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Old 01-06-2010, 07:14 PM   #58 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

I'll post one more chapter then I have to leave for ballet..

And you'll all hate me for this chapter

Chapter Twenty-Three-Quidditch

The match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was coming up soon, and everyone was anxious.

“ Hey Ginny, you look really nervous, is it the match?” Hermione asked, she and Ginny were sitting in the Gryffindor common room.

“ Yea, maybe it's because the match is tomorrow, I am just hoping we win. Harry's going to take it really hard if the year he captained the Gryffondor team we lost.” Ginny responded putting her potions homework down.

“ He probably will, we will win though. With such a great team we have.” Hermione smiled a little, Ginny laughed then said she was going to bed. Hermione finished her transfiguration homework then followed Ginny upstairs.

***The next day

“ Good luck you three! Don't get killed,” Hermione said hugging Harry, Ron and Ginny. It seemed that she had forgiven Ron for what he did at the ball.

“ Thanks Mione see you after the match.” Ginny laughed, a few minutes later the teams where on the pitch and Luna started the announcing.

“ We have- Robins, Bell, Potter, Peakes, Kinfer, Weasley, Potter for the Gryffindors.” Luna's voice boomed across the podium. Ron looked annoyed that Ginny was called Potter.

“ And for Ravenclaw we have- Huberts, Davies, Brocklehurst, Boot, Winfrid, Turpin, Chang.” Luna sounded a bit more sing-song this time. Hermione chuckled a little to herself keeping her fingers crossed. Harry and Roger Davies shook hands then the match began.

“ And it's Davies with the quaffle, this is his last year captaining, he's a nice guy.” Luna started with her normal commentary, more about the people then the game.” And he throws! And scores, better luck next time Ronald, it's Potter with the quaffle, I was at first debating to call her Weasley, but then again she is going to be married to the Chosen One, Ginny always was a nice girl, and so is Harry. I hope they are happy together- And it's a score! Good job Ball!” Luna cut across herself.” I mean Bell, Huberts with the quaffle and.. He drops it! But it is recovered by Bucklehurts, or is it Buttonhots?”

“ Brocklehurst!” McGonagall yelled loudly.

“ And he throws. And misses! I knew you had it in you Ron!” Luna shrieked, some people began wondering who's side she was on.

“ Bell with the quaffle again and oh! DID YOU JUST SEE WHAT BOOT DID! THAT BLUDGER! I hope Ronald is alright!” Luna started shrieking after seeing a bludger hit Ron in the head knocking him off his broom.

“ And right after this incident Potter catches the snitch.” Luna added, but no one paid any attention to that. They where all to busy trying to find out if Ron Weasley was alright. Harry dropped the snitch and almost jumped off his broom to get to Ron.

***Three days later.. The hospital wing

Ron awoke with a groan, not knowing what time it was other then that it was in the middle of the day. He swung off his bed, his head hurting as he did so. Ron quickly changed in to a pair of jeans in a t-shirt wanting to find out where Harry was and find out what happened to the game. Running quickly out of the hospital wing he started wondering what day it was and what class Harry was in. Ron opened the door to the Charms classroom.

“ Excuse me! Your interrupting the first years class Mr Weasley! Your supposed to be-” Flitwick was cut off by Ron quickly slamming the door he wandered off and opened the door to Ancient Runes, forgetting that Harry didn't take the class.

“ Class dismiss- Mr Weasley!” Professor Vector looked up from his papers in shock. This obviously was not the right class so Ron shut the door to that room, going to try DADA next. But fortunately DADA finished and out came Ron's class.

“ RON!” Harry nearly yelled in surprise.

“ Harry! Who won the-” Ron was cut off by Hermione running over throwing her arms around him and kissing him.” What the... Hermione!” Ron said after they broke apart.

“ Um... Sorry, just happy to see your alive and.. Um alright.” Hermione stuttered going bright red. Several things after that happened at the same time.


Harry burst out laughing

Lavender Brown stormed of crying

Parvarti Patil didn't know if she should either laugh or cry and made some sort of mangled shriek

Pansy Parkinson did a dance of joy

Ginny gasped rather audibly

Draco walked by Hermione ignoring her.

“ STUDENTS! Your crowding up the hallways, lunch is starting.” McGonagall's commanding voice surprised everyone. They all began heading in to the Great Hall to have a rather amusing meal...

Floating, in the distance.
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