Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
It is here! And Chapter Seven should be put up soonish.. Starting to work on Chapter Eight already.
Chapter Six
I finished packing with a groan, I was heading home today. Fortunately my parents where in Germany so it would just be Carla and I. And she would be studying. I then let out a sigh. Sidney would be going back to the Longbottom Estates with her foster father and sister, Orion was.. I didn't care where Orion was going. He was probably going back to the pompous Malfoy Manor.
“ Tessie! Your going to miss our portkey back!” Orion called up annoyed, I grabbed my bags and literally almost flew down the stairs.
“ One, don't call me Tessie.. EVER! Two, our portkey?” I demanded
“ I can call you whatever I want. And the Headmistress is under the impression that if we spend more time together we will stop being crude to each other, but since my father would never let a mudblood stay at his house. So I have no choice but to go to your house.. You think I want to?” Orion certainly did sound like he wanted to kill McGonagall.
No wonder he's angry! I thought to myself.
“ Don't call me a mudblood you prat, and if you don't stop calling me Tessie I will start calling you Orie, again.” I snapped, before he could retort our portkey glowed bright blue and we hardly had any time to put our fingers on it. Soon enough we landed in my living room. There was a sweet melody coming from the piano in the room next this one. I knew exactly what to do and I knew I would enjoy doing it.
“ Your room is next to mine on the left when you arrive upstairs, my sister Carla is the only other person in the house other then us two. My parents are in Germany, they left two days ago and won't be back till after we leave so you don't have to worry about that. Breakfast is at 8am sharp, Carla cooks all the meals so don't get her angry. She once poisoned my food, you being a pureblood won't stop her from poisoning yours.” I enjoyed bossing Orion around already. He rolled his eyes at me then walked out.
“ Who where you talking to T?” Carla asked walking in, the piano music had stopped only a few seconds ago.
“ Someone from school, there staying here for the rest of the summer I believe.” I answered not really wanting to be bothered with her. I wonder if she would ever stop calling me 'T' it is such a annoying nick name, but it is far better then Tessie.
“ Is it Sid-” Carla's question was answered and cut off by Orion re entering the room.
“ I thought you hated him more then anything and vowed to make him suffer a very painful death along with some other stuff.. At least that is what you said when you came back from school last year.” Carla stated, this is not what I wanted brought up right now.. Not in front of Orion.
“ A painful death and other stuff?” Orion repeated, he sounded amused. I slapped him.
“ The Headmistress thinks that him staying here will make us friends, I happen to disagree.” I muttered the last part to myself, but Orion and Carla both heard. Carla laughed then left a humored Orion and a exhausted me in a room. Not the wisest decision she has ever made.