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"Oh, thank you. It is a very funny term. Do you know what the term is derived from?" Zoe was always a curious child and having all of these new subjects to study hadn't seemed to quench her thirst for knowledge yet. "It certainly makes for a pleasant smelling lesson," she said smiling up.
Kapoor thought for a moment on the etymology of the term 'tussie mussie'. "
Actually, to be perfectly honest, I don't know where the term originated. I thin that perhaps it might be a native English term, but I'm not quite sure just how old it is. I shall have to look it up." He was glad to have such a curious mind in the class that day.
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Rafe wrote down his and Evelyn's answers and made two copies:
He took it up to the professor. "Is this alright?" Rafe asked. He hoped they got good marks, they did work somewhat hard on it. Divination was definitely a confusing subject and not what he was expecting at all.
The divination Professor took a look at the parchment and examined it. "
Looks fantastic! I'll make sure your house gets full points for the assignment. Thank you, Mr. Lycaon.".
Alright now." He began addressing the class. "
For the next part of the lesson, I'll need two volunteers."
He saw that some of the students were still working on their assignments, to give them time, he announced, "
Those of you still working on your tussie mussies, go ahead and finish and join us once you've turned that in."