Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Here is more! I know it's short, so I will try and make chapter eight long..
Chapter Seven
Carla woke up from her nap. Wondering why the yelling downstairs had not woken her up before she pulled out her wand and trudged down there to find out what exactly was going on.
“ Your a incompetent fool Malfoy, and just like your grandfather!” Tessa screamed not noticing Carla who had just slipped in to the room, rather amused at the seen.
“ I am not like my grandfather, and don't speak like that to me mudblood.” Orion retorted hotly, Carla almost pulled her wand out and attacked Orion for the last word that he said but decided to just watch.
“ You just proved it by calling me a mudblood, again.” Tessa was not calming down and was now yelling. She didn't mind being called a mudblood but if it was coming from Orion it was a whole different thing.
“ If you say or imply I am anything like Lucius Malfoy again I will curse you.” Orion was managing to keep control of his tone better then Tessa.
“ I thought it was a honor to be just like a power loving death-” Tessa was cut off by a hex sent at her. Which she was about to retaliate to but was interrupted by Carla finally speaking up.
“ Calm down the both of you. I'm surprised Tessa you hate him more then you hate me!Also, your both acting immature, irresponsible and childish. I don't care if they all mean the same thing that's how your acting.” Carla was suppressing a laugh as she spoke. Orion and Tessa both looked livid by being told off by a 14 year old.
“ Now apologize to each other at once or else.” Carla finished the look on the older two's faces was about to make her laugh.
“ And why should I listen to you or apologize to him?” Tessa demanded angrily.
“ Because I am the top of my year in Hogwarts, the librarian Madam Weasley gives me private tutoring, and she happens to be the smartest witch in that Hogwarts has ever seen, I will poison your food again, and I will hex you both in to next year if you don't. So apologize NOW!” Carla threatened with a huge grin.
“ I still don't understand how you didn't end up in Slytherin.” Orion muttered then apologized to Tessa with a simple sorry. Tessa glared at her sister who was laughing hysterically by now apologized then stormed out of the room.