Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
I think this is my longest chapter yet, and the most action-y one..
Edit-Stupid me! I forgot what happened at lunch *evil grin*
Chapter Ten:The Dark Mark
Ginny couldn't believe it. She was actually having a nice time with Draco Malfoy. There tiny quidditch game had just ended and it was getting dark. Suddenly Ginny gasped. There was a dark mark right above the school." How could we have missed that!" She exclaimed as they broke in to a run towards the school. Right after they entered they met a horrid seen. There were bodies strewn all over the great hall and plenty more still dueling and badly scarred." LUNA!" Ginny gasped running towards the Ravenclaw girl cornered by Bellatrix Lestrange and another death eater." AVADA KEDAVRA!" Bellatrix shrieked her wand pointing at the helpless and wand-less fifteen year old...
(Flashbacks from before the battle)
Luna Lovegood's PoV
I slowly drifted in for lunch, but on my way to the Ravenclaw table I noticed there was something going on at the Gryffindor table, so I headed there instead. Anyways I had an excuse to go over there, my best friend was over there. I got my answer to what was wrong half way to the table when suddenly Mrs Weasley's voice boomed across the great hall (Howler I guess)." RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU CALL HERMIONE A MUDBLOOD APOLOGIZE TO HER, YOU DON'T DESERVE A FRIEND LIKE HER. I ALMOST WISHED HARRY DID HEX YOU YOUR LUCKY HERMIONE STOOD UP FOR YOU. I AM INCREDIBLY ASHAMED OF YOU AND YOUR ACTIONS AND SO IS YOUR FATHER. I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT YOU ARE NOT WELCOME INSIDE THE BURROW TILL YOU APOLOGIZE TO HERMIONE AND MEAN IT!" Mrs Weasley's voice continued on, once making a comment about how 'that Malfoy' deserved to be Hermione's friend more then Ron did. As Luna looked at the Gryffindor table for Ginny she noticed her next to Harry laughing hysterically at Ron's face...
Cho Chang's PoV
I wished today would never end, it was so wonderful. I decided to make my intentions clear earlier today, now all I have to do is find him! And tell him that I love him." That girl doesn't even deserve a Gryffindor like him!" I absent mindlessly said out loud.
" Hm, What Cho?" Marietta asked confused.
" I can't stop thinking about him and the Gryffindor brat's dating him." I said angrily.
" Well, why don't you tell him? He's on the quidditch field with Ginny." Marietta said confused, hoping I hadn't had a love potion by mistake. (Which of course I didn't).
" That little Brat! She can't stop me from being with my true love!" I exclaimed happily jumping up running off to find the dashing Gryffindor that had captured my heart. Finally! I spotted him on his way to or from the quidditch field, I didn't care. I ran up to him and kissed him.
Colin Creevey's PoV
"Darn Snape and his Homework! I'm going to learn nothing from him." I slammed my book shut and decided to watch the three people playing quidditch. Ginny was rather gorgeous today, but I felt that in a brotherly way (she already has to many) not a romantic one, anyways she already had her 'Prince Charming'. I let out a sigh and leaned back in to my chair.
" Hey Colin." Larry Cooper said half waving to me as he fell on to his bed.
" Wassup?" I asked, I could tell he was annoyed about something today.
" It's her!" He groaned turning to face me. I tried my best not to laugh or roll my eyes for Larry's sake.
" What now?" I asked, trying to sound bored, her happened to be my ex Girlfriend
" She is still trying to convince me to convince Hunter to drop out of Hogwarts." Larry said rolling his eyes at me.
" One would think that siblings get along, I mean Marietta's in Ravenclaw what could she have against a Gryffindor!" I said sighing again.
" Marietta loathes everyone. Hunter is top of the list." Larry half explained, he then fell asleep. I feel asleep shortly after that still at my desk. Little did I know the surprise that would await me when I woke up...
(Back to normal)
Bellatrix had just fired the worst unforgivable curse.
" LUNA!" Ginny yelled again, fear in her voice. Colin Creevey noticing what was going purposefully put himself in the way of the killing curse, then. Everything went black for him. Bellatrix just laughed, raising her wand again intending to finish what she started.
" Stupify!" Draco near shouted pointing his wand at his surprised aunt.
" Malfoy! The Dark Lord will be incredibly displeased in you." Bellatrix's partner said turning to face him.
" Not as much as he will be with me." Harry said making a slashing movement with his wand. The death eater looked rather young for some reason, probably even younger then Draco, but surprisingly he had mastered non-verbal spells, with a flick of his wand he sent the other spell in the other direction. Cho Chang and Marietta had just ran in to the room to see this. The other death eater laughed at them pulling his mask off.
" Hunter Edgecombe!" Ginny gasped.
" Marietta, your brother is a death eater?" Cho exclaimed surprised just as much as Ginny was.
" Yes I am. Crucio!" He bellowed and Harry fell to the ground shaking in pain." Stupify!" Hermione said pointing her wand at Hunter who knocked it away like he did with Harry's spell.
" What did you think that would have done stupid mudblood?" Hunter said smirking.
" It gave me time to do this!" Harry said making another movement with his wand causing Hunter to collapse to the ground.
" You alright Harry?" Ginny asked running up to him.
" I'll live, thanks Mione." Harry said hugging Ginny,
" We better get, what's wrong Chang?" Draco started then saw the look on Cho's face.
" It's Ron! He's using the unforgivable spells on everyone, I think he's imperiused." Cho said breaking in to tears, Ginny saw her crying and rolled her eyes.
" Where is he?" Harry asked grudgingly.
" Right here Potter, Sectemsempra!" Ron said with a evil look on his face as he caused Draco to fall to the ground bleeding.
" 50 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!" Samuel Graam bellowed entering the great hall.'
" PROFESSOR! HE'S IMERIOUSED! HOGWARTS IS UNDER ATTACK BY DEATH-EATERS!" Ginny yelled at Graam hardly believing what she saw
" Another 25 points from Gryffindor for yelling at a teacher." Graam said walking by them.
" What the heck are you playing at?" Hermione asked confused.
" You'll see mudblood." He said waving his wand causing everyone's vision to go black and fall to the ground. At least everyone but Luna who was still in the corner.
" STUPIFY!" She yelled her wand hand shaking." Harry! Hermione! Ginny!" She said running over to them forgetting about Ron, but Ron hadn't he walked behind her and began to raise his wand to preform the killing curse when suddenly someone else beat him to a spell.
" Expelliarmus." Draco said weakly before collapsing to the ground. Luna looked around noticing Ron slapped him in the face and stunned him. She immediately began healing everyone till something hit her back causing her to fall on the ground. Knocked out.