Originally Posted by
cait malfoy

Chapter Nineteen: Answering Harry
Ginny was shocked, just plain shocked." I.. Uh.." Her voice faded, she was clearly not expecting Harry to do or say that.
" Say yes silly." Draco whispered to her trying not to laugh.
" Yes I will." Ginny finally answered, punching Draco as she did it. Harry gave a sigh of relief before going back to the Gryffindor table." One, don't ever do something like that again Harry, two Draco what the heck are you doing at the Gryffindor table, unless Dumbledore resorted you." Ginny said slapping each in turn.
" Well, since I asked you I don't ever have to do that again." Harry responded with a smirk,
" ha, I wish I was resorted, then I could hex Ron every morning and hang out with you guys more. I have to go ask Luna if she wants to go with Hogsmeade with me, bye." Draco said laughing before heading off towards the Ravenclaw table. Were he was greeted with glares and mocking.
" Luna, want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Draco asked her ignoring the other Ravenclaws.
" Sure! Now I must go congratulate Ginny and Harry, see you around Draco." Luna said with with a Luna smile. The Ravenclaws near her where incredibly surprised that she would go with Draco Malfoy of all people.
" Draco and Luna, never imagined that one." Ginny muttered to Harry, causing him to choke and gag on his pumpkin juice. He didn't answer at first because of this.
" GINNY! Luna and Neville are dating, anyways Draco likes Mione." Harry said breathing heavily.
" Congratulations Harry, Ginny. Do you know where Neville is?" Luna asked them, Harry and Ginny pointed near the end of the table where Luna headed.
" Where is your proof that Draco likes Her-" Ginny shut her mouth noticing Hermione herself walking over to them. Noticing the look on her face Ginny decided it wasn't a good idea to be caught talking about her and Draco.
" WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT HARRY! Ginny is only fifteen!" Hermione exploded,
" Er, well... I'm going to wait till she graduates, I just want everyone to know she's mine." Harry said with a feeble smile," oh yea, that reminds me I never gave you the ring Ginny." Harry added pulling out a black velvet box. Ginny opening it gasped.
" Harry! It's.. It's perfect!" Again Ginny was stunned, inside the box was a 48 gold karat ring with a flawless heart shaped diamond on it.
" Well, it is for a perfect girl." Harry smirked, Ginny slapped him again. Soon enough the Gryffindor table was surrounded by both students and teachers to congratulate Ginny and Harry and of course to examine the ring. Harry noticed that several boys including Dean Thomas and Michael Corner glaring at him, he should have expected this of course, they where Ginny's old boyfriends.
" Wow, I can't believe I have to wait three-four years to marry you. Wait. Did you ask my dad?" Ginny asked suddenly.
" Well duh! I'm not that stupid." Harry responded laughing at Ginny's face...
BTW Harry was buying the ring for Ginny over the break.. Then visiting Sirius's grave