No, I can promise you one thing.. It's Harry/Ginny
Putting up two chapters again
Chapter Thirteen-Hogsmeade.. And... FIGHTS!
It was Saturday 8:00am, breakfast had started early." Hey Hermione, how are you?" Harry said half waving half yawning a greeting to her.
" Heya Harry, so you and Ginny having a date?" Hermione asked smiling.
" Actually Ginny, Luna, Draco-" Harry stopped as Hermione chocked on her tea." You alright Mione?" He asked worried.
" I'm fine." Hermione said trying her best not to sound surprised.
" Yea, us four are going. Luna and I are going to have a meeting with Rita part way through the day. So I assume that Ginny and Draco will be buying out Zonko's and Honeydukes together, and then probably anything else they can." Harry finished smiling and stifling another yawn.
" It was my idea sweetheart so stop stealing it." Ginny said walking over and sitting next to Harry, Hermione glared at her. Ron eventually joined them somewhere around 9am. Another half hour passed with nothing much going on between them other then a few games of Chess and exploding snap, Ginny and Harry started to get up.
" Where you two going?" Ron asked.
" I'm going to go get Draco so we can head to Hogsmeade silly!" Ginny said winking at Harry and smirking. Ron glared at her,
" And I'm going to get Luna, we are going to spend half the day in The Three Broomsticks together." Harry said catching on immediately as Ginny headed over to the Slytherin table trying her best to not burst in to laughter.
" Yo Draco, done with breakfast yet?" Ginny asked plopping in to the empty seat next to him, which made Pansy glare at her through what seemed. Sobs? Draco rolled his eyes and muttered something about explaining later, he and Ginny then headed to the entrance of the great hall.
" What did you do to Pansy?" Ginny asked.
" Oh, that. I told her she was a worthless cow and to leave me alone. Stupid girl." Draco said rolling his eyes again.
" You know, your kinda cute when you do that." Luna said surprising them both and causing Ginny to jump right in to...
" What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall asked suspiciously.
" Uh.. Nothing Professor!" Ginny asked trying not to laugh at the expression on Draco's face.
" I can assure you, it is not 'nothing'" McGonagall said wondering what the heck a Slytherin, Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw where all hanging out with each other. Before Ginny could answer McGonagall. Harry walked up not noticing her.
" Did I seriously just hear Luna say Draco looked cute rolling his eyes?" He asked. Before anyone could say anything McGonagall burst in to laughter.
" That is something I must tell the other teachers, 15points to Ravenclaw for such a hilarious comment." Professor McGonagall said walking off in laughter. The two Gryffindors and the Ravenclaw and Slytherin headed out to Hogsmeade laughing. After spending a few hours chatting Luna and Harry had to go talk with Rita." So since apparently.. Your taking Ron's place in our group, your going to have to start telling me about you." Ginny said smirking.
" Oh really?" Draco said returning the smirk.
" Yea, just list 18 random things about you and then in turn Harry and I will, maybe even Luna. But here's an idea, you say one and I say one." Ginny said sitting down, they had chosen to go to the Hogshead to talk, they obviously didn't want to run in to Hermione and Ron.
" Alright fine. 1. People using magic badly drives me up the wall." Draco responded rolling his eyes.
" Don't tell Harry but. 1. You do look kinda cute rolling your eyes in my opinion."
" Oh... Maybe I should. 2. Muggle music is better then magic."
" And you would know that how? 2. My favorite lipstick is muggle."
" I don't want to know, 3. I know because I used to listen to it with out my dad's permission."
" Haha. 3. I admire Fred and George and look up to them as my heroes,"
" 4. I respect Harry."
" You what! Wow... er okay four, I... I am jealous that Hermione got to slap you in her third year."
" Ah great, now I have to be careful if you do that. Five, I hate people calling me Malfoy all the time,"
" Well.. All you do is have hate Ron then, five. uh, I hate Lockhart."
" Who doesn't? Other then Mione, er let's leave it at five for now and go buy out Honeydukes as Harry put's it." Draco said smirking again, Ginny nodded, they payed for there drinks and left not meeting anyone they knew on there way there. After entering the cozy and warm shop they began looking for treats." Six, I don't really like any of the Slytherins other then Zabini." Draco suddenly said almost surprising himself.
" Oh er, six I think that Ron eats like a troll." Ginny smiled in spite of the fact that they were talking about Ron.
" Seven. I think that Ron is more powerful then acts."
" Oh why's that?" Ginny asked forgetting that she was supposed to say something about herself.
" When he used Sectemsempra on me it was more bloody then it has ever been before." Draco said with out thinking,
" Ever been before?" Ginny was really curious now.
" Your turn Gin." Draco simply said as he looked over at some new sugar quills.
" What did you just call my sister?" Ron asked threateningly pointing his wand at Draco,
" Uh.. What the heck?" Ginny said glaring at her brothers," I mean! He didn't call me that, he just called me Gin." Ginny quickly finished seeing Draco's face.
" And since when was Malfoy allowed to call you that?" Ron sneered his wand still pointed at Draco.
" Since we became friends." Ginny responded rolling her eyes." Come on Draco, let's go to Zonko's, Ron's such a annoying git." She then said grabbing Draco's arm and they began to leave but before they reached the doorway a flash of light almost hit Draco's head, who pulled out his wand and spun around to face Ron.
" No Weasley becomes a friend of a Malfoy." Ron growled glaring at both Malfoy and Ginny. Before he could go on Harry and Luna showed up." What the heck Ron!" Harry said pulling out his wand also.
" Seriously you three! What in the world is going on?" Hermione asked angrily as she walked over...
Chapter Fourteen-Questions again
" Ron's acting like a git because Draco called me Gin." Ginny said glaring daggers at Ron and Hermione,
" Okay, drop it the lot of you. Ron don't please." Hermione said taking Ron's hand leading him away from the others,
" Wow, I swear every time I see him he get's stupider." Harry muttered as they left Honeydukes, Draco glanced at Ginny to confirm they where thinking the same thing.
" It's just the effect you have on people Harry," They said at the same time trying not to burst in to laughter. Harry started to protest until he realized they where joking and laughing hysterically.
" Hey Ginny you still haven't done number seven yet." Draco said after he finished laughing.
" Oh. Okay. Seven, my favorite color is green." She smirked at Harry who rolled his eyes.
" Eight, I almost scared Pansy to death by telling her I was going to Hogsmeade with you today." Draco responded with his un-Malfoyish smile.
" Oh so that's what that was about," Ginny said laughing again,
" What! You mean I missed seven already." Harry asked surprised.
" Yep, okay, eight, I have slapped Harry more times then I have slapped you." Ginny said." Ah, great we are at where we go separate ways. Do one more then we'll do more tomorrow?" Ginny asked groaning.
" Nine. I am a death-eater,"...