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Old 10-07-2009, 07:55 AM   #158 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by curtisbk View Post
“Alright then, I guess we should go collect our flowers for our… umm tusy whatever’s and meet back here to decipher them” she said looking at Cam sheepishly. Zoe had never heard of a flower arrangement being called something like that. Maybe she would ask the professor for the spelling and to say it really slow so that she could pronounce it correctly next time. Standing up she started around the room to collect her flowers, with her book propped open on her arm.

When she came across Professor Kapoor she tapped him lightly on the shoulder and asked, “Could you please pronounce the name of the flower arrangement again, sir. I don’t think I got it quite right. And also are all of the flowers listed here in the classroom to choose from?”
Kapoor felt a small rhythmic touching on his shoulder and looked to find Zoe there. With a question. "Of course, it's pronounced tŭs'ē mŭs'e. It almost sounds a bit like a character from The Little Red Hen story, doesn't it? And, yes, although some types of flowers may be more abundant than others, I did my best to make sure that the ones on the list were present for use in today's lesson."

Originally Posted by firenjen View Post
Lucille looked at the flowers with her brow furrowed. She didn't really get it either, but she would take her chanses.

She arranged Lotus, Belles of ireland, and Almond. She shrugged.

"Er, professor, heres my tissie wussie...i mean, er...tussie wussie, are the flowers."
"Excellent!" He exclaimed looked at that sweet, tiny bouquet. "Now hand it over to Miss Beaumont so that she may inter..." He didn't bother to finish as the girls seemed to have gotten the hang of it.

Originally Posted by Jessica94ear View Post
Iris watched as the girl picked some of the plants ... Hmm... Then giggled as she tried to pronounce the name of the arrangement. "Oooh, by the way, I'm Iris." She smiled and looked at the flowers she had chosen, and then in her book.

Right, so ... Lotus .... can symbolise Purity, chastity, and eloquence... Iris didn't have a clue what half of those words meant.

Belles of Ireland can symbolise ... Luck ... like a shamrock? ... hehe... Iris made note of this too.

And ... Almonds can symbolise ... Promises ...

Iris wrote all of this down on a piece of paper:

The Flowers she chose are: Lotus, Belles of Ireland and Almond.
  • Lotus symbolise Purity, chastity, and eloquence
  • Belles of Ireland symbolise Luck and
  • Almonds represent Promises
Hmmm ... She looked at the girl ... She'd chosen those things intentionally, right? ... Annnd ... I have to try to interpret this ... fussy wuzzy thing ... to guess what meaning you've made from these? ... Iris said, thinking about what the Professor had said before ...Riiight ... Well ... what could it mean? ... unless she was promised luck and purity from a genie or something ... Nahh ... thats stoopid ... hehe ...
"Correct." He said, leaving the girls to try their hand at interpreting the little collection of flowers confident that they would do just fine.

"Alright. Now, have you all got your tussie mussies made and your interpretations recorded on parchment? For those of you who have completed it, feel free to turn it in. Place them on my desk please and don't worry if you haven't finished yet or didn't get a partner, you can still turn it in." He gave the official 'Last Call' to the class as he grabbed an empty table and began putting down more flowers, but different, more exotic varieties from the east.
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