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Old 10-08-2009, 04:34 AM   #199 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by curtisbk View Post
"Oh, thank you. It is a very funny term. Do you know what the term is derived from?" Zoe was always a curious child and having all of these new subjects to study hadn't seemed to quench her thirst for knowledge yet. "It certainly makes for a pleasant smelling lesson," she said smiling up.
Kapoor thought for a moment on the etymology of the term 'tussie mussie'. "Actually, to be perfectly honest, I don't know where the term originated. I thin that perhaps it might be a native English term, but I'm not quite sure just how old it is. I shall have to look it up." He was glad to have such a curious mind in the class that day.

Originally Posted by unicornkeeper07 View Post

Rafe wrote down his and Evelyn's answers and made two copies:

He took it up to the professor. "Is this alright?" Rafe asked. He hoped they got good marks, they did work somewhat hard on it. Divination was definitely a confusing subject and not what he was expecting at all.
The divination Professor took a look at the parchment and examined it. "Looks fantastic! I'll make sure your house gets full points for the assignment. Thank you, Mr. Lycaon.".

"Alright now." He began addressing the class. "For the next part of the lesson, I'll need two volunteers."

He saw that some of the students were still working on their assignments, to give them time, he announced, "Those of you still working on your tussie mussies, go ahead and finish and join us once you've turned that in."
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