Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 20
The Fight Rosa
I wandered the corridors alone. I’ve spent so much time with so many other people I had forgotten how much I liked being alone. No one else’s voice drowned out my thoughts anymore.
As I turned the corner, my thoughts drifted to the unpleasant memories of Kreacher’s story, fading next to memories from the childhood I long to forget before Beauxbatons. I tried to push them away, but they kept slipping through the cracks of my mental wall. Giving in, I headed back for the dungeons; maybe Aurelia wouldn’t be crawling all over Goyle and we could just hang out, or maybe Draco will be there. I could use a good fight right now.
I passed by the Great Hall, where a couple people doing their homework, sitting along their house tables. It was almost dinner; maybe this is how there always seems to be someone here already eating when the dinner was literally just starting to show up on the tables.
I continued down the corridor and finally got to the stairs. I hurried down them and went through the dungeons until I found the entrance to the Slytherin common room. As soon as I entered, the only person inside was Aurelia, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen someone bawling their eyes out until now. I considered this; she is my best friend, but I really can’t handle tears from anyone (including myself). She turned to look at the door. Her face was all puffy, eyes bloodshot and tears still rolling down her face. Her makeup left black tearstains down her cheeks.
Well it looks like I’m staying.
“What happened?” I sighed, going to sit on the opposite side of the couch.
“Goyle...” the rest of her words were high-pitched squeaks.
You know something’s wrong with you when you understand squeals so high they should be reserved for special dog whistles.
“He broke up with you?” I clarified.
She nodded and another series of high-pitched squeaks was her response.
“It’s even worse because it’s the day before Valentine’s Day?”
Another series of squeaks.
“He’s a jerk? Well of course he is! He’s friends with Malfoy; deep down all three of them are buttmunches.”
She managed to crack a small, awkward smile through her tears.
“I mean, come on, it just proves he isn’t worth it – he’s too cheap to buy you something for Valentine’s Day if he’s doing this.”
She jumped across the couch and pulled me into a suffocating hug. I awkwardly patted her back with one arm while the other rested on her shoulder. I let her have it for about 5 minutes, but she started to really constrict my breathing, so I pulled away.
“There will be other guys,” I reminded her.
“Doesn’t... feel like it...” she sniffled.
I was thankful her voice returned to normal and that she wasn’t attempting to destroy my eardrums anymore.
“You have time,” I pointed out.
She smiled slightly. “But until then, every guy in the world...”
“How about just Britain?” I suggested lightly. She actually managed a chuckle.
“Ok, every British guy is a total jerk. I refuse to end up with one.”
I chuckled and shook my head.
“Merlin, do you girls ever go a full day without crying?”
“Not helping, Draco,” I snapped, hearing the entrance door slam shut.
“Who said I was trying to?” I walked past, looking at me with a smirk.
“When do you ever?” I grumbled.
“Oh, I don’t know... maybe Christmas?”
I gaped and scoffed, amazed that he was bringing this up again. “Please...” Aurelia started, but I shook off her hand and pushed up; here was the fight I wanted!
“Christmas? Pft! If you consider calling me an arrogant prick, taunting me, threatening me, and trying to steal my wand away help, you’re seriously delusional. In fact, I’d rather have spent the night with a family of blast-ended skrewts than with you. I would rather have cuddled up next to the Whomping Willow than...”
“You called me an arrogant prick, you were being a drama queen acting as though having your bloody ring on was a slow and painful death, and you threw books at me and tried to use magic against me. You would’ve ultimately vandalised my home if I didn’t try to stop you!” Draco cut in, the tenseness of his body rising along with his voice.
Yes! I was getting the fight I wanted.
“You tried to take my wand from my by force, and that was only after you forced yourself onto me!” I looked around me and found an empty ink bottle. I reached for it, only a second faster than Aurelia who tried to take it away from me, and I held it up threateningly.
“Dear Merlin, your fiancé kissed you! Call the Aurors! Get backup from the Dementors and throw me in Azkaban!” Draco drawled sarcastically.
“I’d cry the day that happened. Tears of joy.”
Draco exhaled sharply, angry. I tossed the ink bottle up in the air and caught it again, eying it thoughtfully.
“You wouldn’t,” he growled.
“Only one way to see,” I responded, smiling mockingly. I wound my arm back and threw it forwards, only this time I held onto the bottle. Draco’s eyes widened slightly and he used a wandless protego. I laughed when the faint haze appeared inches in front of him. “You didn’t really think I’d waste it when you were so ready, did you?”
The tendons and veins began popping out in his fists. I swore another vein was pulsing in his forehead. Before this day, I thought I’d seen him at his angriest. This bested the last time... until the day he tries to hit me, this would probably be his best.
“Why must you always throw things?” he exclaimed.
“Why must you always stalk my every move, commenting on every little thing with that bloody annoying better-than-thou sneer of yours?” I snapped back. “I understand you have issues with being obsessive over what you believe to be your property and you must always follow a person you’re just as obsessive over, but you have to draw the line somewhere.”
“And you think throwing things is the answer?” he demanded in amazement.
“Aha! So you admit it!” I exclaimed triumphantly.
“For goodness sake Rosa, it’s always about you isn’t it?” Draco was yelling now, his voice echoing around the walls of the common room. “It’s always me trying to harm you or me following you? It’s always about how ‘oh, blame Draco, it’s his fault I’m this way’. You’re never at fault, it’s always those around you!”
I gaped, legitimately insulted. I turned to Aurelia, whose tears had dried and she seemed too distracted watching this fight to be thinking about her issues.
“I told you that already, Rosa,” she said, putting her hands up in surrender. “Don’t look at me.”
I couldn’t believe it – even my best friend wouldn’t help me out!
“By the way,” he snarled. “Happy early Valentine’s Day.” He pulled out a rectangular-shaped box and threw it at me. I caught it with my spare hand, surprised. He then stalked off, heading for his dormitory.
“Here, happy Valentine’s Day.” I threw the gift to Aurelia, who took it and carefully opened it. I heard her gasp.
“Uh, Rosa...”
“What?” I snapped and turned around.
She held up a picture frame that looked metallic and had been designed to have hearts built onto the top left-hand corner and the bottom right-hand corner. It was part of the frame; not just glued on. It was the photo inside that shocked me.
It was all my close friends from Beauxbatons, our ‘Franglais’ mix with Clémence, Jolie, Evelyn, Janelle, and Perri. They were standing in front of Beauxbatons, laughing and dancing around, waving towards the photographer that took the picture.
The ink bottle fell from my hand, shattering on the stone ground by my feet.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:20 PM.
Reason: deleting un-story-related comment