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Old 01-04-2010, 09:19 PM   #15 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Originally Posted by cait malfoy View Post
Oh goodness, another post?! Today is my lucky day haha. Ron is being so dumb with his comments. And Lavender tripping Hermione? Tsk, tsk. Can't wait to see Draco sweep Hermione off her feet (hopefully!). Good post!
Well.. In chapter Seven there is some romance

Chapter Seven:A rash revenge

It was over a week since the Hogsmeade incident. Nothing had changed much between Ron and Hermione other then the fact that they probably hated each other more. It was a Sunday so fortunately there were no classes. But there was a slight problem, Fred and George said that where going to visit some time that day. It was around 1pm when Hermione and Draco where strolling around the Hogwarts halls looking for something to do." The correct answer would b-" Hermione suddenly stopped talking as Ron and Lavender exited a empty classroom.
" Hermione-" Ron began. Hermione not wanting to hear what he had to say turned around and kissed a surprised Draco. Ron sneered and dragged Lavender off. Hermione realizing what she just did, ran-leaving Draco standing there totally stunned. She took every possible short cut she knew and ran in to the Gryffindor Common Room. She was breathing heavily.

" Hermione! You alright?" Ginny asked sliding off Harry's lap and walking over to her friend.
" I don't think so." Hermione said falling in to a empty chair, Ginny perched herself on the edge of it before asking Hermione another question.
" Did Ron yell at you, or get mad? If so I will hex him so that he can never sit down again." Ginny said her anger starting to rise.
" No! It's what I did." Hermione said trying to remain calm." Ikisdmlfoy." She added hardly audible.
" What, didn't quiet catch that." Harry said standing up and walking over to Hermione." I said.. I kissed Malfoy." Hermione answered her voice starting to waver.
" YOU WHAT?! But Mione, why?" Harry couldn't help but yell in surprise at first.
" What did Malfoy say?" Ginny asked trying her best not to make a face.
" I am feeling so revolted Fred." Hermione heard George's voice.
" Talk about it George, Mione's growing up!" Fred said smirking.
" And she already-" George continued,
" Has chosen her prince charming-" Fred said completing George's sentence. Ginny walked over and slapped them.

" You two are wretched, Hermione probably had a really bad experience. She and Ron haven't been friends for months, so leave her alone before I hex you both in to next week." Ginny said angrily. Fred and George flinched before apologizing to Hermione.
" To answer all your questions. I kissed Draco because I saw Ron with Lavender and I wanted to hurt Ron so I turned around and Draco was with me so yea... He didn't have time to answer I left as soon as I could which was after Ron left. And I am growing up, and if you ever say Draco Malfoy is my prince charming again I will hex you into next week and when we get there I'll let Ginny hex you in to the next week after that!" Hermione said standing up.
" Where you going Hermione?" Ginny asked also standing.
" I'm going to talk with Draco... Then Ron.. Then.. Whatever." Hermione started to leave.
" Good luck Mione!" Ginny called after her before starting to explain to the twins that she and Harry were dating...

Floating, in the distance.
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