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Old 12-25-2009, 04:26 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

[/COLOR][/FONT]harita-thanks for always posting. I enjoy reading all the posts, but, not that many people post, so I'll go ahead and post this chapter.

K'Lari- I appreciate the hug. "The Night The Lights Went Out In " no, not Georgia, my house, was daunting. I wondered how much a new unit would cost. This one was only 4 years old. And also, how cold and for how long would we be. Steve, and my oldest son was able to repair this one the nexxt day, and now we are nice and warm.
Could he have discovered Occlumency already?!
I think his mom wasn't a trusting person and taught her son Occlumency to protect him from people finding out what he is, and to shield him from his father.
Huzzah! Ahem... Sounds like I've got my hands full
Teddy and you have a big role in chapters 12 "Narrow Escapes And Narrow Rescues" & 13 "And What Of Neville?"
~Otts-No, freezing isn't fun at all. Thanks for your sympathy, we are as I said earlier fine now. Did you notice my editing?
Severus came around often. Tom could feel a different conduct about the brooding young man. No longer could Severus's thoughts be seen. The ominous feeling Tom felt was a great worry, and he feared further involvement with Severus would be harmful for Lily, even though Tom could still tell Severus cared deeply for her. This one emotion was something that could not be hidden, yet.
Although werecats are very capable of love and adoration for their masters, or any trusted human, Tom's relationship with Lily, as well as all werecats and humans, could never be romantic. A pure, innocent and platonic love enabled Tom to be the most loyal confidant and fiercest protector for Lily. This is what he loved and lived for.
and I also fixed the line about Ottery taking the snake to James. That was an oversight on my part. Originally it was, but when I was trying to make the story easier to read, I was so cold and sleepy, I just started separating every few sentences. I should have waited till later to post. But, I had said I'd post that day, and I didn't know how tied up I'd be with the electric being off to fix the heating unit. So, Professor Of Fanfictionology, do I get passing marks? I don't see you as showing off Otts, I think you are being thoughtful in helping a pal, and I thank you for your time you take for me.
Which begs the question, why doesn't Lily know his secret? That Tom's a smart one isn't he?
Tom is just taking no chances, because always before when his secret was discovered, bad things came about for him. He knows Lily would never harm him or cause harm to come to him, but Petunia would, and think better of herself for it. And he didn't want Lily to have to keep secrets from her parents and Petunia.
They are a sweet couple, but when Ottery is away from Kelly, he is such a pill.
No comment.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I wanted to respect the character you have established as mischevious, but, I wanted to also give him a quality of honor in reguard to Kelly. Your character that I know of, has never been with Kelly, and I wanted to show a dedication he has for her too. When he and Teddy are running around they are both a handful. I know everyone loves your Ottery character, as well as they love you, and I didn't want to take anything away from that.
But I have to admit, having happened I would have done more than just attach a roll of toilet paper to Severus' feet in revenge ... I'm just sayin'. No one messes with my friends ... *takes out Godric's sword*
I almost wrote it that way, but I didn't want to make the story line a thing of revenge in that people could have been hurt or trying to help Severus defend himself against attackers. Severus had obviously been caught trying to do something evil, and out of consideration of Lily, they got their revenge by humiliating Snape and getting people to laugh at him. I’m thrilled you love my story!
MER!!!!!!!!!!!!- Welcome to my story. Your concern is appreciated. We're fine. Steve found out what the problem was and only the box attached to the house burnt. Thankfully we didn't loose our house, and nobody was hurt. just cold. I'm so glad you like my story, and hope you stick with us, and hopefully I'll get better at my storytelling.
Next chapter - "Hate Takes A Backseat, Love Abounds" A Petunia Tom chapter for the most part. Hope everyone enjoys this one, and Merry Christmas!


It's Not a Roller Coaster Ride, It’s Life

Time was nearing the end of the summer holiday. Lily was in such good spirits for not having anyone human to talk to all summer, but confiding in Tom was good enough. He was such a comfort to her.

It bothered her that Severus did not drop by to offer any condolences when her parents died, or go to the funeral. What hurt her so badly was when she went to his house and asked to have him meet her at the park later in the afternoon; he just looked at her in an apathetic way.

She could not tell if he was going to or not, so she told him that her daddy had left him something in his will. He simply sneered at her and said he did not want anything from a, (he stopped short in saying the word he was going to use) him, he continued.

“My skin crawled every time they touched me. Whenever I ate there, I had to will myself not to get sick, and I never did like anything about Tuney,” he mocked her little girl voice. When she told him that it was her daddy’s wrist watch, a very personal gift a father leaves his son, Severus answered, “Lily, there’s not a single thing in this world that I have to be thankful for, except that I didn’t have to have your daddy for a father. My papa is a worthless piece of scum, but I would take him over your dad anytime. At least he’s a pureblood.” Severus then slammed the door in her face.

This was the straw that broke the camels back. She was weeping uncontrollably into Tom’s soft fur as she told him of Severus’s animosity towards her family.

“Anyway, Tom, I’m ok.” She was still hiccupping quietly. It’s just a stormy season my life is going through. I miss Daddy and Momma so terribly much!

I miss Severus being the good friend he was to me. Growing up was hard in a home of hate and evil racism. I feel sorry for him, and wish he could have a better life. I know that he cared for me. If he were truthful to himself, he would realize he still does. It doesn’t matter; it’s an implacable situation, as long as he has the sickness that drives Death Eaters.” She started singing her “Seasons… “song, petting Tom and settling herself down.

“Tom, I’m going to miss you so much. You’re my bestest, best friend, she said in a subdued tone.” and kissed him on his nose. He nibbled her chin affectionately. He did not dare lick her because his tongue would tear the skin off her face.

“I’ll save that for Severus if I ever get a chance to get close enough to pounce on him. Then, why stop there? I’ll tear open his chest with my claws, break open his breast plate with my powerful jaws, and then I’ll sink my teeth into his miserable filthy heart and,”

“Tom, Tom!” laughing and pulling him away from her. “You’re getting a little carried away here.” She wiped her face, still laughing. “You’re drooling on me.” She kissed him again and said she still loved him though.

Lily said she needed to say good-bye to Petunia. “She still hates me even though we’re both alone.” A lone tear rolled down her cheek. “At least I have my friends at school.

Tom, please take care of her, sense Momma and Daddy are gone she really is alone and I worry about her so. I love her and, Oh! Guess what Tom? I nearly forgot to tell you.

I worked it all out, you know, how to make her rose’s bloom forever. I will have one just like it. I’ll put a Protean Charm on them, and then each time I tend to mine, a rose bud will appear on hers.

I will enchant the soil and richen it with special potions, and a drop of my blood to make it live forever, as long as it stays in the same pot of dirt, and she takes normal care of it. Even though she hates me, she will still tend lovingly to her roses, because she loves them so.

I will do it this year when I start my last term. Can you believe it has been six years? It seems like only yesterday that I found out -- never mind.” she said as bad memories started eroding away the sweet spirit she was in at the moment.

“When I graduate from school this year, I’ll bring the Rose bush in its special pot of soil home and give it to her.

Then I will get you to come live with me and,” she paused and sighed with a yearning desire on her face, and a shy smile came upon her radiant face, “James” she said breathing his name. “I am sure he will be asking me to marry him.

He hasn’t told of his love for me, or even kissed me yet, but I know he wants to. I can feel his love, and his parents passed away at the same time mine did. We don’t want to live alone, but until he asks me then it will be you and me in an apartment some place.

I will not push myself on Petunia. Isn’t it wonderful Tom,” she said in a singsong voice, “I’m going to be married!” She danced around in a waltz with, Tom, her dancing partner held tight to her shoulder.

They waltzed out into the family room where Petunia was playing a waltz to which Lily and Tom was dancing. Petunia finished, and Lily told her she loved hearing her play. It’s like it takes all the discontent out of the world and fills it with contentment.”

“I have a surprise for you Tuney, remember when I said I’d learn how,” she stopped abruptly, and her eye’s got big, for at that moment Petunia for a brief instant lunged for Lily, and hugged her tight. Be careful of Severus, he is not the same. He is evil I can feel it. I love you. She whispered in her ear.”

Then just as quick, she shoved her away. “I’ll take care of Tom till you’re out of school. Then, you can keep him here with you. We will have no reason to keep in touch anymore.

I’m out of school and I’m going to call on that, Vernon Dursley, whose been pestering me to marry him. His family has money, so I’ll be loved and provided for.” she exclaimed with her nose in the air.

“You,” she said with a look of discussed on her face, can magic up a love potion and shack up with some lazy no account lay about then. Don’t forget! If you want Tom, I’ll wait until you are to be home from school, if you don’t show up; it’s to the slaughterhouse.

I’ll not pay for a shelter for him.” “Now,” she said as she put Tom’s harness leash on him, “we need to get you to the train, I have things to do.” Lily stood there staring at Petunia holding the door for her because she was in shock. “Oh for goodness sake, come on freak!”

Once again, Lily went to the train with tears streaming down her face, and broken hearted. Petunia started to walk away, but Tom held his ground. There were two reasons he wanted to stay just a bit longer. He wanted to see his beloved master get on her train, and if there was an opportunity to pounce on Severus, he wanted to take it.

However, Severus wasn’t at the station. James Potter was the boy leaning against the train smiling a very charming smile, with his arms folded across his chest, waiting for Lily. Just as the train blew its whistle, Tom spotted Severus and he couldn’t help but laugh within himself.

It seems his trunk broke open and all his stuff spilled onto the walkway. Each time Severus would get it all put away and shut, it would spring open and all his stuff would again fly out. James leaned out the window and yelled, “Let me help you Snively!” he waved his wand and the trunk packed itself, and flew aboard the train. Severus ran after it with a great piece cut out of the back of his robes, revealing a dingy pair of underpants.

Ottery blew, and holstered his wand with a satisfied smile. Then, he raised his hand and gracefully caught the caboose hand rail as it came by. Ottery tipped his cowboy hat to Lily, (who had her head out the window watching,) then magnificently swung up onto the platform as he mounted his mighty steed the Iron Horse.

Last edited by Connie; 11-21-2010 at 07:34 AM. Reason: A few typos
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