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Old 01-06-2010, 04:43 PM   #43 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Bad bad me, for not updating earlier.. Here it is

Chapter Twelve

“ You didn't ask anyone else to come did you Carla?” I asked, she knows I almost always hate parties.
“ I invited Sid and Lexis, they'll be here soon, I almost invited Albus but decided against it, Sid may bring James though.” Carla responded laughter in her eyes.
“ Sidney knows me to well to do that, she wouldn't want Orion, James and I exploding the house and each other.” I retorted angrily.
“I totally would, and then everyone would place bets. Oh and by the way, if that happens make sure that you win.” Carla winked at me.
“ I will win, but not because you bet on me, because I am naturally faster then either Orion or James.”
“ Orion is pretty fast, I think that you will be a pretty fair match, James isn't that bad either, or else Sidney wouldn't date him.”
“ Sidney doesn't date for protection Carla, she doesn't need protections, the last time someone was on the receiving end of one of her curses they ended up in the hospital wing of for two weeks.”
“ I didn't mean it that way, I-ALEXANDRA!” Carla cut across herself and hugged her friend.
“ Carla! I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?” Alexandra and Carla headed over towards the couch together.
“ Hey Tess, why exactly were you talking about when I sent Timothy Flint to the hospital wing?” Sidney asked laughing at the memory.
“ Because it was something hilarious to talk about.” I tried to to smirk innocently, and failed totally.
“ So Orion hasn't killed you yet?”
“ Sidney, never mind.. Not yet.”
“ I take it he has been unbearable?”

“ Not exactly, he did make me shriek like a girl though, I was coming down stairs in the middle of the night, didn't notice him sitting at the couch at first and when I saw him I freaked.”
“ Idiot.. Him not you.”
“ I was a idiot also, but I'm surprised Carla didn't wake up.”
“ Must have been really loud if you where surprised.”
“ It was, how has it been at the Longbottoms?”
“ Fun, one of there guests kids called Lexis, Blondbottom, he hadn't stopped looking at her in terror when he showed up the next day.” Sidney was well I burst out laughing. Unfortunately chocking on the water I had just drunk, Christopher came over and patted me on the back a few times.. That certainly didn't help.
“ Carla, your so dead.” I said as soon as I could take again.
“ What did I do?” She asked me confused.
“ You know what you did.” I was trying not to laugh still,
“ what- oh that!” The reason why suddenly dawned on her.” Sorry?”
Everyone else was laughing even though Carla, Sidney and I where the only ones that understood why.

“ Why don't you just tell Chris?” Sidney said to me a few minutes later, a look of horror spread across my face.
“ What!” I sputtered.”And become the school idiot, give Orion a reason to tease me for the rest of my life, no way!”
“ What reason?” Orion asked interested. It took a lot of control for me to not slap him then and there.
“ You don't need to know.” I glared at him instead of the slapping.
“ Doesn't mean I don't get to know.” He stated.
“ Fine. You won't know.”
“ Or maybe I will.”
“ I promise I won't tease you about it.”
The offer sounded very tempting, but why? I mean he can't tease me about it if I don't tell him, unless it get's public somehow.
“ No, I won't tell you. You'd tease.. Fine I'll tell you... You remember that joke in our third year? The one about me? That's what where talking about.”
“ What! Your really have had a crush on Chris since you where thirteen?” Orion looked shocked.
“ Twelve actually.” Sidney piped up, she sometimes is annoying. Orion gave me a look of-I hope your joking. Then went over to Lily and started talking with her...

Floating, in the distance.
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