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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
harita, thank you for reading and commenting. I'm so glad you like my story. Yes, it is a different story line. I thought it would be fun focusing on the uncommon. I hope you stay with me here, and keep posting.
I envite anyone reading to post as I would love to know what you all think. I don't know if my posts are too long, uncomfortable to read... let me know.
Anyway, here's the next chapter: CHAPTER THREE
Hatred, Strife, Deceit and Love
Severus waited everyday at the park for Lily to show up. He knew she would, and he was confident he could get her to forgive him for saying what he had said about Petunia. He was not sorry of course; he just needed to make Lily think he was.
Today was Severus’s lucky day, because he had only been to the park ten minutes when he seen Lily coming. He hurried over to the swings and made himself ready for the deception. She was going to come into view of him any moment. He looked around, “Only that little kid that’s always here, no one else in site.” He bent over and pulled out a concealed jar, opened it, and went to work on his face with its contents. In just seconds, he put the jar away and cleaned his hands. A quick glance towards the direction she would be coming from, and then a sly smile, here she comes.
“Well well, if it isn’t, SEVERUS! “She gasped. He had looked up then quickly turned his face away from her. “Sev, what’s happened to your face? Look at me.” she said worriedly. She touched his shoulder, and he pulled away from her touch.
“Why?” he asked in a dejected voice, still hanging his head.
“Because I care Sev. Are we best friends or what? Is it your papa again?” she asked intently. “Did he hurt you Sev? Please talk to me.”
“She is being so sweet and he’s only acting. How can that boy stand himself?” Jim was sick with disgust and contempt over Severus’s deceit.
“It doesn’t matter what’s happened at home. Nothing hurts as bad as you and Petunia being mad at me. Yeah, Papa beat me,” he said lifting his face and looking at her, he continued (inwardly satisfied with her gasp and look of repulsion on her face.) I do not care though, I will be away from that vile man and momma soon enough. It’s how lonely I am without you and Petunia that makes life unbearable.” He looked down again and was silent. “Lily, I didn’t mean to be mean to Petunia, it’s just,” he paused “well, that day Papa had beaten me brutally. My back was laid open raw, and he wouldn’t let momma heal it. You know how Petunia is always hanging all over me. Well, I just couldn’t stand the thought of,“
He stopped short because she threw her arms around him and cried. “Severus, please forgive me. I am so sorry. Let’s go to my house and tell Tuney what happened. It’ll make everything alright.”
“Lily, can’t we stay here and talk, just you and me? Tomorrow these bruises will be gone. Momma snuck me some medicine awhile back for bruises. I just had to leave in a hurry before I could put any on. Petunia shouldn’t see me this way; she is a bit squeamish about this sort of thing isn’t she? Besides, I do not want your folks to see me this way. I don’t want to take a chance on them telling the authorities, because my folks can avoid detection.”
His plan worked like a charm. Lily fell for it and they stayed talking until she had to go home.
The next day Grace sent the girls on an errand to get a basket of eggs and two quarts of milk from the corner Grocer. When they had left the house, Tom went in Petunia’s room and changed into Jim, got the secret letter and took it into Lily’s room and put it on the bed pillow. He would put it in Petunia’s mind that she put it there so Lily and she could make up. Then Lily would understand why she had been so hateful to her. They would make up and be just as if nothing had come between them. Changing back to Tom quickly he went out and stretched out on the sunny spot on the living room carpet and fell asleep.
The girls returned home and Grace looked at them both. “Whatever is going on between you? I was hoping that you girls would make up and be loving sisters again. Now, do what you need to do to make this happen, or your daddy and I will have to step in.”
Petunia turned away, went in the family room, and started playing the piano. Lily smiled and assured her mom they would fix everything today.
Severus came just then and the two of them went to the family room, waited for Petunia’s song to end, and then asked her to come in Lily’s room. Severus and Lily went on back. “No!” Tom screamed in his mind. “This is not the way it’s s’pose to happen. You’re going to ruin everything.” He got up and ran back to Lily’s room. They were already reading the letter.
Petunia walked in and saw them reading the letter. Tom quickly put the memory of her wanting to show the letter to her to make up. She looked a little confused for a second then came out of it.
“What is he doing here, and why have you let him read my letter?” she asked scathingly.
Lily and Severus stood there with their mouths hanging slightly ajar. Severus recovered immediately turning his face at her. There was no surprised look, no look of guilt, and no look of concern; actually, the only look on his face was a slight smirk. Quite satisfied was he that his plan worked. He knew no amount of pleading from Lily would sway Petunia’s ire. He did however just at that moment regret fabricating the hoax on Lily. He didn’t want Lily to be friends only because she felt sorry for him.
Lily on the other hand reached out to Petunia in love and compassion. “Tuney, why didn’t you tell me you wanted to go with me? I’ll write to the Headmaster, and,” pausing glancing at Severus noting the shame on his face added, ”Severus too, we’ll both write to the Headmaster and ask him if it wouldn’t be okay if you came to school with us.”
Petunia grabbed the letter and screamed back that she would not go to that freak school if they told her she had to. She turned her back on them, told them to both leave her alone and never talk to her again, that she would have nothing to do with freaks, and she especially would not have a freak for a sister. She then stormed out of the room.
Tom felt horrible! He never had a plan fail so miserably. He had not counted on Severus seeing the letter. The plan was for Lily to see the letter, and know that Petunia was hurt and felt left out for not having magic. She would be able to convince Petunia that she was her best friend and hero. As a sister, she loved her dearly, more than any piece of magic. However, this was all for not, and Petunia made her demands quite clear. Lily asked Severus to leave and she would see him tomorrow at King’s Cross.
Petunia hurt Lily so badly; Tom could hardly bear up under her pain. He jumped up and nuzzled her with his face. “Tom, Tom, what would I do if I didn’t have you? She has reached inside me and ripped out my heart. I still have you though. I will miss you so much. Please watch Petunia for me, show her love as you do me. I wish there was a way I could get through to her.”
Tom jumped down and ran out of the room with a bewildered Lily watching after him. “Was I expecting to much?” she chuckled at the strange timing of Tom leaving to do whatever it is a cat does when they get a notion to just up and leave. Then Tom returned and jumped back up on her lap with a beautiful Peace Rose in his mouth, and gave it to her. Petunia had cut and brought some in from the garden earlier, as they are her favorite.
“Tom, you do understand me?” she laughed. “I know what to do now. Thank you Tom, now I have hope.” She went to Petunia’s room and knocked softly, “Tuney?”
“What do you want? Come in if you must, but only if that wretched boy is gone!”
Lily and Tom went in and seen that she was very involved in her magazine keeping her up to date with all the glamour of movie stars and their lifestyles (even though it was upside down). Lily moved close to her and put her hand on her shoulder.
“I’m going to miss you terribly Tuney, and I’ve thought of a present for you.” Petunia looked up and seen the rose in her hand. Lily seen that she had been crying.
“That’s kind of you, seeing how that’s already mine.” she said glaring at her. Lily looked at the rose and laughed. “No, this just made me think of your present. I won’t know how to do it for a while, but just as soon as I do learn how, I am going to make you a magic Peace Rose bush. It will live forever,” she interrupted herself, seeing the skeptical look given her. “I’ll figure out how. The point being, every time I think of you it will have a new bloom on it. Then you’ll always no that I do love you and I’ll think of you always.”
Petunia had a glimmer of happiness and was about to say something, when she narrowed her eyes and said hatefully, “I’ll chuck it in the trash bin when you leave, so don’t bother yourself on my account.”
“No you won’t Tuney; it’s your favorite thing. I know you won’t throw it away. You can’t help it, you’ll love it, and you’ll love me.” Lily leaned to her and kissed her on the cheek, and put the rose in her hand.
Before Petunia could say anything, someone spoke from the doorway. It was mom. She had been walking back to get Lily’s laundry from her room to do up for school the next day, when she seen Lily give Petunia the rose and kiss her.
“I’m so glad you girls have made up, I couldn’t bear to think of you two separated with harsh feelings for one another.”
The next morning Harry, Grace, Petunia, and Tom on a leash, took Lily to King’s Cross and entered platform nine and three quarters. Lily was so excited, but tried to contain her enthusiasm for Petunia’s sake. She glanced at her, received a hateful look, and mouthed the word, “freak” back at her. Every time their eyes met, it was the same. “Freak” Lily couldn’t help it; tears welled up and overflowed down her cheeks.
“Aw Honey,” Harry said, “Don’t cry, I know this is going to be hard, but you are in for the time of your life. We will miss you very much, but you’ll be coming home for the holidays. You’ll be okay. Look who’s here!” he said cheerfully.
“Severus, you all ready for school son?”
“Yes sir, I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.” He said truthfully.
“I know you’ll keep an eye on Lily for us. It’s so much easier on us letting go of her knowing she’ll have you there with her.” Harry hugged his shoulder and patted him on the back.
Grace embraced and kissed him, then said, “Honey, we’ll miss Lily, but we’ll miss you too. Have a good term, and make sure you come see us when you come home for the holidays.”
“Yes, Ma’am, Sir,” acknowledging them both.
Lily hugged and kissed her parents. She hugged and kissed Petunia, who had to pretend to let her. Then she held Tom to her tightly and kissed his head. “I’ll miss you so, please take care of Tuney.” She handed Tom to Harry, and begged he please take care of him for her. She looked at Petunia one last time to say goodbye again and Petunia mouthed “freak” to her again.
Last edited by Connie; 11-21-2010 at 07:11 AM.