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Old 11-26-2009, 05:01 AM   #139 (permalink)
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Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Now I don't think I let put the links to Rose's outfit in my recent chapters, so here they are.
Hair (But remembers shes got red hair!)
You'll see her special necklace later in this chapter. It's gonna be a big part of this story.

Chapter 17
Twenty Questions

Rose and Scorpius had stopped in the bamboo garden during their walk, and were now seated on a bench playing Twenty Questions while eating Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans. If they answered yes, they wouldn't have to eat a bean, if they answered no, they would have to eat a bean. So far they were on Question #18.

"Alright, do you have any siblings?" Scorpius asked, gagging on from the taste of his bean. Paint flavored. "One." Rose said giggling at Scorpius. Aww, he was cuter dressed up like prince charming! "K, my turn. Um...did you good on your O.W.Ls?" Scorpius had to think for a minute. He had did so-so. So would that mean he had to eat the bean or not eat the bean? Then again he had gotten a two 'T's' the bean...

He looked down in the book and pulled out a mildly yellow colored bean. He looked at his mystery girl, who was grinning evilly. Then slowly he put the bean in his mouth and chewed. He sighed with relief as the taste of honey filled his mouth. Thank goodness...I can't handle another disgusting bean. First it was dirt, then glue, then caterpilliar, then egg yolk, then prune, then paint, and now finally a good flavored bean!

"Last question." Scorpius said. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Rose, who had been watching a couple of pixies fly above them, looked down and at Scorpius. "Sorry, what?" She asked. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Scorpius asked again looking at her.

Rose reached her hand out to pick out a bean, but Scorpius grabbed her hand in his. Looking up at Scorpius, Rose caught her breath. He looked perfect. They locked eye contact and slowly they leaned towards each other until there lips touched. They parted after a few seconds, both blushing. Rose bit her bottom lip, trying her best not to smile.

And then something struck her. She had to meet her family! "Uh what time is it?" She asked looking at Scorpius. "Uh, 7:40. Why?" Scorpius asked looknig down at his watch then back at Rose confused. "I have to go!" She leaped up and started making her way towards the gate. "Wait why?" He asked getting up. But he didn't get an answer, Rose had already left the the garden.

Scorpius ran out of the garden to follow his mystery girl, but she was already gone. He sighed running a hand through his hair. Was he really that bad of a kisser? He began making his way back to the castle, but he stopped when he noticed something on the ground. It was sparkling. Bending down to get a closer look, Scorpius picked it up and released it was the mystery girls necklace.


Well thats it for tonight! I'll have another chapter up tomorrow hopefully, but if I don't.....
Happy Early Thanksgiving!

Last edited by MarcyMoo; 11-26-2009 at 05:08 AM.
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