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| Drama. LOL. C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby Quote:
Originally Posted by Torchwood Jack raised his hand again, 'The Tiger Lily stands for Wealth and Prosperity, Professor'
source: TheFlowerExpert.com " Thank you, Mr. Harness and everyone. Yes, that is correct of Tiger Lilies." He nodded proudly at the resourcefulness of his students. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harmonizer Then he stood up and proceeded to Professor Kapoor. "Here you are, professor. We've done our stuff," he lay the papers on his desk and returned to the table.
Now what?
Now... Lesson time again.
"Sir, the Tigerlily basically means wealth," he said. Now he was just a little bit more attentive. " That is correct. And, thank you, Mr. Carswell." Quote:
Originally Posted by curtisbk Zoe moved over to the side of the room with the other Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, finding herself a seat she made herself comfortable.
Hearing the professors question she raised her hand, "The Tiger Lily can also express that you are afraid, as well as prosperity or hope for wealth, sir. I also see that it could mean 'For Once May Pride Befriend Me' Depending on the source it looks like a flower could mean many things. Do you think then that when floriography was used more often a person’s message could be misinterpreted and then create trouble?" " Yes. It is not in use as much as it once was and the subtleties are often lost on the average witch or wizard. Even still, there were probably misinterpretations just as there are today in communicating with one another. 'It's not what you say, but how you say it.' could also apply to floriography. Words form sentences, just as flowers form arrangements, and the overall structure must be looked at if we're to derive the best possible definition of what is being said. Good question, Miss DeValk. One point to you." He said, praising her curiosity, for it is with curiosity that we find things out. Quote:
Originally Posted by Sherbetsnitch Abigail put up her hand “Professor Tiger Lily has the meaning of Prosperity. Do flowers have different meanings in different countries?” She knew the others had answered the question as well, but she didn’t want to ask her own question without answering the professor. " Yes, and I'm glad that you brought that up, Miss ..." He checked his roster quickly as he was still getting to know the younger years. " Thornton. Hana kotoba is a Japanese form of Floriography. We shall be using it for the next part of the lesson." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady Josh gave her a half smile ''Of course i'd like to tell him if you really want me to do so'' he said and clearing his throat he stood up to call out for the Professor.
''Excuse me! Professor! SIR!'' he shouted out to make sure that'd hear him ''I think you have just said Gryffindors and Ravenclaws for the left place but the other leader, our friend Leone, seems to be a Hufflepuff. So Are Gryffindors and Ravenclaw are led by him or did you mean Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs which leaves Slytherins...'' he shot a look at leader Rose ''...and Ravenclaws.'' he coughed ''I wanted to ask because my Hufflepuff partner here seemed to like me a lot and wonders if we'd still be in the same team'' before he nodded him respectfully and sat back smirking at Abigail. ''Are we done?'' Quote:
Originally Posted by Sherbetsnitch Abigail face flushed red after hearing Josh tell the whole class she liked him! And he made it sound like she fancied him! She’d never been so mortified in her life! Taking a deep breath after he sat down she turned and glared at his smirking face. ‘Are we done?! ARE WE DONE?!’ her hate for this boy was coming back quickly...very quickly, and there was no way she was going to let him get away with this even if it meant getting in trouble with the professor. No one humiliated Abigail and got away with it! In fact it this was one side of her personality which made her wonder how exactly she ended up in Hufflepuff.
Calming down slightly her glare turned into a smirk and she calmly stood out of her seat -smoothing down her skirt as she went- and turned to the professor. “I’m sorry for disturbing your class further sir, but I would like to apologise for my partner and offer you an explanation. You see sir he has a crush on one of the leaders you just picked for the groups, which I discovered from his tussie mussie, and he is simply trying to impress her.” She smiled and sat back in her seat turning to look at the slytherin girl, who looked mighty jealous, before looking back at Josh her face clearly telling him that ‘two could play at that game’. Oh, boy. " Thank you for pointing that out to me, Mr. Carter. But, as Miss Toussaint pointed out, I am aware that Mr. Leone is a Hufflepuff. He has, however generously agreed to represent for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. You'll be playing in the same game as Ms. Thornton, Mr. Carter, but you'll be on opposing teams. Now, grab a seat over on the left side of the room." Apparently, the young lad didn't want to be apart from her if he was willing to question before the whole class. Ah, the pangs of young love!
" Thank you, Miss Toussaint." He said, giving Celandine a small nod, but not completely attentive to her, one of the team Captains was apparently nervous.
" Jitters, Miss Flores?" He said, calling over her and Cedric to the front of the class with a gesture. " No need to be nervous. You'll both do just fine, I'm sure of it. And even if you don't do perfectly, which I'm sure you will - Uh, do perfectly that is! - It was your first time and always remember that anyone who is an expert in anything was once a beginner."
Kapoor began searching the room as the students were still getting into their seats. He'd knew he'd left it here somewhere. Now, where was it? Where was that blasted GONG! Aha! Kapoor moved over to the wheeled blackboard and pulled out a large metallic instrument. Once it got it into a painfully obvious place in front of the class, he hit it once creating a small, but very apparent GONG!!!
" Students, I'd like for you to turn your divination books to page 221, we're going to be delving into the Japanese practice of Hana kotoba. For starters, who can tell me what Hana kotoba means?".