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Old 12-07-2009, 11:28 PM   #163 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
I loved the new chappie!!! I also love how you keep updating(=
PAMS PAMS!!! I wonder what will happen now.... hmmmm. Update soon please... (=
But I haven't posted for a week! My streak went down the drain. But heres a new post!

Originally Posted by Hermione<3Ron View Post
Okay I hate cliffhangers, but I love writing them. xDD
I really really really want to know what's going to happen next!
I know right! I love writing them, but I don't like having to wait after I read one. Like in your stories. Post more in Mouring soon!

Originally Posted by PotterGirl714 View Post
GASP! Awww he knows! PAMS! Please post more soon!
Or does he...

Chapter 20:
Poppy Makes Her First Move

The rest of class was torture for Rose, everytime Professor Linden turned around Scorpius leaned over his desk tapping her on the shoulder. And everytime Rose made a loud enough sound to have the professor turn to face them, forcing Scorpius to return to his seat. As soon as the bell rang Rose leaped up from her seat and dashed out the door before a eager Scorpius could ask her anything.

He gathered his things and ran out the door, ignoring Professor Linden yelling. Once he made it of the classroom, Scorpius looked around for Rose. Where on Earth did she go? He thought looking around for the red head. Giving up, he sighed and walked back to the common room for his break period.


A week went by and still Scorpius had no lead on who his mystery girl was. Rose was keeping a low profile around him, sitting near the door in Potions instead of up in the front. Outside the snow had began to fall, placing a white blanket over the grounds.

Scorpius was walking outside by the lake, thinking about how he would talk to Smarty Girl. She refused to reply to his letters, and was ignoring everything he did. Where was she! He needed to know who she wa-. "Scorpius! Wait!" A voice called.

He reconginzed that voice. Groaning quietly he stopped walking and turned around, waiting for Poppy to appoarch him. Normally he would have ran away, but he just wasn't in the mood to. "Hey Poppy." He said as they both began walking. "Hey, so have you found your mystery girl?" She asked rasing her eyebrows up and down. Eww... "No, I haven't," Scorpius replied. Wait, maybe Poppy knew, she loved to gossip about this sort of stuff.

"Do you have any idea who she is?" Scorpius asked looking at Poppy, eagernece clear on his face. Poppy looked at Scorpius, smirking slightly. She knew who the mystery girl was. Catalin had found out during the dance when she overheard the girls geeky cousins talking about it. Poppy knew that the girl was...Rose Weasley.

"Come to the Three Broomsticks tonight." Poppy said. "Poppy, if this is another one of your "dates", I'm NOT coming." Scorpius said rolling his eyes. "No believe me, it's not." Poppy replied. I thought he loved out dates. Oh well, he'll get used to them when we do actually start dating....mwahahaha!

"Then why should I go to the Three Broomsticks tonight?" Scorpius asked stopping and looking at Poppy. "Because," Poppy began. "If you ever want to find out who your Miss. Mystery Girl is, you might want to come." And with that said, Poppy turned on her heel and marched back up to the class, smirking. She had made her first move at crushing any chance Rose had with Scorpius.
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