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Sara walked into Divination class and had a quick look around. "Morning, Professor! Did you have a nice weekend?" Continuing on, she took a seat at the back of the room.
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Divination, it seemed, was never going to be a dull class. Raiden paused as he made his way into the room, allowing the flowers to override his senses for a moment before he moved toward the seats. This smelled much, much better than Professor Borr's class had smelled. Then again... Raiden was fairly sure the smell of rotting eggs would've been better than that.
"Doing well, Professor Kapoor?" Raiden asked, giving the man a smile and a nod. His eyes strayed toward Cela, who seemed to be talking to one of her housemates... hmm. He pushed his schoolbag under a chair away from where they were and sat down quietly, absently picking at the nails on his left hand with his right as he stared at the nearest floral explosion with mild interest.
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Satine hurried into the classroom...she was always a little bit nervous about Divination but seemed to have done okay last term. She was surprised and overwhelmed by the smell and the beautiful flowers and petals everywhere. This was quite interesting. She listened to the Professor's instructions and found a chair smiling at the Professor, "Hello, Professor how was your break?"
I am. Why, thank you for asking, Mr. Kururu..."
'Rurururu? Gi?' "
-Gi." Ah, made it!
My weekend was splendid." He said, responding to the students.
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"No problems." Nataly answered in a low tone and sat next to Blake.
She took out her textbook, and, of course, her favorite nougat sugar quill. The best entertainment in class.
"Did you see how Ashby made the Groundskeeper's pants fall in the middle of charms lesson?" she whispered to him, supressing a giggle.
Kapoor paused to take in what he thought he just heard. His old friend and colleague up to his hijinx and shenanigans again? Ah, just like old times.
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Herminny entered the Divination classroom and wrinkled her nose a bit at the combination of different fragrances she quickly realized were flowers that seemed to lead a path to desks at the front of the room. She then heard Professor Kapoor say not to touch them cause they were doing 'team exercises'. Herminny wondered what this could mean. It usually meant partnering which she hated because she almost always ended up being the odd girl out. She usually loved divinations and for now she was not gonna let her past experince with partner classes get her down. She looked toward professoer Kapoor and said, "Good afternoon to you too Professor, and might I say you've got a wonderful floral arrangement going here.", Herrminny said and then made her way further onto the classroom with her bookbag on her shoulder and waited for class to start.".
Thank you, Miss Telerino. I sort of just threw them about where I could, but it is my hope that you and the other students will help me arrange them more deliberately." He said, giving hint of what was to come.
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Josh, after climbing those many stairs that led to the Divination Class, was thinking that this one would be really interesting. He was not sure whether he got that impression because of the stairs but he already knew that there were no places for running or exercises in the word 'Divination'.
When he took a step inside the class, scents filled his nostrils, scents of something nice but he could not guess what. Flower, it should have been. 'Who cares? Way better than sitting in a class that stinks and swallowing dust inside' . The class seemed to be already crowded with people making him smirk ''Playtime!'' he shouted at nobody in particular, greeted the professor with a nod and walked further in the class to find a seat.
That's the spirit! In addition to learning what all these flowers have to do with divination, we will also be playing two games in this class. For points. Way to get your game face on." The Professor responded turning what might've seemed like a very random remark into an exposition.
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Celandine wandered inside the class room, wearing perfect and complete uniform because she knew that Kapoor had a thing about students following the dress code. Which was, you know, the reason it was in his class rules outside the door and all.
She stopped on the threshold at the sight of the flowers and started making ooohing and aaaahing noises. Celandine Toussaint looooved flowers. Prettyyyyyyy....
And then she got distracted.
By shoes.
Then she realised that said shoes were attached to one of her housemates and she let out a little gasp and hurried over to her.
"ZOMG your shoes..." The expression on her face might have seemed like she was about to go on about liking them or something but, "... you can't WEAR those in here, there's a DRESSCODE and if you lose points for Ravenclaw, I'll have to earn them back." Celandine's eyes widened seriously.
"You'll have time to go change before class if you hurry, wouldn't want to transfigure those because it might ruin them."
And they were totally distracting Cela from the prettyful flowers.
Kapoor began taking small bushels of the flowers and arranging them with no particular aesthetics in mind on top of his desk as he waited for all of the students to file in. He did not notice the Weitzmans as he passed the desks of Adrienne and Celandine, but he did find it adorable the look the smaller one had been giving the larger one.
Kapoor waved his wand and directed it towards the trapdoor shutting and figuring the last of the last of the students who were going to be in class already were.
Welcome to Divination!" He said. His voice; a booming friendly baritone. "
As you might've guessed todays class will deal with Floriomancy. Floriomancy goes by many another names like Floramancy, Floromancy, and Floriography, but they all mean more or less the same thing. Namely, a form of divination which uses flowers to code and decode knowledge." Wand in one hand, a bushel of bluebells in another, he looked around the room appearing to be in search of a surface upon which to lay either the flowers or the wand.
How it is that flowers came to need decoding is not entirely clear. One theory suggests that flowers are sensitive to vibrations or subtle spiritual messages. It may or may not be true, this theory, but we will be making the attempt to practice today the delicate art of trying to decode what each flower means and what it may have to tell us." Surrendering his search, he summoned a small round table and placed it at the front of the class, laying the first of the floral bunches down on it's flat surface.
Historically, Floriography was used as far back in time as the Victorian era, and it is believe to have originated in ....? What part of the world?" He asked the class.