Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart “What’s going on?!” Lily Evans walked into the compartment with a stern look. She took one glance at James, and shook her head. “Look at you! You’re a mess.” She stated crossly, at which I burst out laughing, along with James and Peter.
“Look who’s Prefect,” I said.
“Hey Evans.” James smirked at the fiery redhead who was even more annoyed at this point. “Come to join us?” he said, ruffling his hair.
“Of course I haven’t.” Lily snapped. “Just clean up this mess, and get changed, quickly.” She said, turning away from us, and walking out of the room.
“Someone’s bossy.” I grinned.
Taking Lily’s advice, Remus cleaned up the mess, and Peter ate the remaining sweets, while James and me went off to get changed into our robes. It was exciting that it wasn’t long until we’d be at Hogwarts.
As I walked with James down the corridor, back to our compartment, we stopped abruptly, seeing Severus Snape in front of us.
I sniffed the air and looked at James, acting like Snape wasn’t even there. “Hey, James.” I said. “Can you smell something? I thought they didn’t let animals on the train?”
“They don’t.” James concluded. “That’s just Snivellus. But what’s the difference, really?”
Snape glared at us. “You two watch it, you can’t go crying to mummy, now, Potter.” He sneered.
“Oh, did you hear that, Sirius?” James asked. “Snivellus is threatening us. Whatever shall we do?” He asked, smirking.
“Perhaps we should get a girl to fight our battles for us. That’s what Snivellus does.” I laughed. Snape looked murderous, he’d reached the end of his temper. He pulled out his wand, but James was too quick.
James looked triumphant as we turned from Snape and walked back to our compartment. The train had stopped, and when we walked in to grab our luggage, Peter and Remus had already left.
We'd get him more later for... Breathing our air.
Last edited by Winter Dreams; 01-21-2010 at 08:59 AM.