Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Two
There was a crash followed with a scream upstairs but Lucius ignored it, there was no way she would be escaping. Quickly he added two precise drops of Lemon water to the simmering potion the put in five ounces of beetle juice, stirring it slowly counterclockwise. Then the potion turned a mild gray, almost instantly Lucius dropped three elderberries in it causing it to turn black. There was another scream, Lucius rolled his eyes pouring the contents of the cauldron in to a small glass vial. He almost ran up the stairs and pushed open the door on the far end of the corridor.
Inside was a eleven year old girl with messy dark brown hair that fell in her lightning blue eyes.
“ Take this.” Lucius snapped hurriedly.
“ No.” The girl protested as her blue eyes pierced his gray ones.
“ Fine.” Lucius forced the contents of the vial down the girls throat, she gasped once then fell unconscious.
Auror Potter blasted down the door of a old house, then wrinkled her nose in disgust.
“ It looks like he was making a potion in here, come check it out you lot.” Ginny called over her shoulder.
Hermione, Harry and Draco followed her in.
“ UGH! It smells in here.” Harry gasped.
“ Here the cauldron is, I can get rid of the smell in a bit.” Hermione muttered a spell then the smell instantly vanished.” What ever he was making at lemon water in it, let me see if I can get samples of what little is left in here.”
Ginny rolled her eyes, her best friend was always trying to do things perfectly.
“ Why can't we sample it?” Harry asked.
“ Because it might be poison.” Hermione stated.
“ But.. Hermione! Of all the potions that use lemon water only one of them is poison and that one uses honey leaves. Which would have a rather distinct smell,” said Harry, Ginny tried not to laugh.
“ Oh yea.. But... You sure you want someone to sample this? It might be a modified poison.” Hermione also tried not to laugh.
“ I can sample it, it's not like it's going to kill me.” Ginny stepped forward, Hermione warily handed her the small amount of what was left, her wand hand ready in case this was a trap. Ginny swallowed it, gasped then fell to the ground. Hermione shrieked in surprise.
“ She's... not dead.” Hermione said taking deep breaths as she examined Ginny.
“ Remind me to never let anyone sample a potion again.” Harry muttered, but both Hermione and Draco heard him.
“ I'm going to check up stairs, but I don't think that Lucius is here.” Draco said. Hermione was able to revive Ginny while he was upstairs.
“ Never.... Again.. Ever... That tasted worse then gross.” Where the first intelligible words Ginny managed to say. Right after she said that Draco arrived downstairs with a small girl in his arms.
“ I think she had a full dose of the potion, she's still alive though.” Draco explained,
“ Here let me revive her, I figured out how to do it. Let's wait till we get back to the Potter Mansion though, much more safer,” Hermione added the last part quickly...
I'll start working on Chapter Three soonish
Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 12-10-2010 at 06:55 AM.