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Old 12-21-2009, 07:54 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Default Of Heads or Tails
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Here's my next chapter, I'd like to take a short bit to say, harita, thanks for being here all the time, you're so sweet. Welcome Lissydove, and hope you enjoy our company here cause it's going to be a long story. ~Otts, thanks for encouraging me and giving me tips, I appreciate all your comments. Please everyone bear with me, we had a problem with the power going out in the house. I called my wonderful Steve, (Hubby)and he came home from work. He got the power back on after he checked what the problem is. It turns out that our heating unit outside bit the dust, and nearly burnt down the house. He's got electric to the unit off, and we now have power, but it is very cold. It's 43 degrees outside, and cold in here too. So, i'm just going to post this, then jump in bed and get warm.


Not the Wonder Years

So it was then, that Lily full of sorrow, wet eyes, and cheeks stained with tears went off to Hogwarts with Severus. Tom did try to be friends with Petunia, but it didn’t work out. She always shooed him away from her.

Each time Lily came home, she would give Petunia little odds and ends that she had done magic on and snuck them home to give her. Petunia would look her straight in the eyes and throw them in the trash. “Freak” she would say and turn away from her.

Severus came around often. Tom could feel a different conduct about the brooding young man. No longer could Severus's thoughts be seen. The ominous feeling Tom felt was a great worry, and he feared further involvement with Severus would be harmful for Lily, even though Tom could still tell Severus cared deeply for her. This one emotion was something that could not be hidden, yet.

As Lily went through her years at school, Petunia and Tom suffered through their years at home. He still tried to be friends with her, but she often times treated him cruelly for his efforts. Sometimes she would kick him around muttering things like, “She even loves you more than me! And “How old are you anyway, stupid cat? Shouldn’t you be dead by now?”

In the summer of Lily’s sixth year when she was home for the summer holiday, Petunia and Lily lost, their beloved parents to a ten car pile up. A crash that killed forty-eight people was due to an eerie fog that settled in the area. Things like this were becoming commonplace. Multiple car crashes, train derailments, strange windstorms cropping up on very calm days. Tom could feel an evil force and he worried for Lily and yes, even Petunia.

It seemed things had been bad at school for Lily also, and now she could only talk to Tom. She spent endless hours in her room telling Tom how Severus broke her heart. She missed his friendship of old. She trembled as she spoke of how sly and evil he had become. She held him to her tightly while stroking his fur, and scratching behind his ears. He nuzzled his face in her hand. He did so much love his master.

Although werecats are very capable of love and adoration for their masters, or any trusted human, Tom's relationship with Lily, as well as all werecats and humans, could never be romantic. A pure, innocent and platonic love enabled Tom to be the most loyal confidant and fiercest protector for Lily. This is what he loved and lived for.

Tom enjoyed these times when she confided all her secrets to him. “Tom,” she was saying, in a near whisper. “He called me “Mudblood.”

At this, he jumped down onto the floor. His hair bristled, he hissed and spat, growling he extended huge claws that would cut threw flesh easily and sliced the air with powerful strokes. His blood was boiling. If only she had told him of this when Severus was in his site. He would have taken care of him easily, before Severus even had a chance to think of defending himself.

“Oh no Tom,” she countered, and picked him up and settled him to her. “No harm done from that. It’s only a word, not a nice one, but that’s not what bothers me. It’s the fact that he didn’t mind using it on me. Then, if you please, he was all sorry, and wanted me to make up, and be best friends again. Yeah right, as if there’s any chance of that happening. Seriously! Is he mental or what? Did he expect me to just laugh it off and say,” Oh Sev, you are such a card you are. I just never know what I’m being dealt with you.” Then giggle as if I don’t have a brain cell in my head, a hug and kiss to make everything all better? Huh! Dream on Sev, cause that’s the only place that’ll happen.

Honestly! Can you believe the nerve of him?” She contained her rage, and then started back in again in a much-refrained way. “But you know what Tom? He has become so opaque. I can’t read him anymore. Scary isn’t it? I wonder what will become of him. I really do miss the friendship we had growing up, before he turned all mean and evil. I am best off without him now. Sad.”

“But, you want to no something else, different I mean?” A fresh sweetness swept across her face. It was like, when the sun comes up on a chilly morning and its smile touches everything covered in frost and kisses the earth until it melts the frost away leaving a fresh clean warm glow. Tom settled in her lap again and she started telling him about her great friends at Hogwarts. She had grown quite fond of James Potter.

“As a matter of fact,” her face brightened with a smile that radiated over the whole room. “I’m sure I love him!”

She had all kinds of sweet things to say about him. Tom thought this was funny as always before when she was home on holiday she referred to him as a toe rag. He infuriated her with his antics, at being so cocky, his cleverness, his strutting about the place, and showing off his ability at Quidditch. He was brilliant, she gave him that, he was just so stuck on himself. Now its James is so this, and James is so that. She couldn’t say enough sweet things about the great and handsome boy.

“Some of my other friends are Sirius Black, James’s best friend, he’s a real handful, Remus Lupin, is not well. He’s a werewolf,” she whispered, “he’s perfectly safe though. Professor Dumbledore has it fixed that at the time of his affliction he is safely away from any human. It really takes a toll on him though. He is a beautiful person and he is a Prefect. He can’t do anything to make James and Sirius behave though.

Peter is a little guy who hangs around trying to make people think he’s big and important. Poor little guy, he’s always needing help with his studies, and protection from other students who poke fun at him.

Ottery, and Teddy, are two wild and crazy guys whose pranks rival with the likes of James and Sirius. Kelly is Ottery’s girlfriend. They are a sweet couple, but when Ottery is away from Kelly, he is such a pill. You cannot help but love him though.

Lissy is Sirius’s girlfriend, and my best friend. She is the one who is able to get me through tough times at school. I am sure you would love her.

Frank Longbottom and Alice are already married. They got out of school last term.

Teddy and K’Lari are couples also.

Steven and Maria are planning to get married sometime after they complete school. We all have such a good time.” Tom got up and turned around so Lily could scratch the other ear awhile.

She continued with tales from school. “One night Sirius went too far with one of his gags. It would have been disastrous if it had gone off the way Sirius planned.

Ottery found out what he had done. It was to be a prank on Sev. He was always sneaking around trying to find out where Remus went to each month when he was “sick”. Ottery wanted in on the prank too. He just thought the tunnel ended in some sort of secret infirmary or something where Severus would end up getting in big trouble.

Assuming that James was one of the masterminds who planned it, he asked him what he could do. None of us, except for James, Sirius, and Peter knew at this time that Remus was a werewolf.

James was infuriated and said he had to stop Severus before he was murdered.

He took a beating from the Whomping Willow before he was finally able to magic a branch to push the secret stump granting access to the tunnel where Severus was.

Battered and bruised, James tried running, but mostly stumbled due to his injuries, yelling for Severus to stop. He was afraid he was not going to get to him in time, so he sent a spell up the tunnel as a last resort.

When he reached Severus, he cracked up laughing. Severus did not know he was just running in place. When he heard James laughing, he stopped and turned to see an exuberant James.

He was leaning on the wall, whether to hold himself up because of his condition, or because he was laughing so hard, he could not stand up alone. Nonetheless, Severus was livid, and aimed his wand at James.

He was about to perform the Cruciatus Curse. James was quicker and flicked his wand and Severus’s wand flew to James’s other hand. He told Severus he would be able to get it back from the Headmaster.

I thought that was brilliant of him. Anyway, James told Sev that he was an idiot to do what Sirius told him to do, knowing very well that he hates him so much.

Then he told him that if he had gone to the end of the tunnel he would have reached the Shrieking Shack where a werewolf would have attacked and killed him. In addition, he would be turning it loose, only to emerge on the grounds of Hogwarts.

Professor Dumbledore was not happy with the boys, any of them, although, he secretly was very impressed with James. Severus did not need to know that which didn’t concern him. Sirius needed to think before he acted, and James should have told him instead of handling things himself.

Each of their decisions could likely have turned a werewolf loose on the grounds, and Remus, an innocent victim, being evicted from school, and probably institutionalized.

There could have been students bitten, killed, or traumatized for life from fright. He, himself would have had to step down from being Headmaster of Hogwarts, and loose his place as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.

Remus would never be able to live with himself for what could have happened. He told Sirius to think about if Remus had killed Severus, and search his soul to see if his conscience would allow him to live a happy life knowing how it would have affected Remus.

As a punishment, Professor Dumbledore took all the house points from Gryffindor and Slytherin and told Sirius and Severus they would have to earn all the points back by doing good deeds for the opposing House, as well as their own.

For example; if Professor Slughorn offered Sirius five points, to clean the cauldron in his class, then five points would also be awarded to Slytherin House, if the offer was declined then the opposing House would still get the points, but Gryffindor would loose five, until the points originally taken away were made up.

This would not affect the point system for the rest of the student body. Needles to say, Filch is getting a large amount of help with his work.

“I can’t help feeling badly for Sirius. His family is so evil. He has run away from home. He hangs out at James house now. They treat him as one of their own. Just like Daddy and Momma treated Severus.

The Black family is all thinking that wizards, purebloods, are the only race worthy of life. His younger brother even joined the Death Eaters. Severus joined this year. Tom, how could he turn so evil?” It was obvious she was broken hearted.

She told him that James has a way to get around undetected and that he followed Professor Slughorn one time to a secret meeting in Professor Dumbledore’s office. He sat clear through the meeting and learned a great deal about an evil dark wizard calling himself Lord Voldemort. They were all assigned different things to do in the group called, The Order of the Phoenix.

James got special permission to give practical tutoring for, “Defense Against the Dark Arts” from Professor Dumbledore in a classroom that was not being used. James was the obvious leader because his magic excelled even that of some of the Professors. No one knows why, but it just comes natural to him. Sirius is almost as good, but he doesn’t use his mind as James does.

They still jinx Severus anytime they get a chance to. At first, it made me angry, why not just ignore him I wondered, but then I saw Severus try to do awful things to them, James especially.

He is very dangerous and he does terrible things when nobody is watching. We all make a point to watch him carefully.

One time Ottery brought James some sort of poisonous snake. He told James he’d just seen Severus put it in his broom closet. It would have bitten James when they went to play Quidditch against Slytherin that day. Ottery caused a roll of toilet paper to attach to the bottom of Severus’s shoe. Who knows how long he walked around with kids laughing at him, dragging a great stream of toilet paper around everywhere he went.”

Last edited by Connie; 12-25-2009 at 03:21 AM. Reason: To correct word useage and make a more enjoyable read.
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