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Old 11-12-2009, 01:19 AM   #177 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Posts: 389

Chapter 23

The day for the announcement of the school champions arrived. Everyone was excited to hear who was going to represent their school in the tournament. Raven had to admit that the feeling in the air was contagious. Although she was eager to find out who was going to risk life and limb for glory, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. She chalked it up to her pessimism and shook it off.

She walked with Ginny to the Great Hall. Ginny, in her kind yet unsubtle way, let Raven know that sitting with her may alleviate any issues with scaring off unsuspecting Gryffindors with Raven’s bold attitude. Raven agreed and sat with her.

“Have you gotten any more sleep? You look really tired,” asked Ginny.

“A little here and there. Nothing to really get me caught up. But I’m fine. At least, I think I will be. Thanks for thinking of me.” Raven was appreciative of her friends for being concerned.

They made it to the Great Hall and Raven was amazed at the decorations for Halloween. She still couldn’t shake this ominous feeling. She, then, blamed it on Halloween. As she walked closer to the twins she caught a peek at Draco, who luckily was distracted sitting next to Viktor Krum.

“See?” said Ginny, looking back at Draco. “He’s not even looking at you. He doesn’t even know you’re here.”

With her back to Draco now, she looked straight ahead and out of the corner of her eye, saw George, who was doing the same to her. She turned around to see exactly where Draco was and if he noticed her at all. When she saw that he was closer to the front of the hall, she looked at George and grinned. When he returned the smile, she smiled bigger then quickly turned back to Draco to see if he was watching. Fortunately, he wasn’t.

Her fatigue was starting to set in. She could barely hold her head up to eat. But closing her eyes meant she would run the risk of having to endure another dream. She needed more Dreamless Sleeping potion but didn’t think that Snape would give her any.

The strange feeling became stronger right before the announcement of the champions. She didn’t know who, but she sensed that someone in that room was hiding a big secret. Her lack of strength made it hard for her to pinpoint who had this secret, but it was enough to make her wonder. She looked at her uncle and gave him a worried look. The secret this person had was evil; an evil that she could not comprehend. Snape gave her a puzzled look and seemed to want to know what she was worried about. She would have to wait until after the feast to ask him about it. The Goblet of Fire was about to make its decision.

The Goblet of Fire was at the front of the hall, and when it was ready would choose one champion from each school to compete. The flames which were blue turned red and shot out the name of a champion on a piece of parchment. When Viktor Krum’s name came up for Durmstrang Institute, it was no surprise to anyone. For the Beauxbaton Academy, the school champion was Fleur Delacour. Cedric Diggory’s name came out for Hogwarts and the entire Hufflepuff table erupted into applause and cheers. When all the champions had left the room, Dumbledore started to make a few announcements. Raven noticed that the Goblet of Fire was not yet finished in deciding the champions. Soon Dumbledore knew as well and then another name shot out of the Goblet. It was Harry’s.

When a confused and scared Harry left the table and disappeared into the room with the other champions, the entire school was buzzing. Soon all of the staff disappeared into the little room as well.

“How did he do it?” asked Ron.

“We definitely want to know,” said Fred. “How did he come up with a way and not tell us?”

Raven heard all of the chattering and wasn’t convinced, unlike everyone else, that he put his name in the Goblet. All she could do was stare perplexedly at the cup. The blue flame was now burned out and there didn’t seem to be anymore activity with it. Soon the Prefects ordered all of the students to return to their common rooms. Raven lagged behind wondering what had just happened. People have been known to die in these tournaments. Knowing this and understanding the age limit, Harry never would have put his name in the Goblet. She was convinced someone did it for him. The question was, who?

Harry’s dilemma bothered Raven, but not enough to keep her from going about her own business. At least, that was the plan. She woke up the next morning and learned quickly that Ron and Harry were fighting. Hermione told her that Ron was jealous of Harry for being in the tournament. Raven did everything she could not to get involved. She had her own fish to fry. The situation with Ron and Harry would fix itself. The two were inseparable best friends. What’s not to work out? Still, Raven wanted to give Harry some kind of reassurance that there was someone on his side. Raven found out that Harry was in the owlery and wanted to find him to talk. As she approached the owl barn, she saw him coming down the steps.

Harry!” she yelled, trying to get his attention. He acknowledged her and she ran over to him. When she got to him though, she became dizzy and nearly collapsed onto him. It had been a while since she moved so quickly.

“Whoa! Slow down!” he said picking her back up. “Here, sit down for a moment.” He knew that she had not been properly taking care of herself. He was also one of the many who kept harassing her about getting sleep and plenty to eat.

“Thanks,” she said, sitting down on a nearby stump to catch her breath. “I wanted to talk to you.”

“Do you believe me?” he asked curiously.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” she said still panting. “I do believe you. I know you're not that stupid.”

“I wish Ron and the rest of the school shared your opinion,” he said looking and sounding quite frustrated and disappointed. “I know everyone’s talking about me.”

“Well, they are only seeing what they want to see. They saw your name come out of the goblet and automatically assume you broke the rules and put your name in for contention. As long as there are those that believe you, eventually the others will come to realize the truth. It’s just going to be painful in the meantime.”

What Raven told him didn’t seem to comfort him at all. He still looked pretty angry at Ron for disbelieving his story. “What’d you need to talk to me about?” he asked.

Raven didn‘t want to tell him the total truth. She thought it would only make things worse if she told him what she felt just before the announcement. “I just wanted to tell you that I believe you. I though it might help. Oh, and please take care of yourself.”

Harry gave a glimmer of a smile, though it was seemingly forced. Then he quickly shot a inquiring look at her. “Well, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?”

Raven smiled and felt embarrassed. She looked down and then attempted to stand. She was still a little out of breath. Harry helped her to stand and he wrapped his arm around hers to help walk her back to the castle. “We can take care of each other, how about that?“

“Sounds good,“ Harry smiled. “Seriously though, take care of yourself. There are people who are worried about you. Eat lunch with us today.”

“Wish I could, but I have to eat with Draco today. He wants to get to know me and arranged a private lunch for us." Raven almost completely forgot about her lunch today. He asked her a few days ago and it totally escaped her memory. She wished she had forgotten.

“What? Is he planning something?”

“Can’t read him. Lately, I haven't been able to control who I read. It's either everyone at one time, one person at random, or not at all. I think I'm going mad."

“We won’t let you,” he said giving her a sad smile. It was like he knew her pain and didn’t want to admit that anything was wrong when he knew, deep down, she was fading fast.

The two continued walking arm in arm. She was extremely tired and just wanted to make it to the common room to sit a while before lunch. As they rounded the corner into the entrance hall, a dark figure loomed in front of them. Startled, the two jumped back a little and Raven almost lost her balance.

“Excuse me,” it was Snape who, as always, had a look of discontent on his face. “a moment, please?” he said to Raven.

“Sure,” she said letting go of Harry’s arm. “Thanks Harry for the chat. See you later and remember what I said.”

“I will. You too!”

The two smiled at each other as Snape and Raven began walking away. Snape was walking extremely fast and Raven was much too tired to keep up.

“Will you slow down?”

He quickly turned around and pulled her off to the side. Students were passing by but didn’t know that they were there.

“What were you trying to tell me last night?” he asked.

Raven told him of the feelings that she had right before the champions were announced. “You do believe that Harry didn’t put his name in the Goblet of Fire, don’t you?”

“I have my theories. It's no secret that I am no fan of Potter’s. The Age Line was full proof. However my feelings on this situation are beside the point. The Headmaster says that he will compete. Despite my objections.”

“Is that what you wanted to talk to me about? Surely you didn‘t want to talk to me about this.”

“I heard about your lunch with Mr. Malfoy. I don‘t like it. I don‘t think you should go.”

“Trust me, if I could get out of it, I would. But knowing Draco, he’d make me suffer for it somehow.” Raven yawned. “I am so tired. I want more Dreamless Sleep potion. Got any to give me?”

“I can’t give you anymore for a while. Your mind needs to dream. You will go mad without them. Why are you not sleeping?”

“There is too much going on in my head and I see too much when I do sleep. Besides that, with all of the homework that has been piling on me lately to get my grades up, I have too much to do. And I can’t do it if there is too much expected of me during the day, can I?”

Snape gave her a disapproving look and told her to get on her way. He warned her again to be careful, however a shadow seemed to loom over her as the moment came closer to her lunch with Draco.

"No good will come from this lunch date," she thought.

Chapter 24
Because in every story, there's always another story to tell.

The Story You Haven't Heard - Sa16+

Thank you, Suzy!

Last edited by RavenSnape; 06-12-2010 at 02:48 AM.
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