Big Tuna | Booger | Team Men | Chris's SS!BFAM | Jules says I'm RAD | #Superman | Dustbin "Those are all fantastic suggestions, class," Ian said, smiling. "There are a few things I would like to explore further out of the suggestions you all made. First, a few of you said that they would be useful in the case one was without one's wand, however, non-verbal spells are not to be confused with wandless magic. Wandless magic can be both verbal and non-verbal, but today, we'll stick with non-verbal magic that still requires a wand." Good thing that was out of the way. Ian himself had had trouble with that when he was first learning about non-verbal and wandless magics. "The second thing I would like to talk about is the power of non-verbal spells. To a regular witch or wizard, non-verbal spells tend to be weaker than spoken spells. However, to a highly-trained wizard, they can be just as powerful as a normal spell, or even more powerful than a normal spell." Was Ian one of those highly-trained wizards? Maybe....but probably not. "Third is actually the reason I wanted to talk about non-verbal spells today. While you may not be able to produce a spell without speaking - and let it be known that I don't expect any of you to be able to achieve that right now, as it is very advanced magic - the discipline and focus required to produce a spell without speaking can translate into any other area of life. If you're feeling distracted while you're trying to do homework, or if you need to calm yourself during a gobstones or quidditch match. Attempting non-verbal spells will give you the skills to be able to focus more easily." "So, as I mentioned earlier, some spells are actually easier to cast non-verbally than verbally. One example of that is levicorpus, which in itself is a rather advanced spell. However, I have designed rather simple spell to be used non-verbally that I would like to try to teach to you all. But again, before we get into the theory behind this magic, how about a demonstration?"
Ian nonchalantly pointed his wand toward the door, and a white, ghostly red panda shot out of his wand to an unknown location.