Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Oh well, ignore the sneak peek.. Here is the real thing.. Hope it's not to long or short
Chapter Eleven
I awoke breathing heavily and deciding that I hate nightmares officially, slipping out of my bed I headed towards the room on the far end of the hallway, opening the door I confirmed that Carla was still sleeping and I made myself know that she was still here. Duh silly! Why wouldn't she be here, that was just a silly nightmare. Oh I just simply love scolding myself. My mind was a mess and I knew it. I went downstairs to get some water, checking to make sure that Orion wasn't going to scare me again. I gave him enough glory yesterday, he fortunately wasn't down here. But the owl from Hogwarts was. Quickly pulling off the three letters and letting the owl have some water and biscuits I sat down to read my letter. It was rather boring and dull, but then again I did get my head girl badge. I was interrupted from my thoughts of why McGonagall didn't give me the Head girl badge at Hogwarts by Orion arriving in the room.
“ Malfoy.” I nodded my head curtly, mentally asking myself why I even did that.
“ Uh.. Grath?” He was confused, YES! My plan worked. At least what ever my plan supposedly was worked. I laughed in response.
“ What's up?” I asked through laughter. Orion gave me a look of 'what the heck is going on'.
“ I'm wondering why in the world your acting really really weird.” Orion answered.
“ Oh, that's a girl thing.” I collapsed in to laughter, and before Orion could respond Coco arrived, yelping loudly.” What in the world.” I jumped up quickly to go find out what was going on, Orion. To my annoyance followed.
By the looks of Coco had caught her paw in a rat trap. That had been dealt with easily, then came the harder job... Waking Carla. I'm not even a alarm clock. Why the heck do I have to do this anyways? I vented out my anger by kicking her door, something that I was happy I did, before I could enter Carla opened the door.
“ Breakfast. Make. Now.” I ordered her through my pain, Carla gave me a look of someone that was over half a sleep then slammed the door in my face. I crossed my fingers hoping it worked before heading downstairs again.
It did work, Carla was down within eight minutes and breakfast was served within twenty-three minutes. I wonder if anyone knows what peace and quiet is. I thought angrily to myself after being interrupted from my book for the eleventh time.
“ What is it Carla? Is someone dieing?” I asked annoyed.
“ You might die, in case you hadn't noticed, Mikoyan, Lily and Christopher are coming over.” Carla answered me.
“ WHAT!” I exploded. The last thing I needed was Christopher Young coming over, I have had a crush on him since our second year.” No way, and why is he even coming over?”
“ He heard that Orion was over here, and you.”
“ Oh shut it Carla.”
“ It's true. He mainly wanted to become here because of you.” I stared at Carla blankly, what she just said made absolutely no sense.. Glaring at her I began reading again, hoping with all my heart that Christopher was NOT coming over.
Unfortunately Christopher, Lily and Mikoyan showed up within fifteen minutes. Chris was first to show up, oh how I want to murder Carla.
“ Hi Tessa!” He said to me cheerily. I shot Carla a murdering glare.
“ Hi,” I responded dully, or as dull as I could manage. Orion was trying not to burst in to fits of laughter, I wonder why. Oh! I'm blushing, darn you Carla I will kill you! That wasn't the only thought on my mind I could tell as I went back to reading, hoping that Orion wouldn't laugh. He and Carla are SO dead after this. Fortunately Lily showed up next, almost killing Orion with a hug.. That is one thing I don't get, there parents hate each other but there like, best friends?!
“ TESSAAAAAAAA!” Miko announced her arrival rather loudly.
“ Hey Mikoyan! Did you get your prefect badge this year?” I asked, even though Miko was two years younger then me we where still friends.
“ I did! I am so glad, I'll be doing O.W.L's this year, I hope I don't fail.. Do you know what happens when you fail?” Mikoyan asked, I swear she has had sugar recently.
“ I think you redo your year. And Miko,” I waited for her to verbally respond with eye contact before continuing.” Your the best witch in your year.” Mikoyan squealed and hugged me hard.
“ Miss Confusing. It's lunch time.” Orion said to me, I glared at him before realizing what he was talking about.
“ Oh yea!” Sometimes I have to admit I am not the brightest witch ever.
“ Is that all you require Mistress Bella?” Iron and sarcasm dripped heavily from Michael Turners voice.
“ That is all Turner.” Bella replied silkily ignoring the sarcasm. Michael turned on his heel and left at once.
Bella also ignored this, staring at the fire and idly toying with her wand. Her face was pale and almost hallow looking, black curls and tangles framing the distorted skin, the eyes where sunken and empty. Bellatrix Black had the look of someone who had been to death and back, as if she had been in much pain, living barely as if part of her soul was still alive. The last real thoughts Bellatrix had before yesterday where of the Great Battle in Hogwarts in which she only survived because she like her master had resorted to the darkest of all magic. Horcruxes.
Lost in her thoughts Bellatrix did not notice someone else enter the room.
“ Madam Lestrange.” A wavering voice said, not quiet surprising Bellatrix.
“ Deroga. You are not quiet what I expected, and it's Black.” Bellatrix was still using her silky smooth voice.
“ Times have changed much since I last saw you Miss.. Black.” Deroga stated as he sat down in the seat across from Bellatrix.
“ They have indeed Vladimir. What do I owe this pleasure?” Bellatrix was always a get to the point right away person Deroga noted.
“ Because of Potter, every Death-Eater knows that he killed the Dark Lord, and he now seeks.. No let me fix that. Does not seek, he now resides at Hogwarts as the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher, the very same job that was refused by someone more worthy, our master.” Vladimir Deroga did his best not to sneer.
“ Oh.. So you blame Potter for everything? I did not see you rushing to the Dark Lords side and taking a curse for him.” Bellatrix's fury was in her tone as well as her eyes.
“ I didn't see you do that either.”
“ In case you hadn't noticed Deroga. I was otherwise occupied.”
Deroga stared at her blankly for a second or so.
“ Now I have a slight problem, my sister and her family the Malfoys need to be dealt with. They abandoned the Dark Lord in his time of need. They will have to pay for this.” The anger in Bellatrix's eyes began to fade away.
“ So it is true then, you have come to take the Dark Lords place.”
“ Hardly, merely filling till he returns.
“ You believe that he will return?”
“ I have no doubt that the Dark Lord will return. He has already done so once.” Bellatrix lied easily, she knew that all of Voldemort's Horcruxes where destroyed and that Potter had killed him then burned the body, there was no possible way Voldemort could return.
“ When do you expect-” Deroga was cut off by another person entering the room.
“ Vladimir, it is time for you to go, do not bother my guest any longer.” Melanie snapped taking the seat Deroga had just vacated, then waited for him to leave before starting to talk with Bellatrix.” Bella, it has indeed been a long time since I have last spoken with you. And even then we hardly met.”
“ That is because you where a faithful servant to the Dark Lord as was I and obeyed him. But Melanie, please tell me what you know about my Grand Nephew.” Bellatrix responded with a smile.
“ Orion is said to be staying at a mudbloods house, and then to return back to Hogwarts to finish his last year as Head boy, and Gryffindor Prefect obviously.” Melanie answered a little hesitantly.
“ It seems to me that there is no Pureblood left that is sane.” Bellatrix scoffed.
“ My family still remains pure, but there is little others then that. The Potters are no longer pure, only two of the Weasley's had enough sense to marry Purebloods, the Longbottom line remains untainted, the Arnies have one last remaining heiress who was adopted by the Longbottom's, and then there is the Young's that still remain pure.” Melanie sighed, Bellatrix nodded in agreement.
“ Melanie, is there anyone in Hogwarts that might be able to help us?” Bellatrix asked.
“ There is still Christopher Young, you may remember his father.” Answered Melanie after a moment of thought.
“ Christopher Young will be perfect, tell me the main details about him.” Bellatrix said with a empty smile.
“ He is a Slytherin, 7th year prefect, I believe he is friends with Mikoyan Davies, I know he is friends with Albus Potter who is in his 6th year, also Slytherin.”
“ Potter named his child after the fool Dumbledore, idiot.... Good, Christopher is exactly who we need.”
“ I will begin gaining him on our side then Bella.”
“ Good luck, enjoy yourself.” Bellatrix continued to stare in the fire as Melanie left...
Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 01-04-2010 at 06:03 PM.