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Old 01-06-2010, 01:25 AM   #37 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Originally Posted by Tommy'sGirl4ever View Post
Yay! New post

Awesome as always. Haha.

Now... uhh, I guess I have to update xD
Yes you do

Originally Posted by cait malfoy View Post
Woohoo, a new post.. and another cliffffie! Great post like always! Keep 'em up!

Next chappie is ready

Chapter Sixteen: Christmas Break

Ginny sighed, Hermione was going spending Christmas break with the Weasley's as normal. But Harry was going somewhere else, he wouldn't say.
" See you around Harry, take care!" Ginny said hugging him.
" You take care also love, I don't want to hear that you and Ron blew up the Burrow. It's my home to you know." Harry said smiling.
" Oh, where are you going anyways?" Ginny asked hopeful, but Harry just smiled at her and walked off. Prat. Ginny thought as did so.
" Have a fun Christmas break." Draco said walking over.
" I should, but then again I am spending it with my jerk of a brother. You going. Er. Home?" Ginny answered with a small smile.
" Yea.. It should be pretty boring."
" Well.. If you want you can drop by on Christmas day and hex Ron in to oblivion."
" Haha, I should."
" Yea. Then we both will have a awesome Christmas. And Ron will have.. A dead one." Ginny said for lack of a different word, they both burst in to laughter." Well, either I'll see you someday at Christmas break or back at Hogwarts." Ginny then added hugging Draco before running off to the rest of her waiting family.

***Christmas Eve. Diagon Alley.

" Hermione! You have spent like half the day in the bookstore, just get on with it... I am so heading to Knockturn alley if you don't come soon." Ginny said impatiently. She waited another 20minutes before leaving Hermione who was still checking books out. After wandering aimlessly around Diagon Alley, debating on going down Knockturn Alley she walked straight in to Draco Malfoy.
" Oh crap!" Ginny said the first two words that came to mind. Draco started laughing.
" What are you doing wandering around Diagon Alley by yourself?" He asked,
" Mione won't stop looking at books, so I threatened to go to Knockturn alley, I don't think she heard me though." Ginny said laughing also.
" Knockturn alley, you should hide from her in the quidditch shop." Draco responded with a smile,
" You headed there?" Ginny asked.
" Yep.. I want to check out the new broom," Draco answered as they walked over to the quidditch shop, surprisingly it was nearly empty. They walked around looking at the broomsticks and equipment.
" WOW! The new Silverbolt, I thought it was just a joke or a rumor." Ginny gasped looking at the broom.
" Yea, apparently not even the quidditch teams have them yet. Probably not even released yet." Draco said with the same awed tone.
" What. Is. Going. On. Here?" Lucius Malfoy asked walking over towards them.
" Ginny and I are checking out the new broom." Draco said not noticing who the person was at first." Er. Hey dad." He had finally noticed, but it was a bit to late.
" Indeed. That is what is appears to be." Malfoy said his voice dripping with sarcasm and surprise. Ginny had said nothing yet.
" I, erm.. I'm going to see how many of these brooms have been bought yet. Or if they can be." Ginny muttered slipping away, obviously not wanting to be stuck in this situation." How many copies of the Silverbolt have been sold, or is it even on sale yet?" She asked once arriving at the counter.
" They are not on sale yet but one has been sold." The man said not even looking at her, Ginny confused was about to ask but Draco had just showed up.
" Come on Ginny, let's get out of here before my dad realizes what I just told him." He said with a smirk, they left, Ginny still slightly confused walked in to Hermione.
" THERE YOU ARE!" Hermione nearly shrieked.
" Woah! Mione calm down, she was with me." Draco said trying not to burst in to laughter.
" With.. Where were you two?" Hermione asked suspiciously. Ginny and Draco glanced at each other before saying Knockturn alley together." WHAT!" Hermione exploded again.
" It was a joke! Calm down," Draco said through laughter." Well, bye Ginny. My dad looks like he is about to explode just like Hermione did. But for a different reason." Draco waved disappearing into the thick crowds,
" Where were you really?" Hermione asked, this time angrily,
" The quidditch shop silly." Ginny answered laughing...

Ginny's PoV (Christmas)

It was Christmas finally!!!! Oh how great the day seemed already.. I slipped on some jeans with a small rip in them and a green shirt sporting a wand with a shower of red sparks forming the words Happy Christmas! I made mental note to thank Harry for the shirt. Half running half jumping down the stairs in to the kitchen I almost slipped on the newly polished floor. Once in the kitchen I began making breakfast. The muggle way. DARN! Waking up at 5:24 just to make everyone breakfast is not worth it! I thought to myself as I started cleaning out the pots and pans, but then again I didn't want my mum to do all the work. A couple hours later, it was 7:18, Ron trudged downstairs, obviously following his nose,
" It's about time you woke up sleepy head, we are starving for Ginny's breakfast!" Fred said punching Ron in the back,
" Yea, we are S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G! Are you-" George began
" hungry or what? If he's not then I am going to-" Fred continued.
" Be shocked for life." George ended with a smirk,
" Oh shut up you two, you didn't have to smell the whole thing well cooking it." Ginny said throwing Ron and the twins a glare. Hermione laughed and sat down at the table as did everyone else. Half way through the day Angelina and Penelope had gotten there already, they actually had arrived in the middle of breakfast. Ginny was in the middle of a exploding snap game with Fred and George when there was a sudden knock on the door." I'll get it!" She said jumping up and running to the door. It was Draco Malfoy.
" Hey, I'm here to hex Ron in to oblivion," He said with a smile, Ginny started laughing.
" Wow.. I'm not sure where he is at the moment, he'll probably come here soon to find out why I am at the door for so long." Ginny answered smiling also. They chatted for a few minutes in the entryway. Meanwhile back in the living room.
" Fred, George, go see what is taking Ginny so long." Mrs Weasley told them, Fred and George looked at each other suspiciously before leaving.
" Well! Here she is!" Fred said walking over,
" DRACO MALFOY!" George yelped.
" Oh shut up you two, where's Ron?" Ginny asked them trying not to laugh.
" Well, he is in the living room, came down a few seconds ago and-" George started again
" Aren't you going to be a lady and ask Malfoy in?" Fred ended with a identical grin to Georges,
" Oh yea. Wanna come in Draco?" Ginny smiled punching the twin closest to her.
" Um, okay then." He said trying not to laugh.
" What are you doing here anyways Ma-Draco?" Fred asked
" I'm theoretically here to hex Ron in to oblivion." Draco responded with a smile. As soon as they entered the living room Ron reacted.
" WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" Ron yelled reaching for his wand.
" He's here to hex you-" The twins started again,
" in to oblivion Ronniekins." George finished laughing at Ron's face, Ginny, Draco, Hermione, Angelina, Mr Weasley, Bill and Percy joined the laughter. Charlie entered in to the room confused at all the laughter.
" What did I miss?" He asked surprised.
" Er.. Draco is here to hex me into oblivion, and that lot thinks its funny." Ron said glowering at Ginny. Charlie joined the rest in laughter. The rest of Christmas passed by with much laughter and happiness. At least if you excluded the fact that Ron was glaring at Draco half the day.

Floating, in the distance.
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