Christmas One Shot Competetion put up for the members of Remus Lupin Fan Club during the Christmas time....
DISCLAIMER: All the characters belong to J K Rowling and the plot is my imagination about the life of Remus and Tonks during the Second Wizard War.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Last Christmas… ‘Pop’ and a grayish black robed man materialized out of thin air in front of a porch. He turned and looked around at the garden surrounding the stony house. The garden was a mixture of greens and white with snow. the fountain had a bit of snow cover over it and the water seemed to look chilling cold even if it hadn’t frozen completely. He looked up at the starry sky.
Remus sighed and turned back to face the door. His wand out and after a complex hand moment the door clicked opened. He stepped in but then was stopped by the protections of the house. A stern voice came over “What did McGonagall tell you The Night in the hospital wing”
Remus calmly replied but with a hint of sadness “Dumbledore would have been happier then anybody to think there was a little more love in the world”
And then he was allowed to enter. The night Dumbledore died had obvious importance and it was named and referred to as The Night. “Remus!” and he were engulfed in a bear hug. Remus hugged her back. “I am so glad you came. I doubt you would come” a pink faced and pink haired Tonks exclaimed her hands still around Remus’ neck and his around her waist. “I thought I should pay a little visit to my wife and my ch-child” he said looking down at the small bump. Tonks smiled “Aw…you should pay a little more then just a visit Rem” she said. She took his work robe of sorts and coat from his hands but she knew he couldn’t, she knew he has work to do not something normal but very dangerous work that Dumbledore left him to carry on. She knew had it not been for her baby she too would have been in the thick of the deadly battle taking place outside this reasonably safe and confined place which she called it her home. She took him by his arm and led him to the living room. “I’ll be back in a moment” Tonks chimed in and left him at the entrance of the living room.
The room was wonderfully lit and decorated. No one after seeing this would believe that there was complete darkness outside this little home literally in terms of the night and the distant future of this little family. He looked around and saw Andromeda sitting there on a sofa with the crackling fire from the fire place on her side and her hand holding the stalk of the glass with red vine in it. “Hello Andromeda” Remus said with a tone full of respect for the old lady in front of him and his wife’s mother. “Hello Lupin” she said curtly and went back to sipping her drink and staring in to the nothingness. Lupin nodded and stood there with his hands on the head rest and took in the delightful and colorful decorations of Christmas. The room was small and wooden paneled and thickly carpeted. It had every bit of the Black grandeur what with Andromeda being the black sheep of the Black family marrying a muggle who was right now on a run from the Ministry. The room had the class of pureblood family lineage with chandeliers and heavy curtains and beautiful antiques and also the modesty and cheerfulness of the muggles with photographs of the family and paintings donning the walls. The room was lit up by the warm glow of the fire and a soft music being played on the gramophone. The Christmas tree was just few feet away with all it holy decorations and to Remus’ surprise he did find a stack of over half a dozen gifts. A small smile crept up his face and he shook his head “what?” “nothing, I didn’t know there would be gifts” he said “well I guess its Christmas” “yeah but seeing the scenario I doubted that we would be celebrating Christmas with gifts” Remus replied his mother-in-law. “there is no Christmas without gifts” she reminded him. He nodded and walked over the empty couch and sat down facing the fire “How are you doing?” he asked. Ted her husband was on a run since quite a few months. He hadn’t registered himself as a muggle born wizard under the new policy of the Voldemort run Ministry. “How do you expect me to be?” she gave a cold reply. Remus looked down and nodded. His relation with his mother-in-law wasn’t the best. After all who would want their daughter to get married to a werewolf? “I know how it is” he said thinking about Harry. Though he wasn’t his god-son but he was as good as for he was his best friend’s son.
Andromeda just nodded “what’s going on outside?” she asked “you know Ginny and few of the students who were about to steal a sword?” and Andromeda nodded as she heard the Weasley daughter’s name. “one amongst them was Luna Lovegood. She is been kidnapped.” And Andromeda was stunned.
She had known the weird family who ran the Quibbler and knew that the owner had a daughter named Luna who was in the prophet two years back as she was one of the students with Harry in the Ministry the fateful night when Voldemort was exposed. “they took her as the kids were returning for Christmas back to Xenophillis” Remus continued. “so there is obvious no chance that any one will be searching for her as it were the Ministry workers themselves who kidnapped her” she said
And Remus nodded.
Tonks came in a small smile up on her face. She walked and placed another gift on the stack under the tree and went and sat next to Remus her hand on his knee.
She sat quietly. “is it because of his outright rebellion on You-Know-Who?” she asked and Remus nodded again “the Quibbler, yes.”
“Xenophillis what happened to him?” asked Tonks now in a complete auror tone “Luna, kidnapped” he said and Tonks went as white sheet and then her eyes turned cold
Tonks hand balled up in to a fist on his knee. Remus looked at her and just put his hand on her fist and squeezed. “is Order doing anything about it?”
“Order already has quite a lot up its sleeve” he said
She sighed. She had met that girl at Bill’s wedding “sweet girl she was, a bit weird like her dad but witty nonetheless” she said her tone sad “I know what you are feeling Tonks” he said looking at her “but we can’t do anything about it.” “Arthur was dead worried when he heard this news. Now he is re-thinking if he will send Ginny back”
“can he do that?” asked Andromeda and Remus just shrugged. “This is just so terrible” said Tonks her eyes tearing up. “I feel so helpless” she said
Remus looked up at her wide eyed and the said “help-less? You call sitting here and protecting our baby being helpless, Tonks?” he asked “you are doing probably the most helpful thing and the only thing a mother can do for her child, Tonks” he said. Tonks looked up at Remus teary eyed. “listen we don’t know how or what our a child would be like, and I am sorry”
“no don’t ”
“no listen to me”
Andromeda looked from Remus to Tonks as she witnessed another we shouldn’t-have-this-child discussion but this time she found something different in his voice. “Really I told you this before and you are right we have been through this many times before too, but that’s the reality. We don’t know what our child will be like, we don’t know who will he be called but all I know that he is a child and our and we must save and protect him.” he said looking at her in her eye.
Tears began running down Tonks cheeks “I-I am sorry” she said and hugged Remus. He hugged her and held her close. Andromeda slowly got up and left her daughter and her husband alone. “Tonks, you are doing the most helpful thing for all three of us” he said looking over Tonks’ shoulder as he saw her mum leave them. She nodded in agreement with Remus and had a small smile on her face. After all the kid will be her grand-child. “I wouldn’t want anything to happen to our kid and I promise I will try coming and meeting you as much as possible” he said.
Tonks nodded and Remus leant against the couch and his eyes closed. “any news about Harry?” she asked looking at her tired husband. “nothing”
“you reckon he is doing alright on Dumbledore’s mission?” she asked him and Lupin’s discussion with Bill about Ron’s arrival without Hermione and Harry came back to his mind. His heart started thumping faster but he kept quiet. “I don’t know Tonks” he sighed. “I just hope You-Know-, wait just a minute does Harry even know that a trace is set up on You-Know-Who’s name?” she asked knowing that Harry had the habit of calling You-Know-Who by his name. “I guess not, I am sure that is the reason why they were tracked down in the beginning after the wedding when they were on the run” he said and Tonks shuddered at thought that Harry would be captured somewhere. “Don’t worry he will be alright” Remus said noticing Tonk’s reaction, though he wasn’t convinced himself. Tonks just shook her head. “and what about the werewolves?”
“I have quite a few people with me, but that wont suffice as Greyback is rounding up more and more of them as we speak” he said staring up at the ceiling and Tonks hissed “but the people who are with us are for sure are going to stick with us” he said and Tonks nodded “we are trying to do our best” he said about him and Bill “I know” she said her hand going through his hair. He looked at her and then spoke “Tonks, if anything, anything happens to me or us I want to know that I love you and our kid. I was just upset and worried” he spoke but was cut as Tonks kissed him. He kissed her back. Nothing could describe the feeling and the effect it was having on them. After they broke Tonks spoke “I know it Remus, I know you are worried for everyone of us. And that is why I love you so much” she said looking into his eyes. He leant in and kissed her again. “Dora?” as he kissed her. “hmm” she said looking into his eyes as she broke the kiss. He took his time “I want Harry to be our kid’s godfather” Remus said softly and Tonks beamed “I will never be much more happy then Harry being our kid’s god-father, Rem” she said smiling and hugged him. He smiled and hugged her. “Come on up, up for presents” she said getting up taking her hand out for him to take. Remus followed her, his hands in hers to the Christmas tree. The couple went over the stack of small presents and laughed and talked as excited kids. “hey what is this?” asked Remus as he looked at a very small present in his hands “open it” she said. Remus opened it and saw a small baby woolen sweater. “Molly, for our kid” she said
Remus looked up and smiled “that is so sweet of her and it is not even maroon. I am glad” he joked and Tonks laughed “yeah, it is pink and grey just like the two of us” she said and Remus nodded in agreement and the smile never fading the entire night as they spent their time together snuggling up by the fire and thick blankets around them…little knowing that this will be their first and last Christmas with their son Ted…….