Oooh.. Draco is always a nice guy
Chapter Twelve: Hogsmeade invatations
" Hermione, I'm sorry for calling you a mudblood and for being a git to you. I also wanted to let you know I broke up with Lavender." Ron said walking up to Hermione.
" I forgive you Ron, and I'm sorry for being a jerk and snogging Malfoy." Hermione responded looking down at her feet. Ron hugged her happily and left. Shortly after he left Hermione received a note.
Want to go to Hogsmeade with me next Saturday?
Hermione smiled at the note, wrote a yes on the back and attached it to the owl that delivered it.
*** Gryffindor Common Room-Later that day
" Hey Hermione, want to go to Hogsmeade with me Saturday?" Ron asked her as they sat around the fire. Hermione almost panicked
Draco or Ron? She thought confused.
" I'm going wi-" She began seeing Ron's face fall she changed her mind." Sure! Meet you at 10am." Hermione finished happily.
" Okay, awesome!" Ron said smiling as Hermione and Ginny headed up to the girl dormitories.
" Hermione! What the heck was that?" Ginny exploded once they got up.
" What do you mean?" Hermione asked confused.
" Your supposed to be going with a Draco to Hogsmeade, remember?" Ginny explained hardly believe what she saw downstairs.
" I.. Well. I don't want my friendship with Ron to be destroyed again." Hermione said trying to explain it to Ginny who obviously didn't seem to understand in the slightest. She groaned before answering Hermione. " So this is supposedly going to destroy your friendship with Ron, what do you think it will do to Draco, he asked first. Duh!" Ginny retorted angrily.
" Why are so against my going with Ron anyways? And I thought you hated Draco." Hermione said confused again.
" Oh never mind you wouldn't understand." Ginny responded dryly storming off. Hermione sighed, and decided to write a note to Draco explaining everything.
Sorry. About Hogsmeade, I am going with Ron instead, maybe I can see you there?
I know you asked first but I don't want my friendship with Ron to be destroyed again,
Sincerely Hermione
***Somewhere in Hogwarts-Same night
Draco sighed after reading the Hermione's note. That was he was looking forward to. Since Richard Lider was killed by Bellatrix in the Hogwarts attack he had no really to talk to, Crabbe and Goyle where annoying and wouldn't understand, Pansy was a cow. And now Hermione didn't want to hang out with him. Not that he could blame her after what she heard in the prisons." Something troubling you Drakikins?" Pansy's annoying voice startled him.
" What?" He asked surprised.
" Something troubling you Drakikins?" Pansy repeated in a annoying way.
Don't ever call me that." Draco spat angrily at her.
" But-" Pansy began again,
" GO AWAY!" He yelled at her, getting seriously annoyed. Pansy finally walked off pouting and Draco put his head in his hands hoping that she wouldn't return.
" Pans prat bothering you?" Ginny asked walking over and sitting across from in the window sill.
" Was, what do you want?" Draco asked trying not to sound angry, not quiet sure if he manged it.
" Mione told you?" Ginny asked, if he had showed any signs of anger she had ignored it,
" yeah." Draco answered looking up at Ginny wondering what she could want from him.
" So um-" Ginny started but was interrupted by Ron and Cho leaving a nearby classroom.
" What the heck are you doing alone with Malfoy Ginny?" Ron asked confused and angry by the sound of it. Ginny rolled her eyes before answering,
" I was going to ask him to Hogsmeade. So go away!" Ginny snapped at her older brother. Ron's jaw dropped in shock and Draco raised his eyebrow surprised." Shove a sock in it and leave Ron." Ginny said starting to get annoyed, Ron decided it was good for him to leave and to not face his sister walked off with Cho." So want to go to Hogsmeade with Harry, Luna and I?" Ginny asked smiling.
" Why not, You know how you first phrased that was kinda weird." Draco said trying not to smile.
" I only did that to make my brother go away, cya tomorrow then!" Ginny said hopping off the windowsill and walked off to the Gryffindor Common Room...