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Old 11-26-2009, 07:08 PM   #149 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Even if you don't celebrate it! Like I said last night, I'm going to post another chapter today and here it is!

Chapter 18
Evil Laughs & Angrey Dads

While Scorpius and Rose played Twenty Question someone was watching them the whole time, watching and planning. "Stop it! Your stepping on my foot!" Poppy whispered, shoving Catalin away from her. "You ripped my outfit!" Catalin said, pulling a piece of white fabric off branch. "Well my halo got torn off my when she ran under that tree." Jenn said huffing. "Will both of you just shut up! I can't hear what there saying." Poppy whispered, keeping her eyes focased on Rose and Scorpius's figure.

"Who is she?" Catalin asked pushing some leaves out of the way to see. The three were hunched in a bush across from where Rose and Scorpius sat. There angel costumes were enchanted so the sparkles on them wouldn't be reflected by the moonlight. "I don't know, but I like her dress, think she'll let me borrow it?" Jenn asked. "Shut. Up." Poppy said. Why did I let them come along?

They sat there for half an hour, waiting and watching. "Is anything intersting happening now Poppy?" Jenn asked picking up a handful of grass and letting it fall to the dirt again. "No, there just talking...wait! Somethings happ-" Poppy stopped mid way through her sentence, her mouth open with shock. "What, Poppy? What's happening?" Jenn and Catalin asked, trying to see past Poppy. "He...he...kissed her!"


"Be queit you two!" Poppy saying glaring at them. "Lets go back to the party, I need to find out who this mystery girl is." Quietly they manuvered through the bushes, finally reaching the castle. They stood in the entrance. "Alright, Catalin, you ask the Hufflepuffs, Jenn you ask the Ravenclaws, I'll handle the-"At the moment the doors burst open and in ran the mystery girl. "Well well well, look who's here." Poppy said smirking and crossing her arm over her chest.

"Uh, sorry, but I really need to get going." Rose said walking over to the stairs. "Wait, we wanna talk to you." Poppy said. "Look, I really need to go." Rose said as she began climbing the stairs. Suddenly she felt a arm grab hers and nail dig into her skin. "Stay away from Scorpius, he's mine." Poppy said glaring at Rose. She smiled and let go. "K, bye." Rose stared at her for a second and then dashed up the stairs.

"She's scared." Poppy said walking back to her two friends. "Really?" Catalin asked. "Yup. I finally have Scorpius in my reach. Mwhahaha!" Poppy said, her evil laugh booming in the entrance hall. Jenn and Catalin looked at each other then at Poppy. "What.Was.That?" Catalin asked. "My evil laugh, duh!" Poppy said rolling her eyes. "I swear, you two can be so clueless at times."


Rose reached the protrait hole, panting. She had ran up seven floors and she was exashsted. "Gob-Gob-Goblin." She said giving the Fat Lady the password. The lasy looked down at her, raising an eyebrow. "How do I know your a Gryffindor?" She asked. Rose rolled her eyes. She was already more than five minutes late. Ripping her mask off, Rose pointed at herself, yelling, "It's me Rose!" The Fat Lady frowned and swung forward, allowing Rose inside.

Rose dashed in through the protrait hole, praying her family would be late. But no luck. Ron and Hermione Weasley sat on couch. Ron's face was red with anger while Hermione tried to calm him down. Harry was talking with Albus and Hugo, and Ginny was making fun of Lily's devil horns. They all looked up as Rose entered the common room. "Haha...uh, hi." She said trying to smile. Ron stood up and walked over to his daughter. "Where have you been?!" He asked.

"Ronald, calm down, I'm sure Rosie has a perfect explanation as to why she's late...don't you?" Hermione asked walking up to her. "And you look very pretty Rosie, I really like the dress." She added. Rose smiled a thank you. "I was out on a walk...with some friends." She said. She glanced over at Hugo, Albus, and Lily. They nodded their heads, understanding what Rose was trying to tell them. "She was! We saw her leave." Lily said.

"How do we know that you aren't ly-" Ron began, but his wife cut in. "If Rose says she was out with friends, she was out with friends. She's never lied to us, why would she start now?" She turned her attention to Rose. "Go change Rosie, we'll wait for you." Rose nodded her head and ran up to her dorm changing.

Wait...where's my necklace? She thought touching her neck. No it wasn't there. Oh no, it must have fallen off when I was leaving the garden!

"ROSE, HURRY UP!" Ron's voice yelled. "I'm coming!" Rose yelled back, panicing. What was she going to do? What if her parents asked where her necklace was? "ROSE, IM GOING TO COUNT TO THREE AND IF YOU DO-" Her fathers voice came again.


Rose smiled a little. Thank you Aunt Ginny, your a life saver. Deciding she'd think about the problem later, Rose made her way downstairs. "Sorry, my tiara got caught in my hair." She said. Ron mumbled something under his breath, recieving an elbow jab from Hermione. "That's alright, now can we please go?" Everyone nodded and off they went.


Well there you go, hope you liked it! Make sure to comment! And Happy Thanksgiving again!
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