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Herminny raised her hand and said, "I believe Floriography orinated in Persia professor.".
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Miss Lissy Lou
Jack raised his hand, trying to remember correctly where this Flor-thingy had originated. "I believe it originated in Persia, professor," he answered. Hmmm, flowers...at least it was better than Tarot cards. Those things didn't get along with Jack very well. Not at allllllll.
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Kaika watched amused as Professor Kapoor seemed unable to decide where the bluebells will be staying put...or where his wand would go...nice...
Oooooh....interesting..."I think it was Persia and Turkey" she said, after raising her hand.
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Ana raised her hand "I think it's from Persia professor"
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Satine shot her hand into the air, "Professor, I beleive it originated in Turkey and Persia." she said with great certainty as she took in the magnificent aromas coming from the flowers and petals....they seemed to be swirling around them in an elaborate dance of some sort....
That's correct. It was in the middle east. It also traveled back towards the east over 100 years ago, around the 1940's." He sent a veritable snow fall of little white petals flying like a handful of confetti as he broke up the daisies.
BLACHoooOO!" He sniffed upon inhaling some of the air born pollen. "
Excuse me."
Alright, those of you who haven't gotten in to groups, would you please pair off into groups of no more than two now. If you find you're odd, let me know." He said, continuing to arrange the flowers with somewhat of a undelicate hand.