Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Four
Tessa awoke with a start, she had fallen asleep in the library and it was already rather late. Picking up her few books she exited the library yawning. As Tessa was heading towards her room she heard talking in a near by classroom.
“ However that may seem-” Someone was saying, Tessa wasn't sure who.
“ I am not going to listen to this slander about another teacher Micheal.” Lilly Snape the potions teacher said her tone angry.
“ Lilly. You need to understand, he is not who you think he is. Potter is only here to destroy Hogwarts!” The man named Micheal started again.
“ Harry Potter is not here to destroy Hogwarts, Micheal this is slander. I know Potters children, I have heard a great deal about him from the Headmistress. I even know that he killed the greatest dark wizard of all time, if any one has proven that they are good and have good intentions for this school it is Harry Potter.” Lilly nearly yelled as she slammed something, then stormed out of the room only to see Tessa standing outside of it.
“ What are you doing up at this hour Grath?” She asked trying to keep her tone calm.
“ I was on my way back from the library, I fell asleep there when I was reading.” Tessa answered sounding a little confused.
“ Very well then, be on your way.”
Tessa resolved to tell Sidney about this in the morning as she walked off still confused.
“ So, this person.. Michael is accusing Professor Potter for trying to bring down Hogwarts? That just doesn't sound right.” Sidney said for the umpteenth time. Tessa tried her best not to roll her eyes.
“ I know it doesn't sound right.” Tessa agreed as she began pacing in front of the painting of the wizard teaching trolls how to dance on the 7th floor.
“ TESS!” Sidney nearly shrieked as Tessa began her 4th time around.
“ Wha-” Tessa started but noticed the door.” What is that?”
“ I'm not sure... Think we should ask a.. That's a stupid idea, I'm a Ravenclaw for goodness sake! I'm supposed to be smart!” Sidney almost shrieked again.
“ Well a Slytherin says not to tell a teacher and to enter it.” Tessa said in a rather matter of fact way.
“ I thought it was a Gryffindors job to be brave and enter it.” Orion Malfoy had arrived,
“ What the- GO AWAY!” Tessa screamed. Orion just laughed and Sidney did her best not to.
“ I will, eventually. But first, do you want to know what this room is?” Orion stated.
“ I.. What? You know what this room is?” Sidney and Tessa sputtered.
“ Yes, I know what this room is. It is the Room of Requirement.” Orion said smiling.
“ How am I even supposed to trust you, because next your going to say it's perfectly safe and that I should go in. But I will probably will be attacked by some sort of magical beast.” Tessa glared at Orion,
“ Um... It is safe, but not perfectly. And there is no magical beast that is going to attack you. There is no magical beast what so ever.” Orion tried his best not to laugh. Tessa continued glaring at him then opened the door in the room of requirement...
I hope it's not that short
Edit. If you want me to PM when a new chapter comes out just let me know