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Old 10-04-2009, 01:20 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Alright, first things first, I am ssssssssooooooooooooo SORRY! for the delay in chapters, I honestly have been to lazy and busy with school and other crap. Ok now, welcome to harryginnyrock98, emilyblack.

Chapter 13:
So…The Dance

Rose and Lily walked out of a store, tiny little bags full of accessories. “Wow we spent a lot.” Lily said looking at her five bags full of earrings, necklaces, bracelets. “We’re girls, what do you except?” Rose ask smiling as she started walking down the street again. They had just spent an hour in the accessory store buying things they’d wearing only once probably.

“So where do you wanna go next? The dress shop?” Lily asked pointing over at a store which had a million girls coming in and out of it. “Mmm…let’s get a bite to eat. I’m starving.” Rose said, heading for a small stand that had a bunch of muggle food on it. “Rosie, we just had breakfast like an hour and a half ago, how are you already hungry?” Lily asked following Rose. “I’m related to Ron Weasley, that’s how.” Rose replied putting money onto the cart and taking a hotdog from the vendor.

They resumed walking down the street, Rose chowing down on her hotdog. They were just about to head back to the dress store, when Rose ran into someone, the ketchup and mustard on her hotdog smearing all over the persons shirt. “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry.” Rose said. She looked up to see who to see who her victim had been. Gasping she dropped her hotdog.

“Scorpius….uh….sorry about the ketchup and uh…mustard.” Rose said still in shock. “It’s fine, I should have been watching where I was going.” Scorpius replied smiling at Rose. She was so cute when she was embarrassed. Her cheeks were all pink and stuff. Lily looked at the two, rolled her eyes and walked off, unnoticed.

“So…the dance…you going?” Scorpius asked. Rose looked at him and nodded her head. “Yeah, someone asked me early today. You?” She asked. “Yeah, I asked someone early today too.” Scorpius replied. They began walking down the street, chatting about the dance and how it would go.

“So Lily, you know what your gonna be for the dance?....Lily?” Rose asked, looking around for her cousin. “Where’d she go?” She asked, looking behind Scorpius. “She probably left when we started talking.” Scorpius said. “Probably, knowing her she rolled her eyes then left.” Rose said chuckling a little. “So I guess I’ll see you at the dance tonight?” She asked looking at Scorpius. “Yup, I guess I’ll see you there.”

And both started to walk away in opposite directions.

Last edited by MarcyMoo; 12-15-2009 at 02:16 AM.
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