I know this chapter is short, but I have plans so I know you’ll understand!
So I just want to wish all of you (whether you’re a fan or not) a Merry Christmas. From me to you. So have fun doing whatever you’re going to be doing, I hope you love your presents, and got everything you wanted! I know I did. That’s about it! I love you all! Merry Christmas!

Chapter 24:
A Christmas Surprise
The rest of the train ride was a blur for almost everyone. Rose cried through most of it, Scorpius sat in silence trying to decide what to do next. Lily, Albus, and Hugo wondered where Rose was, but decided it was probably best not to bother her where ever she was. The only one who seemed to enjoy the ride home was Poppy. She sat in her usual compartment, laughing her evil laugh. “And did you see her face when I yelled her name out?” Poppy asked, bursting into laughter again. “I’ll never get tired of it.” She stopped laughing, cueing Catalin and Jenn to do the same.
The train finally pulled in platform 9 ¾ at King’s Cross Station and everyone rushed off the train. Instead of find her parents and her aunt and uncle, all Rose saw was Harry and Ginny, her cousins waiting with her things. “Thanks for getting my things guys.” She said smiling. “I was in the bathroom.” She added as her Ginny gave her a questioning look. “Oh. Well let’s go, your parents are waiting at the Burrow.” Harry said turned around.
Christmas morning finally came. And with it came another blanket of snow. All the kids rushed down the stairs into the cramped living room. The parents sat on the couches, sipping coffee or hot chocolate. The kids grabbed their presents and the sound of paper ripping filled the room, followed by:
“I love it!”
“It’s amazing!”
“No I
love it Grandma it’s…uh…
Rose had received a peacock feathered quill from her brother. A bunch of Wonder Witch products from her aunt and uncle. WWW products from Uncle George. Honeyduke sweets from Albus. A signed copy of Hogwarts a History from Lily. And matching earrings for her necklace from her parents. Sigh, the necklace. She had made up an excuse that she left the necklace at school on accident. “Let’s go outside and have a snowball fight.” Albus said. Everyone stood up to go outside (including Ron, Hermione, etc.), but Arthur stopped them. “Wait!” He yelled going behind the tree. “There’s still one more present.” He said coming back around. “It’s for Rosie.” Arthur said handing the present to her. Rose took it and looked to see who it was from.
To: Rosie
From: You Know Who
She slowly tore the wrapping out to find a small velvet black box. She opened it, smiling softly at what she saw. Her necklace. It was her necklace. She lifted it out the box and held it up. “It’s your necklace.” Hermione said smiling. “Looks like someone noticed you left it and sent it.” Ron said smiling too. “Well lets go have that snowball fight!” Someone yelled. Everyone ran outside, everyone except Rose. There was a note in the velvet box. She pulled it out and read it.
I’m still sorry. And I think we should talk. Meet me by the One-Eyed Witch at 11:00 P.M when we get back to school.
Merry Christmas Rosie.
“Rose are you coming? Your mom just nailed your dad in the face with a snowball!” Lily yelled. “Coming!” Rose said stuffing the note into her coat pocket. And as she ran outside she whispered, “Merry Chirstmas Scorpius…”