Posting! Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Here it is
Chapter Ten
Mikoyan slammed her books on the table angrily. Picking up the pale blueish-purple folder of the same table she left the library. Heading towards the library which was two stories beneath her. Upon arriving there she noticed a slip of parchment her mother probably left there
Headmistress-Minerva McGonagall
Divination-Sybill Trelawney
Defense Against Dark Arts-Harry Potter
Transfiguration-Minerva McGonagall
Care of Magical Creatures- Rubeus Hagrid
Potions-Lilly Snape
Ancient Runes-Bethany Miller
Arithmancy-Septima Vector
Muggle Studies-Daffie Grid
History of Magic-Cuthbert Binns
Herbology-Neville Longbottom
Charms-Filius Flitwick
Astronomy-Henrietta Black
Quidditch-Ginevra Potter
Librarian-Hermione Weasley
Quickly glancing down the whole paper she noticed several new teachers, two of them where rather famous.
“ What in the world is a world famous quidditch player doing at Hogwarts?” Mikoyan said out loud surprising herself. She hadn't noticed her aunt was in the room.
“ What did you say Miko?” Melanie asked walking over,
“ Ginevra Potter, who was chaser for the Holyhead Harpies is going to be teaching quidditch and running the matches at Hogwarts aunt Lanie,” Mikoyan answered still staring at the parchment is surprise.
“ That is surprising indeed.” Stated Melanie simply,” now I'll take that and return that to your mother if you don't mind Mikoyan.”
Mikoyan did her best not to roll her eyes, she hated her full name Miko was good enough for her.
“ Yes aunt Lanie,” Mikoyan replied walking from the room forgetting her folder.
Melanie picked up the folder and looked through it briefly, it was filled with pictures of her and Hogwarts friends, all the backs where labeled. The one that caught Melanie's eye was the one labeled.
Albus Potter, Christopher Young, Eliza Bones, Orion Malfoy, Mikoyan Davies.
Melanie raised her wand and made a copy of the picture. A Malfoy was at Hogwarts, this was good news indeed for Melanie. She then pulled a copper ring out of her pocket pressed it slightly then sat down in a chair as if waiting for some one.
*** Michael Turners PoV
I felt the copper ring on my finger burn up instantly, Melanie wanted me. I quickly apparated to the Davies house where Melanie said she was going to be for the week.
“ You wanted me Melanie?” I asked confused.
“ Yes, I believe I have found the man we where looking for. Orion Malfoy, he is the grandson of our dear friend Lucius. And currently at Hogwarts.” Melanie stated blandly.
“ What! No, there is no Malfoy, I checked over and over. How would you even know about this?” This was not possible, she was not supposed to know this.
“ My niece Mikoyan Davies has a picture in her folder, it contains the following students-Albus Potter obviously I need not explain, Christopher Young I know you know Mr Young, Eliza Bones who is the daughter of Susan Bones, Orion Malfoy... Who is indeed a Malfoy and then there is my own niece Mikoyan. I am mildly confused, if you checked the student list how come you did not see the name?” Melanie certainly didn't sound confused to me.
“ I didn't think that he would be of use because he is a.. A Gryffindor.” I muttered not looking up.
“ Gryffindor or not, he is use of us. His father shares the same hate towards Potter as do you, is that not correct Michael?” Melanie never shouted, but the way she spoke made you sometimes want her to shout at you.
“ Yes Melanie. But-” I was cut off
“ But what Michael?” Melanie's voice was cold as steel.
“ Orion Malfoy is normally seen in the company of mudbloods and blood traitors.” I was scared what Melanie's response would be.
“ Mudbloods and blood traitors? That is just a rumor spread by those unworthy to go to Hogwarts to try and bring the Malfoy name down, I am sure that Orion is smart enough to not waist his time on such filth.” Melanie was firm, there is nothing I can do to prove to her that Orion is not a worthy candidate.
*** Carla's PoV
“Oi! T get over here, it's your turn to wash dishes.” I snapped at my sister for the umpteenth time,
“ just a sec Car,” Tessa retorted back, before showing up three minutes later.
“ About time, my fingers hurt.” I glared at her drying my hands off I headed towards the living room.
“ Is cleaning all you ever do in this house?” Orion asked me trying not to laugh,
“ No, mostly fighting.” I answered with a grin, picking up my DADA book I started reading. There was a pleasant silence, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what the new Hogwarts year was going to be like...