Originally Posted by
OMG!!!it actually is a torture...Poppy is HORRIBLE!!!

I know right!
I love writing her.... Quote:
Originally Posted by
Oh no! This can't be happening. PAMS!!! PAMS!!! Poppy is so evil....
But it is!
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
Poppy is so evil!!!!! She passed Pansy evil before she showed up.. I believe she just passed Bellatrix and Umbridge evil
Great job still! must

more lol
Really? Wow I must be really good at writing evil people...has she passed Voldemort evil? Or do I need a little more work on her evilness?
Alright, so as you may all know, I've been posting like a lot more than I usually did. But I'd like to do a little shoutout to my SS Buddy....Hermione<3Ron!
She's been a loyal fan since day one, so THANK YOU Jess! Your the best. 
And I forgot to do my offical welcome to Cassiopia Malfoy in the last chapter. I was just so excited to post, it slipped my mind. So please give a warm welcome to Cassiopia Malfoy!!! Now on with the show.

Chapter 22:
The Torture Continues...
While the actors assembled themselves on stage, Poppy looked out into the crowd at right at Rose. She smirked seeing the expression on the girls face. She looked so shocked it was funny. Turning her attention away from Rose and towards Scorpius. He was glaring at her. Poppy's smirk dropped and she shrugged simply, looking over at the actors.
Jenn's boyfriend Cameron stood in the center, wearing the exact same costume as Scorpius had. He looked cute, but not as cute as Scorpius had. Poppy cleared her voice silently and began to speak again. "It's the night of the Halloween Ball, and Scorpius waits in the center for his, uh, mystery girl." She said, rolling her eyes mentally. "When from the huge crowd, she appears." Jenn came out from behind the curtain, wearing the exact same dress, tiara, and a bright red wig. She had everything...well, all except the necklace.
Scorpius watched as the play continued, frowning when the actor playing, uh him, came on stage. Was that really what he looked like? Like Cameron Spinalie? Eww.... He watched as Poppy's friend came out, probably SmartyGirl. He squeezed the necklace in his hand slightly, feeling the edge of the key shaped necklace dig into his palm.
He looked back at the stage, shifting in his seat akwardly as the garden scene began to play. The...the...the...kiss was coming up soon. But wait, how did Poppy know all this happened................? Of course! She was probably in those giggling bushes. He knew there was no such thing as giggling bushes, not even in the magically world.
Rose felt like crying. Her eyes were filled with tears, but she kept holding them back. She was not going to cry, she was not going to cry. She sat up a little straighter in her chair as the kissing scene came closer. And then it happened. Jenn and Cameron kissed and it sent a flashback through Rose's head. She could just fell her lips meeting Scorpius's and sharing there first kiss together.
"But our little princess had a secret. She wasn't a princess at all!" Poppy's voice rang out. The play had ended and the actors stood on stage, smirking. The moment was coming. Scorpius sat up in his chair, giving his full attention to Poppy. "She was a geek, a loser." Rose could feel the tears returning and Lily's eyes turning towards her. Rose wanted to leave so bad, but those stupid Slytherins were still by the doors, smirking.
Poppy giggled evily as she saw the expression on Rose's face. The girl was defiantly close to breaking down, she could jsut feel it. Poppy cleared her throat and continued, "And who may you ask is this 'princess?" She asked putting air quotes around princess.
Oh no...I have to get out of here. Rose thought standing up and making her way towards the door. She'd get past those idiots some way. "Rose Weasley!" Poppy yelled, pointing to Rose. Gasps were heard all over the place. Students and teachers turned there gaze away from the stage and toward Rose.
Rose stood still, looking at everyone. She saw the horrified expression on Albus and Hugo. She noticed all the pitful looks from the teachers, but the one thing she didn't want to see was Scorpius's reaction. But she saw it. He had turned around from his seat and was looking at Rose, disbelief on his face. Rose stared back, hoping he'd say something, but all his does was turn away from her.
She stood there for a couple more seconds, wiping the tears that were falling down her cheeks away. "Come on, let's go." Lily said appearing next to Rose. They turned towards the door, pushing there way out.
Scorpius couldn't believe it. The girl that he'd been trying to talk to all week about his mystery girl was actually his mystery girl. Rose Weasley. He had had a crush on her. She was pretty, smart, and intelligent, everything. But he knew that SmartyGirl was more. Much more. But they were the same exact person. He turned around again to see if Rose was still there, but she was gone.
He turned and looked at Poppy who still stood on the stage, smirking wide. She caught Scorpius looking at her and walked off the stage towards him. She bent down nexxt to his ear and whispered, "Your welcome." Before walking away.