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Old 12-31-2009, 06:41 PM   #28 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Animated Flake Updated!
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Here it is

Chapter Nine

The door was closed and locked, I had no way out. And across from me was Timothy he was yelling something which I didn't understand, he was pushing me towards the window. There was noise outside the door, I wanted to get away. Grabbing my eleven year old sister's arm I approached the window.
“ We can't leave you Tim!” I turned around realizing what he was doing, he ignored me. Pushing me out the window on to the ground. He quickly passed me Carla who was sobbing still. Before I could make him follow us there was another shout. The door burst open and two men entered, one of them pulled out a wand and yelled.

I awoke suddenly forgetting where I was. Looking around quickly I realized I was still in my room. I quickly brushed the tears off my face before I headed to go wake up Carla.
“ GAH! It's only 6:58 T! Let me sleep!” Carla shouted at me, this was my least favorite job.
“ I don't care Carla, wake up it's time to walk the dog before breakfast, which you happened to be making, as usual.” I groaned.” I'm gonna go take a shower so be ready by the time I'm done.”
“ WHAT! You take showers in like 2 minutes! Your absolutely terrible and cruel,” was Carla's reply. I laughed before leaving.

My dream popped in to my head as I arrived downstairs after my shower.
“ You look like you don't belong in this world. Your heads stuck in the clouds.” Carla elbowed me as she put the leash on to Coco.
“ Come on Coco, it's only for a few minutes till we get to the park.” I spoke soothingly to my Yorkshire Terrier,” Orion, are you ready yet? Coco go bite him.” Orion glared at me, Carla resisted a urge to laugh I could tell.
“ I am ready, and if you make that tiny dog bite me I will get rather angry.” Said Orion, still glaring at me.
“ Coco doesn't bite people. We tried for hours once to get her to, so there's nothing to be scared of.” Carla stated, as I headed for the door I heard Orion retort that he was not scared of the dog.

Laughing mentally to myself I opened the door to smell the fresh air, Autumn was creeping upon us, the leaves where already starting to turn there shades of red, orange, yellow, brown. The wind was alive and crisp. I just stood there for a few moments before recollecting my self to shout at Carla and Orion to get outside. They showed up momentarily still bickering.
“ Honestly you two, your going to make me go crazy. Your worse then James and I arguing.” I laughed at them.
“ James who?” Carla asked forgetting who I was talking about.” Oh yea him, you guys argue like crazy,” I rolled my eyes at her, she obviously didn't get my point. It only took us a few minutes to walk Coco, she was a small dog. We got home around 7:26, Carla shouted at Orion and I to stay out of the kitchen so she could make breakfast in peace. I decided that I was going to read Advanced Transfiguration Guide. I really needed to catch up on home work, being the Head girl doesn't mean that McGonagall is going easy on me...
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