Updated Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Here it is!
Chapter Twenty-Five:Tears of Pain
The wet black robes whipped around Harry's legs in the freezing rain.
“ Professor Dumbledore, we made it.” He gasped hoarsely out of breath.
“ We did indeed Harry.” Dumbledore half mumbled weakly, both pair of eyes glanced up at Hogwarts and they saw the dark mark glistening above the castle.
“ PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE!” Madam Rosmerta ran out of The Three Broomsticks.” Hogwarts.. Is under attack.”
***In Hogwarts
Spells where fired all around Hogwarts, by students, teachers, death eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix. Hermione ignored most of them frantically searching for someone she knew.
“ Avada Kedavra!” Someone's killing curse missed Hermione by a inch making her turn to her left where she saw a body spread eagled on the floor, his hair lay messily in his face.. Hermione could have sworn that the sight made her heart stop. She felt as if all the air in her body was suddenly taken away, everything else seemed less important now.
“ No!” Hermione cried, not noticing she was speaking out loud.” no, NO!” She burst out sobbing her head on the young mans chest. She didn't notice anything for the rest of the battle...
***Hogwarts after the battle
“ Hermione, you can't do anything for Ron.” Nymphradora Tonks shook Hermione's shoulder slightly.
“ No, I can, he can't be dead.” Hermione protested still crying, shaking off Tonks hand. There was silence then Hermione felt two strong arms envelope her in a hug.
“ Hermione, you have to go to the hospital wing, Professor McGonagall said so.” The man whispered in her ear, Hermione paid no attention the the fact that the owner was supposed to be in St. Mungo's, she then felt herself pulled away from Ron's limp body, picked up then carried to the hospital wing. Many heads turned to see who had just entered when they arrived, and where visibly shocked to see Draco Malfoy carrying Hermione who was still sobbing hysterically.
“ What happened, who's dead?” Harry demanded standing up.
“ Ron.” Draco said as he carefully laid Hermione on a bed. There where several gasps, outbursts of No!or That can't be! And more then several began crying, silently or aloud.
“ Who killed-” Harry began angrily almost shouting but stopped when Draco motioned him to be quiet then indicated Hermione who was almost asleep. Silence reigned for about fifteen minutes until the hospital wing doors where burst open. Mr and Mrs Weasley entered.
“ Where's Ron?” Mrs Weasley asked after looking around the room quickly, hoping that she miss counted.
“ He's...” Harry suddenly stopped a knot grew in his throat, he did not want to be the one to tell the Weasley's that there youngest son was dead. But with the pause Harry made, they realized what happened.
***After term ended, after Dumbledore's burial.
“-He was a great friend, a good team mate, he was like the brother never had, Ron had a kind, understanding heart. He was a once in a lifetime person to meet, one in a million guy. Also he died fighting for me, he died fighting Voldemort. I know we will all miss him a lot.” Harry finished rather lamely as he choked up, trying to fight back tears, Ginny walked over hugged him tightly as they left the platform. A few other Hogwarts students went up and put a few words in about Ron, but none compared to what Harry said.
Then the coffin was laid into the dug up ground beneath his favorite tree in the Weasley's orchard. Everyone that was staying headed in to the Burrow for some drinks and refreshments.
“ Hermione, can I talk with you for a second?” Harry asked tapping Hermione on the shoulder.
“ Sure Harry,” Hermione smiled weakly at him.
“ I don't think I'm going to return to Hogwarts, I'm going to hunt down Voldemort's horcruxes and then him for this.” Harry said the only other member of the trio.
“ I thought you would say that, I'm going with you.. I guess where just a duo now.” Hermione sighed.
“ No.” Harry started rather forcefully, shocking Hermione.” Sorry, but no, we are still a trio, Ron's still with us, at least his memory is.”
“ Then let's do this.. For the trio.. And for Ron.” Hermione finally said.
“ For the trio and for Ron.” Harry repeated.....
(No this is not the end, just in case you where wondering)
Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 02-24-2010 at 01:59 AM.