C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
Kapoor waited as everyone took out either a piece of parchment and drew upon it or flipped to the backs of their books. He noticed Arienna Malone jump up a bit as he began to speak and it made Professor Kapoor wonder if his breath was on hum.
"It looks as though you've all got your charts ready, but before we begin to fill them in with information, you'll need to draw a few details in. For those of you using the charts from your book these details will already be filled in for you. For the rest of us, please draw four concentric rings inside the circle of your chart. Once you've done that, section it off into 12 pie slices and place numbers in the innermost ring 1-12." He instructed.
Kapoor gave the students a few minutes to complete this part and asked them a question. "Why 1-12? Anyone care to offer a guess? Bearing in mind that this is used for Western Astrology.".