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Old 11-14-2009, 04:33 AM   #6 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

--------------- Term 23: CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES Lesson Two: The Gifts O' Poo ---------------

SPOILER!!: Copernicus Kettleburn
The best bet for leaving a gift for Bunz was to put it someplace obvious and hope she appreciated jars of dung. It almost seemed like a mean thing to do... did anyone really get EXCITED about dung? Perhaps Bunz did...

Copernicus deposited the jar in a bag, but it seemed like an awful Muggle practical joke. Poooo in a bag. Yuck.

With a flick of his wand, Cope transfigured the wand into a much more appropriate receptacle. If Cope knew girls who liked pink (and he did), then he was pretty sure Bunz would like whatever was in this bag. Including dung.

He left a note in the bag, placed it on a shelf and departed back to the castle.

Professor Bunbury,
Please enjoy this humble gift in all its finery. I hope you can make use of both, and please know I am always willing to help "spread" the joy.

Copernicus P. Kettleburn

SPOILER!!: Rafe Lycaon
Oh, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, Rafe thought. He didn't like the assignment for Care of Magical Creatures, but at the same time he needed the grade. He didn't want to fail. But, he thought he would make up for it by giving her shoes as well. Professor Bunbury seemed to have a thing for shoes. He wrote his mum asking his mum to send him a pair of shoes a girl might like... She sent him. Mowhoawhoa Blanks or something. He sat the box filled with mooncalf dung and then sat the pink shoes on top of the box. On top he left a note on top in pink ink:

Dear Professor Bunbury--
Please enjoy this lovely gift, may it bring you happiness. You are the best Herbology teacher I know! Perhaps you can use what's inside the box as fertilizer for your plants?

To a professor pretty and true,
Who has the best taste when it comes to shoes.
I hope these are just the right size,
I see why you capture the heart of guys.
Please take these shoes and where then with delight,
I hope it makes up for what's in the box alright.
I better get top marks for this kind of work,
Cause I would hate to cause any damage or make you go berserk!
Thanks so much for your wonderful class today,
I feel like I've learned a lot, that's all I have to say.

--Rafe Lycaon
Rafe felt incredibly guilty and his writing was really scribbly and barely legible. The assignment didn't say he couldn't be nice about it. The last thing he would want to send Professor Bubury was poo. Rafe hid behind a large pot of Abyssinian Shrivelfigs, hiding and making sure Professor Bunbury found her "gift."

SPOILER!!: Chris Potter
"The reason I think you deserve this poo,
is for all the wonderful things you do.
You give us great lessons,
you love you plant specimens.
And you can be smart and beautiful too!"

That was in no way supposed to be romantic. Just nice and complementary.

SPOILER!!: Jack Fritzera
Jack really DID like Bunbury. She was a good teacher and she made Herbology MUCH more interesting that it probably would be with any other teacher. But, when it came down to it...he WAS still a bit scared of her. That was why he was choosing to deliver the silvery mooncalf dung that Morgan had told them to give her while she was BUSY. If he gave it to her face to face...well, things could be a bit disasterous. Like, she could maybe dump the pot of dung on him or something! And Jack was not going to get POO thrown at him again.

Morgan had told them to decorate the pot, but he didn't really have many decorating tools avaliable to him. So, this was the best he came up with:

He had been looking for pink glitter, but when he asked his sister Jasmine if she had any in her dorm, she looked at him like he had two heads, so THAT idea had died pretty quickly. The poem that was attached was not that amazing either (Jack had never really been that good at writing) but ehh. Hopefully she'd appreciate it!

Here is a present from me to you,
the coolest professor with an awesome red hair-do
During our Devil's Snare lesson people gave you a hard time
Because they all thought you'd put their lives on the line
After that stress you deserve a present or two!
So I've decorated a pot and filled it with poo!
While the silvery dung smells, the plants think it's a treat
But you've been warned--it's not something to eat!

Jack Fritzera, Gryffindor Quidditch Captain
He wandered into her waiting area and set the pot of poop down in front of the door before knocking. Without waiting around to see if she would answer, he quickly turned tail and BOLTED out of there, out of fear that an angered Bunz would, indeed, tip the pot over on his head.

Maybe he'd get lucky and she WOULD like the gift and send him a thank you note!

SPOILER!!: Jason Potter Weasley
Jason walks into the waiting area. He has a wrapped present in his hand. This will really help Professor Bunbury's garden, he thinks to himself. She is a good teacher and I hope she likes it.

Jason puts the gift down

Then he leaves this poem which he has written on pink paper which matches the gift -

I looked high and I looked low
What I found doesn't glow
But here it is with a nice bow
I could have made a song that I sung
But I found you some moon-calf dung
Professor Bunbury, here's hoping this is something you like
And after getting this I'm going to take a hike.
Jason checked to make sure the package was okay and then walked away.

SPOILER!!: Destiny Shepard
Destiny stood in the waiting room. She really didn't want to do this, but she had no choice. She re-read the short poem that was attatched to the jar a couple times.

I picked this for you,
A jar of moon calf poo.
I hope you like it so,
I even wrapped it in a pretty bow.
-Destiny Shepard

'It's not getting any better.. she thought as she read it one final time. Leaving the jar on the ground (hopefully she sees it and doesn't step on it), she knocked three times, and then made a run for it.

SPOILER!!: Lucille Beambrook
Sneaky Sneak..

Sneaky sneaky sneaky sneak..


Tip toe Tip toe Tip Toe!

Crash into table..

Vase crash to floor..


Run away Run Away!!

No! Stay...Deliver naiiice smelly present.

Brush broken vase under carpet...

Alllllll Better

Run to door...

Place down naiice piece of mooncalf shiiney poo to make sure Bunbury see's it. We wouldn't want her to miss her lovely gift now, would we?

Tip up its just poo on a carpet. Now she has to TOUCH it. Mwahahaha.

Scribble note, scribble note.

To you, lovely professor,

Here is a present, for you're gross lovely plants.
It's shiiney! You might laiike it. It can double up as a mirror, so that you can do your hair and such.
AND because I LOVE you so much and i know you will love the gesture, i am about to send a little note to all of the ghosts so they can come and look at it with you!
You can have a Ghosty Poo Party!!
You are very welcome, in advance : )

Lucille Beambrook
That would do. Bunbury would Laiike that, her being the evil leg locker lovely lady teacher that she was.

Creepy Creep back through the waiting room.

Sneaky sneak back through the door.

Fresh air.


ooc. i love you really

SPOILER!!: Tamzin Wood
Okay, she coulda just walked in, ditched the present and then done a runner. But presuming Bunbury would freak about the poo, moon calf dung really, Tammy presumed staying around and waiting for her, with her extra gift of SHOES! would help. And then maybe keep the professor happy.

Taking a seat holding her pink jar of shiny poo and then a box containing the pretty Marc Jacob's shoes
SPOILER!!: links are being mean. . .

and then clutching at the paper which held her real suckish poem. REAL SUCKISH.


This poo,
is so not you,
and well . . It's something I had to do,
so to make it easier;
I got you a shoe -
containing a pair of shoes.

P.S I suck at Poems, enjoy the shoes. Not so much the poo.
Tammy Wood.

SPOILER!!: Abby Wright
Abby walks over to Professor Bunbury's office. She notices the professor isn't in her office. That's a good thing. It makes it easier for me to run for it if necessary. Why am I so afraid of this woman. She's just a professor. A professor that grows plants that can crush me like toothpick. I guess that's a good reason to have a healthy fear of the woman. Abby as a Mason Jar full of Mooncalf Dung with a pretty pretty pink bow on top. Abby Loves the way the Mooncalf Dunk shimmers inside the jar. She has attached the parchment with a pink ribbon

Magical Plants are Beautiful
When They Grow Up Healthy and Strong
Bouncing Bulbs, Devil’s Snare, Fanged Geraniums,
Flitterblooms, Flutterby Bushes, Honking Daffodils,
Mandrakes, and Puffapods Need Tender Loving Care
Which You Give Them Each and Every Day

I Bring to You Today a Small Gift
I Hope You Can Use All the Time
Mooncalf Dung Collected Under a Moon so Full
We Could Hear the Werewolves Howl and Yell
The Dung Was Collected After the Mooncalves Had Danced
And Pranced the Night Away

I Collected This Dung With Tender Loving Care
During Our Latest Care of Magic Creatures Soiree
So Your Plants Can Enjoy This Magical Fare
The Mooncalf Dung Will Help Them Grow Big and Strong
The Devil’s Snare and Flutterblooms Will Sing Along

Professor Morgan Gave Us This Task
To Bring You These Mason Jars
With Pink Decorations Galore
She also Sends You Salutations and More
And Hopes You Will Enjoy Her Little Morsels
And Want More

The Mooncalf Are Now Back in Their Burrows
The Students Are All in A Hurry
They Must Finish This Task Before the Witching Hour Chimes
This Jar Is Just One of Many
That You Will Find in A Hurry
The Other Students Will Bring Their Jars
Before the Deadline Don’t Worry
Have Fun Spreading the Dung
May You Plants Live Long and Prosper

Happy Planting Professor Bunbury

Abby Wright

SPOILER!!: Fyodor Balouch
"Professor Morgan assigned us this," he went on, this time more normally, and his tones were now his usual, polite ones. "We collected mooncalf dung in her class, the other night, and she thought you might appreciate some, since it helps plants grow."

With these words, he held out a PrettyPink basket he had bought recently. Inside it were two mason jars, full of mooncalf dung and placed atop a stack of fake, very dark-green grass and fresh, pink flowers. Lying next to the jars was an additional gift, a sweet-smelling bouquet and, peeking out from between all these, an aurum parchment that read, in bold, Gryffindor-red letters:

You know your subject well,
You know your pink high heels,
I bet you can in one glance tell,
How a leaflet feels.

You know each pretty plant,
Or the most vicious of vines,
You know their ways, their habitats,
You can read their signs.

In class, you often tell,
Plants love some love, good care,
I bring a little bit of both,
My hard work as their share.

HavefunwiththePink, Professor.
Now, if only Professor Bunbury wouldn't eat him for lunch. With lots of ketchup and grated cheese, EEK!

SPOILER!!: Torin Kane
Not feeling in the least bit awkward, he nodded at her. "It's like he said, Professor. And I didn't want to do it at all 'cause as I said it wouldn't be respecting you as a Professor or as a person." Even if she had needed the stuff it was just rude to throw it upon her. It was always best for her to ask or to make an offer.

And then he remembered the other thing that he was here for. "I also got you a birthday present 'cause I remembered that your birthday is in January." He held out the box to her. "So happy belated birthday."

Hopefully she would like the shoes he got her.

SPOILER!!: Nicolette Finn
Nikki walked down to the Greenhouses, making her way towards Professor Bunbury's office. In her hand she held her Care of Magical Creatures project. Urgh, she still couldn't get the smell of Moon Calf poo out of her head, it just smelled so wrong, how did Professor Morgan deal with it? And what about that kid that had eaten it? Even more gross!

Oh look, there already a huge line of kids waiting to give her their poop. She thought as she arrived. Nikki took a place in the line, waiting paitently for her turn to apporch. Finally when it was her turn, Nikki put on a smile and held out the beautiful box. The envolpe attached cared her poem.

Even though it's eww,
I picked this for you,
Inside is a jar of poo,
Did you know Moon Calfs don't moo?

Nicolette Finn
"Here's a present for you...if you can call it this." She said, handing the box over.

SPOILER!!: Olivia Zhang
Ohhhh.... time to give some poo to da Bunbunz!

Livvy hoped that the woman wasn't tired of getting all this poo as presents. If so, she hoped that she wasn't in a cannibalistic mood either. She thought of this as she made her way to the greenhouses and to where Professor Bunbury's waiting room was located. Spotting the woman already talking to a few students, she took a deep breath. Figured everyone would've already given her a gift.

Here goooooes...

The girl walked up, waiting in line and when it was turn (Oh how cute. They were taking turns.), she grinned up at the professor. "Hullo Professor Bunbury. I've got a gift for you... that you've probably already gotten a dozen of times today," Livvy said, smiling yet feeling slightly annoyed that they had to pick up Mooncalf poo, stuff it in a jar, and wrap it all up. IT STUNNNK.

"So here you go! I got some Potpourri for you too, in case you got tired and sick of all the smell. Though I have a feeling it won't be enough," she said, blinking slightly. Three buckets of Mooncalf poo on the train at the beginning of the term surely couldn't compare to the amount that Bunbury was getting!

ANYHOW... Livvy held out a basket that contained the jar for her, the envelope that contained her acrostic poem (hopefully that was allowed), and the jar of Potpourri.

SPOILER!!: Potpourri since linkie thing is being a bully

There! Mission accomplished.

SPOILER!!: Lucy Dawn
Holding a medium-sized gift box covered in blue and orange stripes, with a fancy white ribbon, and a small gift tag which read "To Professor Bunbury", all of which carried the strong and heavy scent of several fruity perfumes, Lucy Dawn walked proudly toward Professor Bunbury's office, with a friendly grin on her face. She knew what was inside the box: A container full of Mooncalf dung as well as several delicious little chocolates around it. Beneath the container were two small pieces of parchment. The one on top wrote:

Dear Professor Bunbury,
I must warn you that while I barely know you and therefore am eager to get to know you, this gift is not a sign of the opposite. In fact, this is simply an assignment for class, and I'm sure you'll have already received tons of gifts like these. Disgusting as it may be, I'd like to remind you, also, that the chocolates are indeed uncontaminated. However, if I were you, I wouldn't dare touch it. But if you believe that you would like to indulge...go on ahead. Otherwise, toss it out. Thank you for understand, professor.

Lucy Dawn.
On the other parchment, there was a short poem:

Professor Bunbury, a fine teacher
Though some may view her as a scary creature
Therefore, it may seem fit to give her this
It's a bottle of filth, it's pretty hard hard to miss
Perhaps her creature-like self might do well
To roll around in this substance carrying a horrid smell
Because after all, she's Professor Bunbury
Quick! Get out! HURRY!!
Sigh...this was such a weird assignment. Poor Professor Bunbury. Perhaps, it'd be better to just leave it at the door instead of face her and her reaction? Lucy really didn't feel the need to confront Bunbury, so, she knocked three times on the door and rushed on out of there before Bunbury could even open the door. Whew!! Hope she likes the chocolates...and the box. The box was pretty, no? Yes, it was. Very pretty.

SPOILER!!: Michelle Josephine Stefko
Michelle walked up to Professor Bunbury's door. She sat the mooncalf dung down first. She had decorated the pot.

She had also written a short poem that she attached.

Here's a pot of poo
Especially for you
You make the gardens a beautiful place
Where people can relax and have some space
This is not meant to be rude
It's just a present from me to your plants for you.

Michelle Stefko
p.s. This really isn't meant to be rude. It's just an assignment, and your plants will love it!
Michelle knocked on the door so Professor Bunbury would find it and then left because she wasn't sure what her reaction would be.

SPOILER!!: Evelyn Flores
Peaking around the corner, Evelyn noticed a few people coming and going, leaving jars and boxes by the Professor's door. 'Great, she already has a huge load of 'gifts' already...she isn't going to be so happy to get another one.' she thought, staring down at her own box. She had ran up to the castle and to the common room quickly to grab a box she knew the professor would like and staring at the jar...she just couldn't do it! Even though she despised the professor, it just seemed wrong to do this. 'Professor Morgan has an evil mind...'

Shaking her head, she took out her wand and pointed it at the jar. She had to make it somehow presentable instead of like...this. Did the professor go to Hogwarts when she went to school? And if she did, what house was she in? Maybe she could change it to the house's colors, but she didn't know which house she was supposed to do...Shrugging , she thought of all the House's colors and flicked her wrist, opening her eyes to see her work. Perfect! The jar was totally amazing! Well Evelyn thought so...

Smirking, she tied the hastily scribbled little note that she wrote just now onto the jar and put the jar in the box. She had used her rose scented ink on the note, hoping that maybe it would block out some of the smell, but it barely did anything. 'Aw, well, it was worth a shot.' Peaking around the corner again, still noticing a few people there, she really didn't want to go over in case the Professor somehow magically appeared behind her and threw her to the devils snare again. In fact, the professor could do the RIGHT NOW!

Levitating the box, she maneuvered it so when she flicked her wrist towards the professor's door, it fell and slid across the floor, hitting the wall right next to the door. 'Good...job is to get out of here!' RUNAWAY!!!

Photos!: Note
Not exactly a gift,
though something quite useful,
for your passion and interest,
those plants that are so beautiful.

Photos!: Jar and Box

There was no way she was signing her name on that...

SPOILER!!: LouAnn Purple
Jar of poo in hand, LouAnn Purple made her way to the office of one Mrs. Anastasia R. Bunbury. Truth be told, LouAnn was a little more than ready to get this poo out of her hands and into the professor's hands. In her opinion, the dung should have just stayed right there on the ground and then just...gone wherever dung on the ground ends up going. Instant fertilizer, hmm?

When she finally entered the waiting area, LouAnn did a double take at the number of people already present. Whoa. That's...a lot...of poo. LouAnn took a seat in a corner and began to decorate a little label she'd attached to the front of the jar. When she was done, she held the jar of poo up to the light and admired her handiwork.

SPOILER!!: The Label

So all that was left was a nifty little poem, and LouAnn could be on her way. Still sitting in the corner, LouAnn pulled a crumpled piece of parchment out her pocket and began to write a little poem for the professor.

SPOILER!!: The Poem
"Poo for You"
By: LouAnn Lavender Purple

One day, when I am old and gray, have wrinkled skin, and can no longer see,
I will be able to sit back in my rocking chair and remember just what Hogwarts once meant to me.

My first memory was attending the Start-of-Term Feast, where two boys slung---all over us---gobs of poo.
We gathered that poo, each and every smidget of it, as a gift to someone special---you!

How ironic is it that today, on this...random day in February...I once again come to you with a jar of poo.
I think it's become sort of a tradition to bring these jars of fertilizer as gifts to you!

You know, in our world today, there are some people who enjoy diamonds, shoes, dresses, and rings...
But you, Professor Bunbury, oh great lover of poo, seem to not get gifted with those material things!

It is POO FOR YOU...always poo for you. For we know this is what you truly want and need.
Remember to enjoy it, and of course give it to the plants without greed.

Now then...all done! With a smile on her face, LouAnn edged between a few groups of people and left the mooncalf dung just to the side of the professor's door. She gently laid her poem to the side of it then turned and headed off.

SPOILER!!: Zoe DeValk
Zoe cautiously approached Prof. Bunbury's office. From everything that she had heard about the woman she really wasn't looking forward to running into her.

To her surprise she saw a Hufflepuff and Gryffindor stationed outside her door with packages of all sorts all around them.

"Umm, is this where we should leave the 'presents'," she asked them hesitantly.

She thought that they both looked distracted so she set her sparkly jar down on the sofa right outside of the office and with a little wave headed back to her common room.

SPOILER!!: previous post

Walking through the portrait hole Zoe settled down in a nearby chair in order to work on some of her assignments. She had really enjoyed the Care of Magical Creatures course.

Much more so than she thought she would. Pulling the jar with the mooncalf dung out of her bag she set it on the table and looked at it contemplating how to make dung look more attractive.

She pulled a glitter and a glue stick from her bag and put an even fine coating of silver glitter all over the jar. Next she took a glue bottle and carefully made the shape of little stars covering each one with a concentration of gold glitter. Finally she added a circular moon in silver glitter looking out over a green glitter field with little mooncalves lolling about around the bottom. Well at least they were supposed to look like mooncalves.

The medium she was working with didn’t really make it easy to give much detail other than blobs. Hopefully the effort and shininess would be appreciated. Retrieving a silver ribbon she attached the little poem that she had sadly attempted to write. Why in the world did so many professors think that they could write poetry?
SPOILER!!: sorry excuse for poetry

Does Herbology bring Prof. Bunbury joy
Did this mooncalf dung come from one named Roy
Either way it does not matter
Since our midnight session there is mooncalf dung that could be put in a batter
A mixture that could help the Professor of Herbology do great things
And therefore fly up on soaring wings

Shrugging she decided that was as good as things were going to get and gathering up her little project moved towards the exit of the common room and towards Professor Bunbury's office.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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